Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. Hey everybody. I'm kinda late to the whole fanfiction scene because I didn't think I would like it until recently. Even then, I would just read a bunch of fanfics and never write any. I had all kinds of stories and jokes in my head, but I never thought these actually counted as fanfics. Or something. Plus I was too used to posting only purely original works online, and fanfiction felt a bit weird to me. Anyhow, one day I realized that these complex fantasies in my head might actually translate well into online fanfictions, so here I am. I find it somewhat difficult to write anything other than humour. Whoever said that comedy is more difficult to write than drama didn't know what they were talking about. The most serious story I have written is "They're Going to Kill You," and even that has a punchline. It's just more of a dark, Dr. Strangelove-esque sense of humour. Hopefully saying that doesn't insult the movie in question. But that was actually a slight change of style for me. Usually I write somewhat mad-cap insanity that I somehow decide is funny. You might find a common technique in my writing tends to be that I like to make the narrative oblivious to the humour going on. It didn't used to be that way. My narratives used to be enormously involved in any humour the story might contain. But I've since decided that a sort of twisted narrative dramatic irony was hilarious. If it's not, I'm sorry. It's probably just a stage I'm going through and it will pass. I'm 20 years old, and I'm a biochemistry and molecular biology major. That probably won't surprise anybody that has read Chapter 2 of "Random Drug Test." So sorry in advance if the scientific-lingo gets a little heavy for y'all. I try and keep it simple. I try. |