Sansa I
Soon after sunrise the next morning, the Starks were back in the reading room. Still a bit tired, and in shock from the previous day's revelations, they were nonetheless ready to continue learning about their potential future fates.
Catelyn had spent a few hours the day before playing with Rickon and spending time with her youngest son. She still felt a little ashamed of herself because of future Robb's comments. She knew she loved her children wholeheartedly, but was she really doing enough to actively show them that?
Bran had barely slept at all the past night. He couldn't stop thinking about his future self's fate. Being pushed out of the Tower window, falling into a month-long sleep, the assassin, his mother's courage in defending him; it was all too much to process. All this would have actually happened had his father not found this book! It was almost impossible to think about.
Sansa looked over at her little brother, who was looking uncharacteristically solemn.
"Are you alright, Bran?" she asked softly.
He looked over at her but didn't respond. Sansa's eyes widened slightly as she realised what must be bothering him. Smiling reassuringly, she reached over to put an arm around his shoulders in comfort.
He smiled back, but the thoughtfulness in his eyes didn't quite disappear.
Eddard was the last person to enter the room.
He had had important business to discuss with Jory Cassel, as well as several other captains and advisors. Ned was beginning to feel as though he was neglecting his role as Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North in favour of spending the past few days locked up in this room. Someday soon he would have to either work parallel to reading this book, or assign more of his work to loyal men who would be able to take over until this was finished.
Looking around the room, he smiled, seeing his family gathered together.
"Good morning," he said warmly. The children all responded likewise, and Catelyn smiled at him in greeting.
Ned quickly took his usual seat and took out the book he had brought with him.
"Was your meeting successful, my love?" Catelyn asked softly as Ned sat down next to her.
"Yes, it was rather productive. Thank you for patiently waiting for me," he said.
To the room at large, he asked: "Are we all ready to continue reading?"
"Yes, I think so," Robb replied.
His siblings nodded in agreement, Bran subtly suppressing a yawn.
"Whose turn is it to read the next chapter?" Arya asked, looking around the room expectantly.
Catelyn reached out to take the book from her husband's hands. "I believe that would be you," she said, passing the book to her daughter with a smile.
With an excited grin, Arya took the book and started going through the pages to find the correct place.
Her eyes went wide in surprise as she read the chapter's title. "Sansa!"
Sansa sat up in interest. This would be the first ever chapter from her perspective! What would happen? Would it be as awful as all the other chapters had been thus far?
Sansa is breaking her fast with Septa Mordane, feeding a piece of bacon to Lady under the table.
Sansa smiled, hearing that. She was grateful that Lady would be allowed to accompany her to King's Landing. She feared she would have been terribly lonely there without her direwolf.
Septa Mordane disapproves of this, saying that a noble lady does not feed her dogs at the table, but Sansa responds that Lady's a direwolf, not a dog, and she has her father's permission.
Robb shot Sansa an impressed look. He always knew his sister was good at getting her way.
Ned looked at Catelyn in surprise. His eldest daughter, disregarding her septa's opinion like that? Catelyn smiled softly in response and shrugged almost imperceptibly.
The septa is still not pleased, saying that sometimes Sansa is as wilful as Arya
Robb barely suppressed a snort as he heard this. His sisters were more similar than they often liked to think.
and then asks where Arya is this morning.
Arya read this sentence with a very unimpressed tone to her voice. Typical, that her sister and the septa would talk about her behind her back, she supposed.
Sansa says that Arya wasn't hungry, but thinks to herself that Arya had probably wheedled breakfast out of some kitchen boy several hours ago.
The septa tells Sansa to remind Arya to dress nicely today, as they must look their best to ride with the queen and Princess Myrcella.
Arya sighed in disappointment at that prospect. This journey to King's Landing really didn't sound as though it would be fun. She hoped there would at least be interesting people travelling with them that she could be friends with. Or better yet, that her father would change his mind about accepting the king's offer.
Sansa already looks her best, wearing her nicest blue silks, and her auburn hair is shining since she brushed it this morning.
Catelyn looked at her eldest daughter in approval. Though there were many other important things in life, as tis book had already proven, she was nonetheless proud of Sansa for knowing how to dress like a lady and take care of her appearance.
She has been looking forward to this honour of riding with the queen and princess for over a week
Sansa looked at the book in alarm. She had forgotten that her future self didn't even know the truth of the horror that had happened to Bran! And that the queen and her brother…
Sansa didn't want to think about it, beginning to feel a little ill.
and besides, Joffrey her betrothed might be there. Just the thought sends a flutter of excitement through Sansa, though they're not to marry for years.
That thought gave Sansa mixed feelings. Did she truly want to marry someone whose mother… but it wasn't his fault what his parents did, right? And she would be queen, and live happily ever after, and - but then there were the horrible things he had said about her family during one of Tyrion's chapters…? Sansa didn't how to feel.
Sansa doesn't know Joffrey yet, but she's already in love with him; he is perfect, tall, handsome, and strong, with golden hair.
Arya rolled her eyes while reading this, earning a sharp elbow nudge from Jon.
The only thing that makes her nervous about today is Arya, who
Arya swallowed before continuing.
has a way of ruining everything. Sansa can never know what Arya might do, and hopes the way Arya is dressed today won't be too embarrassing.
Sansa sent a nervous look at her sister, who was reading these thoughts with a blank face. She opened her mouth to say something, but changed her mind and closed it again, looking down at the ground.
Sansa asks to be excused from breakfast and slides from the bench of the inn they are staying at, Lady immediately following her.
She finds Arya on the banks of the trident, trying to brush dried mud from Nymeria's fur. The wolf is not enjoying it, and Arya is wearing the same riding clothes from yesterday and the day before.
Ned looked at his daughter in fond exasperation. She would never change her stubborn ways, would she? Ned had long since stopped being surprised at the completely different personalities of his two daughters. He just hoped that the sisters would be able to get along better in the future.
Sansa tells her to put on something pretty because they're travelling with the queen today. Arya says that she isn't, because she's going to look for rubies at the ford.
"What rubies?" Bran asked in confusion.
"They are at the trident, so they will be looking for Rhaegar's rubies, I suspect," Ned answered. "I doubt they will find any, but I suppose there's no harm in looking."
Sansa is confused, and Arya looks at her as though Sansa is stupid, clarifying that they are Rhaegar's rubies, because this is where King Robert killed him.
The conversation quickly turns into an argument, as Sansa says that Arya can't look for rubies since the queen is expecting both of them, but Arya doesn't want to, because the wheelhouse doesn't even have windows and you can't see anything.
Sansa is getting annoyed, saying that it's all just fields and farms and she hates riding anyway, since it just gets you dusty and sore. Arya tells her that's not true, because she saw thirty-six new flowers when they were crossing the Neck, and Mycah even showed her a lizard-lion. The thought makes Sansa shudder.
Sansa and Arya were both very uncomfortable as their future selves started to argue. Arya was speaking faster than usual, hoping to get this scene over with as quickly as possible. She felt awkward about their parents listening to this conversation.
Sansa felt similarly. She was extremely aware of her mother's eyes on her as they all listened to Arya read this scene out loud.
"I won't reprimand you both for something that hasn't happened yet and is unlikely to ever happen, considering the circumstances," Catelyn said, her eyes serious. "However, I would like to remind you that you are sisters and I expect you, always, to treat each other with respect and patience, despite any differences in opinion. Understood?"
They both nodded, refusing to meet each other's eyes.
Arya took a deep breath and continued reading, this time with a noticeably slower pace.
It had taken them twelve days to cross the Neck, and she had hated every second, with the damp air, and the narrow causeway, with fungus and flowers in stagnant pools of water and quicksand and snakes and lizard-lions.
Sansa felt a shiver run down her spine at that description. How awful! Why would anyone choose to live in a place like that?
None of this stopped Arya, though, who kept running around with tangled hair, muddy clothes and a bright grin, holding a bunch flowers for Father. Sansa kept hoping he would tell her to behave herself, but he never did, only thanking her with a hug. That just made it worse.
Ned suppressed a small feeling of guilt. Should he be paying more attention to Sansa? Was he treating his two daughters unequally? He hadn't been overly aware of any jealousy before now. Was he a reason for the tense relationship between Arya and Sansa?
Arya is still talking, brushing out Nymeria's tangles and telling Sansa about a watchtower they found last week. She shrugs off Sansa's warnings not to leave the column. Sansa doesn't like the way Arya is talking to all the different people they are travelling with: squires and serving girls, and old men and children. Arya can make friends with anyone, and this Mycah, a thirteen-year-old butcher's boy, is the worst, though Arya seems to prefer his company to hers.
Nymeria has managed to escape Arya's brush, growling, and Arya chases her wolf, shouting at her to come back.
Robb and Jon exchanged amused looks with each other as that mental image played in their heads, and tried their best not to laugh.
Sansa calmly scratches Lady behind the ears, and watches Arya chase Nymeria.
Arya frowned at that. Why wouldn't her wolf listen to her more? She immediately decided to spend more time with Nymeria's training as soon as they were finished with this.
She tells her sister firmly to come with her, because they can't refuse the queen, and there's going to be lemon cakes and tea, and why would Arya want to ride a smelly horse when she can eat cakes with the queen?
Arya casually says that she doesn't like the queen, and that she won't even let Arya bring Nymeria.
Sansa is shocked that Arya would say such a thing. Reasonably, she explains that the princess is afraid of wolves, but Arya calls Myrcella a baby.
Sansa truly didn't know how to feel about this conversation. On the one hand, yes, Arya appeared to have a point about the queen, but… shouldn't they still show respect towards the royal family? Especially the princess, who truly had nothing to do with all this? It wasn't right to call a princess a "baby," was it?
She is still struggling with Nymeria, which makes Sansa giggle, thinking about how animals take after their master.
Sansa still found this image funny, but she decided to suppress her giggles in light of the conversation they had just had. She didn't feel like provoking Arya again so soon after what their mother had said to them.
Arya glares at her and walks away, saying that she's going riding.
Sansa calls Arya a child, and says that she and Lady will have the best time without her, but Arya shouts back that the queen won't let her bring Lady, either, and leaves before Sansa can think of a response.
"Why would the queen not allow Lady?" Bran asked quietly. "She's by far the best behaved one out of all of our pups! I'm sure the princess wouldn't be frightened by her."
"I don't know, Bran," Ned responded. "Perhaps the queen just wants to be absolutely safe. It's hard to say right now."
Alone and humiliated, Sansa is almost in tears. All she wants is for things to be nice and pretty, like in the songs. Why couldn't Arya be more like Princess Myrcella?
Arya's face was hard as stone while reading this. She had always known, deep down, that this was what her sister thought of her, but it still hurt a little to see it written down like this. That Sansa would prefer to have stupid Myrcella as a sister. Arya quickly pushed those thoughts down before anything could appear on her face, and continued reading.
She could never understand how two sisters could be so different. It would be easier if Arya were a bastard like Jon – she even looked like Jon. Once, when she was little, Sansa had asked her mother if perhaps there had been a mistake, and grumkins had stolen her real sister, but her mother had laughed and told her that Arya was her real sister.
Catelyn smiled softly at the memory.
She truly hoped that her two daughters would find a way to come to an understanding soon. If everything in these books really was the future that was facing them, they all needed to learn to stick together.
There was no reason for Mother to lie, so it had to be true.
In the centre of the camp, she sees a crowd by the royal wheelhouse. A squire explains to her that the council sent riders to escort them the rest of the way. Sansa sees two knights in gorgeous armour kneel before the queen.
For the first time since they had begun reading, Bran began to get a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. He loved hearing about knights. He hoped he would still get the chance to be one someday.
One knight is a strong, graceful, old man with white hair, wearing white armour and the white cloak of the Kingsguard
"That sounds like Ser Barristan Selmy," Ned muttered under his breath.
No one heard him, as the children were all listening to Arya's voice, fascinated by the description of actual knights.
and the other is a very handsome man near twenty with green armour, jet-black hair, and laughing green eyes. Then she notices the third stranger, standing off to the side, gaunt and grim, with hollow cheeks and an enormous greatsword.
Sansa frowned. He didn't sound like a knight. He sounded frightening, truthfully. Who was he? Why was he there as part of the escort?
As this third man meets her eyes, an overwhelming terror fills her suddenly. She takes a step back and bumps into Sandor Clegane. He asks if he really frightens her that much, but she cannot respond, and drops to her knees to wrap her arms around Lady. She feels eyes watching her and hears laughter.
Catelyn sent a worried look at her daughter, to see how she was handling this. She might not be able to help Sansa's future self in this situation, but she could definitely support her now if she needed help.
Sansa was looking at the ground, blushing in embarrassment that her brothers and her mother were hearing about her fearful reaction. Why would she, a lady of Winterfell, lose her head and act like that in front of all those nobles? In front of the royal family? Was the strange man truly so extremely frightening?
The queen is telling Joffrey to go to Sansa, and then her prince is here, gallant and beautiful, telling the others to leave her alone and helping her to her feet.
Arya desperately wanted to roll her eyes at this sentence, but didn't dare with all her family's eyes on her, so she just quietly continued reading.
He tells Clegane to leave since he is scaring Joffrey's betrothed. Sansa feels like a fool. She is a noble lady of Winterfell, and will be queen someday. She tries to explain that it wasn't him, and the older man in white asks if it was Ser Ilyn Payne, saying that he does have a fearsome aspect. The queen says that he should, since the wicked should fear the King's Justice. Sansa finally finds her voice and says that surely, Her Grace has chosen the right person, then, which makes everyone laugh.
Robb, Jon and Ned laughed at that comment, Robb shaking his head in fondness.
Catelyn reached out to Sansa and whispered: "Even as a noble lady, there is no shame in being afraid sometimes. Remember that, alright? What matters is how you deal with that fear. And you handled it perfectly in this situation, sweetling."
Sansa smiled gratefully at her mother. She was feeling much better now.
The white knight introduces himself as Ser Barristan Selmy, and says that he is honoured to know the daughter of Eddard Stark. Sansa recognises the name and remembers her courtesies, saying that the honour is hers, and complimenting the deeds of Ser Barristan the Bold. The green knight laughs again, and smiling, asks if she can name him as well, and Joffrey warns him not speak to his betrothed like this. Sansa quickly tries to quell his anger, and correctly names the knight Lord Renly Baratheon.
"Well done," Robb said, genuinely impressed. "Especially considering you have never met him and just based your answer on his clothing and hair colour."
Sansa sat up a little straighter with pride. She was proud of her future self, she thought to herself. She had spent her entire life learning these things, of course, but considering her fearful reaction from before, she was surprised that she would be able to answer so quickly and accurately.
Ser Barristan makes a joke, and Sansa is finally feeling comfortable again, until she sees Ser Ilyn stand before her, unsmiling. Sansa calms her wolf who has started to growl, and apologises to Ser Ilyn for any offence she has caused, but is confused by his lack of an answer as he turns and walks away.
"Why would he not answer?" Sansa asked, frowning slightly.
Her father responded: "Ser Ilyn is mute. He has not been able to speak since Robert's Rebellion. I'm sure we will hear a more detailed explanation once Arya continues reading."
Joffrey explains that Aerys Targaryen had Ser Ilyn's tongue ripped out with hot pincers, fourteen years ago.
Sansa tried not to flinch at that harsh way of explaining, and nodded in understanding.
The queen assures Sansa of his loyalty, and then smiles and tells Joffrey to entertain Sansa for the day, since she must speak with the councillors. Joffrey takes her arm, and Sansa is bursting with excitement. A whole day with her prince! The way he saved her from Ser Ilyn and the Hound was so gallant, like in the songs, and now he is touching her sleeve and asking if she wants to go riding. Sansa replies that she loves riding.
Arya's eyes were glittering with amusement. "Sansa, didn't we just hear you think about how horrid riding was?"
Sansa lifted her nose up and stubbornly refused to answer.
"Children," Catelyn warned, trying not to let her own amusement shine through in her voice.
Arya ducked her head in apology, and continued reading the chapter.
They leave Sandor Clegane and Lady behind them, and set off with only Joffrey's sword for protection. It is a glorious day - they spend hours exploring caves by the river and eat fresh trout and drink more wine than Sansa had ever been allowed to have before.
Sansa was smiling at that prospect. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad to be betrothed to the prince! He was very gallant and kind and chivalrous, after all.
As they keep riding, they suddenly hear a kind of wooden clattering.
Ned frowned in confusion. "What could that be?" he muttered under his breath. No one heard his comment.
It makes Sansa nervous, but Joffrey wants to find out what it is, so they approach slowly to see Arya and the butcher's boy playing at knights in a clearing, using wooden sticks as swords.
Arya's eyes shone in excitement. She would love to have someone to practice with during their travels!
As they watch, the butcher's boy accidentally hit Arya's hand, making her cry out.
"I do hope you're being careful whenever you choose to practice with someone here," Catelyn said softly. "I wouldn't want you to be injured."
"Yes, Mother," Arya responded. "It doesn't sound as if it was anything serious, anyway."
She quickly continued reading, avoiding her mother's eyes.
Sansa is horrified, and Arya immediately tells her to leave them alone. Joffrey asks if this is Sansa's sister, and dismounts, asking Mycah's name. His eyes are bright with amusement as he walks towards them, sword in hand, and tells Mycah to pick up his sword.
Arya's eyes widened as she took in the next paragraph. "What?"
"But it's only a stick!" Bran said. "What does he plan to do with only a stick?"
"Continue reading, Arya," Ned said, his voice serious.
Mycah is frozen with fear, and tries to explain that Arya asked him to, and that this isn't a sword but only a stick. Joffrey answers that it was his lady's sister that Mycah was hitting, and presses his sword into Mycah's face, making a drop of
Arya's voice faltered for a moment before she caught herself and bravely read on.
A drop of blood appear there.
Sansa began to feel slightly nauseated. What did Joffrey think he was doing? Why was he…? She held her breath as her sister continued.
Arya picks up her stick and screams at Joffrey to stop it, but Sansa tells her to stay out of this. Joffrey says that he won't hurt him… much.
Robb and Jon looked at each other with identical looks of horror on their faces.
No one said a word, listening with bated breath to Arya's shaking voice.
Arya swings with both hands, hitting Joffrey on the back of the head, and Joffrey curses and turns around, leaving Mycah to run towards the trees. Sansa can only watch, horrified, as Joffrey and Arya start fighting.
Catelyn was watching her youngest daughter with fear in her eyes. A wooden stick against a sword? How would her daughter have any chance in this situation?
She took a deep breath and reminded herself that this was just one potential future situation. It would not happen now, because they would stop all this from ever occurring. Catelyn silently repeated those thoughts over and over again until her heart rate was back to normal.
She screams at them to stop it, they are spoiling everything! No one is listening, and Arya has lost her stick, and throws a rock but it misses and hits his horse instead.
Joffrey is wildly slashing at Arya with his sword, and Arya backs away, frightened now. Sansa doesn't know what to do, her eyes blinded by tears.
Ned didn't know what to think. How could this conflict possibly end well? He wanted to strangle Joffrey for slashing at his unarmed daughter with a sword, but refrained himself. There was nothing he could do now, anyway.
Suddenly Nymeria is there, jaws closing around Joffrey's arm.
Arya's voice was steadily gaining strength now. Bran let out a quiet, triumphant cheer.
"Thank the gods for Nymeria," Ned said softly. "Continue reading, please, Arya."
The prince is on the grass, shrieking in pain, and Arya sharply calls Nymeria off. Arya tells him that Nymeria didn't hurt him… much.
Jon smiled slightly. That was his little sister. Of course, none of this should ever happen and hopefully never will, but if it ever did, Jon was relieved to know that Arya was able to stand up for herself. With Nymeria as well, of course.
She picks up his sword, holding it in both hands. Joffrey whimpers as he looks up at her, threatening to tell his mother if she hurts him. Sansa screams at her sister to leave him alone!
Arya whirls around and throws the sword into the river
Robb's eyebrows raised. Throwing a sword into a river? After a life-threatening situation like that? That was pretty impressive.
and then runs off to her horse, Nymeria at her heels.
The room was completely silent apart from Arya's voice.
Sansa goes over to Prince Joffrey, kneeling beside him as he moans in pain. She is sobbing, telling the poor prince not to be afraid, that she would go and bring help for him. Tenderly, she reaches out to stroke his soft blond hair, and Joffrey's eyes snap open, his expression full of contempt and loathing. He spits at her to go, and tells her not to touch him.
"This chapter is over," Arya said very quietly, relieved to be able to put the book down.
Sansa was in shock, looking at the ground with a blank face.
No one knew what to say to these developments.
"We need to continue reading immediately," Catelyn said. "I can't even imagine what happens now."
"I think it's your turn now, anyway, Mother," Arya said, handing the book over.