So, this is my attempt to get over the heartbreak of this horrible season8. It's not going to be very long, though I don't know how many chapters yet. Also, Jonerys is going to have a happy ending but it'll take a while for them to get there. Daenerys is heartbroken and feeling abandoned and betrayed by Jon and she's feeling lost because she sees what'll happen to her once she arrives in Westeros.
So yeah, things will be angsty as hell for a while but nothing can be worse that what we've got in season8.

Most of the story will be from Daenerys' and Jon's POV though we'll see glimpses of Arya's mind as well later on.

Hope you like it, tell me what you think!

One thing, I have to warn people, this story is NOT pro-Starks. This is a Jonerys fix-it story but Sansa and Bran were absolutely awful in season8 and their characters will stay like that in this story. If you want Dany and the Starks to sing cumbaya together, this is not the story for you. With Arya, things will be a little different. She will still be the Arya of season8 for most of the story but I will give an explanation for her behavior that will hopefully make sense. She will be the only one of the Starks that will have a redemption arc, so to say. But things will be very bad for a while.

Just wanted to answer to the idiot who wrote this:

Elogost27549 chapter 31 . Dec 14

I don't recommend anyone read this story unless Daenerys is the only character they like from GoT. I don't mind garbage stories or illogical plot-lines because no ones being forced to read them. It does however drive me crazy when the description only slightly matches the actual story, and thats when you squint really, really hard. If you feel like writing a story where Dany is perfect, can see the future, and everybody else is evil/incompetent then thats great, more power to you and I hope you have fun, but atleast tag the story correctly so people know what they're getting into before wasting hours on a plotline so illogical and nonsensical that even the author has to defend it almost every chapter against critique.

TLDR: if you like Dany this story is great, otherwise you will be scratching you head at the plot alot.

First, your pathetic attempt to stop people from reading my story is just that, pathetic. Nobody cares what you think, not me, not those that read and like my story. Second, you clearly hate Daenerys, so why bother to even open a story that it's Jonerys and very clearly pro-Dany? Are you a masochist or just plain stupid? Probably both. Just go read other stories that bash on Dany if you hate her so much and leave me alone. It's that simple. And the same goes for everyone who thinks like him. Feel free not to read my story if you hate Daenerys because this story, since it's from Dany's POV (and Jon's), and it's a fix-it fiction for Dany and Jon both, I thought it was obvious, was going to be Dany-positive, but clearly not since there are trolls who think they can come here to try to convince others to not read my story. They clearly have no life if they have so much time to waste on stories they knew from the start they wouldn't like.

Also, I wonder what illogical plotline are you even talking about. The summary matches the story, if you are too stupid to understand, that's not my fault. That Dany saw the future in a dream is clearly stated in the summary. She's not perfect, far from it, the whole evil/incompetence thing is season8 complaint, and it's very clearly 'tagged' in the author's note in this very chapter. So, I don't even know what you're talking about. You clearly have a problem understanding what you read and I really can't help you with that. Bye!


She could still feel the phantom pain of the dagger piercing her heart when she woke up. It took a few breaths before she was lucid enough to realize that she wasn't in the destroyed throne room of the Red Keep in King's Landing, with Jon Snow looking down at her while he killed her but still in her bedroom in the Great Pyramid of Meereen.

Daenerys remembered then, she was supposed to sail for Westeros in a few days' time. Finally, her long-life dream of coming home, of reaching Westeros, was within her grasp. But that dream would turn into a nightmare.

Queen of the Ashes. Mother of Monsters. That is what she would be remembered as. That was what the future would bring her after everything she did and been through.

She wished she could dismiss the dream she had just had but she couldn't. Her dreams came true and this was just too detailed to be ignored. She felt everything the other Daenerys in her dreams did. Pain, heartache, loss, rage.

She would sail to Westeros, lose all her allies, most of her armies, two of her children, Missandei, Jorah and then her mind and her life, at the hands of the man she had fallen in love with and that turned out to be her nephew, her brother's son, Jon Snow, Aegon Targaryen, after turning into the person she had tried to avoid becoming all her life, her father's daughter. Tyrion Lannister, the man she was thinking of making her Hand, would fail her at every turn and Varys the Spider would betray her at the first opportunity.

Daenerys knew she had made mistakes, she knew she had failed herself and her people but her advisors and Jon Snow had failed her as well. She had put her trust in him, she gave him everything and she was left with nothing but ashes.

She wished she didn't love him still.

And yet, her obsession with the Iron Throne was what she should blame the most. Daario had been right. Getting the Iron Throne wouldn't bring her happiness. In fact, it would bring her nothing but misery, madness and death.

She had been so sure, all her life, that that was her purpose, taking back the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms as the Last Targaryen. Why would the gods give her dragons otherwise?

But she had been wrong. Everything was just a cruel joke. Her place wasn't in Westeros let alone as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. In Westeros she was just a foreign invader, yet another mad Targaryen. The people of Westeros wouldn't love her but only fear and hate her.

She wished she could just remain here, never sail to Westeros at all. But she had promises to keep.

Yara Greyjoy had asked for her help in defeating Euron. Cersei was still alive and on the throne, and the Army of the Dead and the Night King had yet to be defeated. She couldn't just close her eyes and pretend she didn't know any of it.

Daenerys knew she would never sit on the Iron Throne, she knew she wasn't the rightful heir. And after everything she had seen, she didn't even want it anymore.

No, she would sail to Westeros, defeat Euron and Cersei before turning her army North. She would help her nephew defeat them and then she would leave him the Throne and return back to Essos where she belonged, where she was loved.

Daenerys had sought a home all her life. She didn't realize that her home was right here.