Author has written 402 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, StarTrek: Enterprise, M*A*S*H, StarTrek: The Original Series, X-Files, StarTrek: Voyager, StarTrek: The Next Generation, StarTrek: Deep Space Nine, Angel, DC Superheroes, Firefly, Supernatural, Dead Like Me, Star Trek: 2009, Battlestar Galactica: 2003, Lie to Me, Dexter, Harry Potter, Arrow, Longmire, Walking Dead, Castle, Sleepy Hollow, and Legends of Tomorrow. Many thanks to my former betas Rabble Rouser, Harmony Bites, DC Lady, and Trekkigirl! They rock! |
celticmusebooks (26) Enough1964 (0) | Harmony Bites (27) louiseb (9) | Rabble Rouser (29) |