Reviews for Fire in the Belly
Silvermary chapter 11 . 4/23
I just realised it’s been almost 11 years since you posted this and I’m so grateful to have found it after all this time. This was a marvelous story, so well written and truly original. And all the while I feel you kept the characters very close to themselves, shining a light on all the facets of their personalities. The breakup, for instance, was heart wrenching and made me feel horribly for the children - but in real life, these things happen and you show very well what leads to such a situation. So thank you, even after so long!
Silvermary chapter 6 . 4/22
This is turning out to be such a wonderful, wonderful story. Your writing style is brilliant and this ruthless side to Hermione is one we don’t often get to see explored in fan fiction. But I really like it and I think it’s very true to the way Rowling writes her. She -is- ruthless, when she feels it necessary. She’s smart and convinced of her own right, sometimes too much so. I’m very curious to see where you’re going with this. Onward!
Oh and - recognising her perfume from the woman who saved him, eh? Couldn’t possibly have something to do with the little contraption she happens to be wearing around her neck I’m sure...
Guest chapter 11 . 12/18/2018
Vitellia chapter 11 . 8/10/2018
This is one of those stories that I'm surprised doesn't have more favorites and reviews. There are stories on this site with thousands of favorite ratings that I abandoned as either a) boring, b) so riddled by grammatical errors that I couldn't focus on the plot for cringing, c) puerile, or d) containing attempted erotica that's too gross to be actually erotic. And then there's this story, with only 82 reviews and 106 favorites at the time of this review. Why? Maybe the Buddhist spirituality turned some people off? I liked it, and found it an interesting twist I hadn't seen in fan fiction before. Maybe this Hermione was too hard, too selfish, too ruthless for some readers who want her to be all sweetness and light? Personally, I loved this Hermione, and was cheering for her when she told Harry to find his own damn escapist fun instead of trying to horn in on hers. Good grief - that girl spent seven years putting Harry first; I think it's about time she let Harry take care of Harry. Maybe it was the dancing around the edges of adultery that put some readers off? As someone who was in a very long marriage that was a lot like the one in this story, I wasn't offended in the least and -


I really don't think she left Ron for Snape in a "what a selfish, adulterous bitch" way; I think it was pretty clear she was going to leave anyway eventually, and what happened just brought things to a head. So, many thanks to you, Djinn1, for a story that cuts so much deeper than the average piece of fan fiction, and that deserves a hell of a lot more circulation than it's gotten so far.
SNL31 chapter 11 . 6/18/2018
Bravo! Hands down one of my favorite SSHG fics. I adore how you portrayed all the characters. Hermione was perfect and Snape, well that’s the most believable version of him I’ve read before. Well done. Thank you for sharing.
nedjheret chapter 11 . 2/20/2018
Oh, well done!

excessivelyperky chapter 2 . 5/28/2015
I think Hermione is right; Harry is going to have to find his own solution. For one thing, the kind of life he wants is really hard on Time-Turners. Secondly, his family is likely to be lots more supportive of wanting to roam than they will be on Hermione-hello, double standard!

But how long will just an hour here and there content Hermione?
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 5/28/2015
Oh, yes, both Harry and Hermione are dying of peace and quiet; and Ron expects Hermione to be his mother.

And I'd use a Time-Turner in a heartbeat if that was the only way I was going to get lunch.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/26/2015
This reads more like an indoctrination in far eastern mysticism than a Hermione/Snape romance.
liljennmartin chapter 11 . 4/26/2015
This was a great story...with amazing writing...I truly did not want their story to end & would love to read about their future...hint...hint!
Guest in Europe chapter 11 . 4/17/2015
What an intriguingly beautiful story.

Thank you.
bacrawford chapter 11 . 11/26/2014
A marvelously satisfying story. I'm sure I'll find something new to consider each time I revisit.
chibichanga chapter 11 . 11/23/2014
Absolutely a wonderful story!
Newtinmpls chapter 11 . 11/10/2014
Gives me all kinds of ideas as to who Tenzing is or might be, and I'm glad they are not answered. A very optimistic view of the universe.
Rosie S chapter 11 . 8/17/2014
A very sweet ending! And well-written - it's nice when writers create something a bit new (with the whole monastery-buddhism part) so the same lines aren't worn over too much. And good job avoiding making Hermione a Mary Sue (as is often the case) and allowing her to have imperfections. Also I loved her friendship with Harry, so well done.
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