Rebekah eyed the girl across from her as she slowly sat down, trying to arrange her dress and balance on heels simultaneously. She seemed - polite, perhaps was the only word she could use at the moment. It contrasted greatly to the woman she had heard over the phone when Suzanne spoke to Nik.

Shaking the girl's hand with a firm grip, Rebekah nodded slightly.

"Rebekah. A pleasure. I've been waiting to meet the woman who has Nik traveling the country."

Suzanne seemed caught off guard, opening and closing her mouth and glancing at the man in question before responding, "Yeah, I don't know what it is either, to be honest. All I know is I don't tend to turn down free flights."

Rebekah snorted. Nik hadn't told her too much about the girl, but their frankly hilarious and outlandish meeting seemed a good way to ease into conversation and actually get to know the other girl.

"He's told me that your dog assaulted him during your first meeting."

Nik let out a pained sound and Suzanne immediately propped her elbows up on the table, covering her face with her hands as she groaned and spoke in a low voice.

"Oh god. Yeah - yes. It wasn't pretty. He spilled his drink all over himself and had Dalmatian slobber all over his pants. I was dying inside."

Leaning back and uncovering her embarrassed-looking face, she continued with a slight flush still present on her face.

"It was very Disney, but honestly I was just hoping I wouldn't have to pay dry cleaning."

At that, Nik laughed quietly and extended his arm to rest along the back of Suzanne's chair in a show of easy familiarity. It was strange - downright bizarre, actually - to see him acting with open affection. There wasn't a hint of hesitation or aggression - he truly seemed like a man with utter comfortableness and confidence in his relationship with her.

Rebekah could investigate what 'Disney' meant in this context at a later time. Clearly, Nik hadn't filled her in on many significant cultural events.

However, before Rebekah could respond and continue their small talk, Suzanne continued in a rushed voice, "I'm sorry, I'm probably going to ramble and shit - shoot, um, crap? - I'm just somewhere between nervous and excited and terrified to meet Nik's favorite. I'm not great at first impressions, as you've clearly heard." Flicking Nik's arm as she finished speaking, Rebekah could only remain quiet for a moment as she assessed the woman.

Somewhat pretty, in an unusual and somewhat abstract manner, though Nik had been with women far more beautiful - this woman wouldn't have caught his attention solely based on appearance. Around his physical age, she'd wager. But she didn't understand why her brother was with the human. Of course, she was likely a different person around Nik, but it was still difficult for Rebekah to come to terms with. To see her older brother bending to this woman's whims was making Rebekah feel a bit on edge - the last time she'd seen him act this way was as humans when he'd been infatuated with Tatia. And when Tatia had only beckoned with a finger her once-besotted brothers had obliged.

"So you wager you're better with second impressions?"

Nik gave her a deadly glare when she asked the question and Suzanne blanched, however, she seemed to rally herself to answer and said, "I would like to think so, I mean, in the case of people who I usually wind up close to. I'm occasionally a good judge of character, so when it comes to my close friends and boyfriend, I can sometimes figure out who I should be putting energy towards."

Nik leaned back and added on in a cavalier voice, "Don't be fooled. Her best friend is an unrepentant prick."

Suzanne seemed to forget about Rebekah's presence for a moment and for the first time she saw the girl on the phone as she let out an affronted, entirely unladylike snort.

"Shut up. You love Damon, very possibly more than me, which I can gracefully accept. But don't get cocky, just because we started off on a hypnotized note doesn't mean he's not my favorite. I could kick you to the curb in a heartbeat."

Before Rebekah could question that, Nik tilted his head and said, "Suzanne's best friend is a vampire named Damon, I'll admit that he can be a good mate."

"Oh shush, he's the best."

Well, that certainly answered why or how Suzanne might be involved in the supernatural. So far it seemed like she was a human surrounded by creatures. What it didn't answer, was whether or not this woman was aware of just who her brother was.

The Mikaelson name was famous in select circles, that much was true. But faces weren't often associated to the name and Rebekah hadn't missed the fact that her older brother was going by "Nik", a shortened version of his name only she had ever gotten away with.

Before their conversation could continue, the waiter dropped by. Rebekah had oftentimes seen Nik ask a member of the wait staff to provide blood, so she was slightly curious when he simply ordered a bottle of pinot grigio before waving him away. Wanting to, quite honestly, test the woman opposite from her, Rebekah spoke in a blithe tone of voice, "Well Nik, surprised you aren't imbibing the waiter. Ian, was it?"

Nik gave her a glare that his lover seemed to miss and she began pouring a hefty amount of wine into their three glasses. When he spoke, his voice was only slightly strained.

"Wouldn't want to stain the tablecloth, dearest sister."

Having apparently finished doling out the first glasses of wine, Suzanne leaned back and nudged Nik's shoulder.

"I can't imagine how you drink it straight. Honestly, it throws me back to the days of 'Tequila Tuesdays' a la my sophomore year of college."

Nik snorted at that and extended his hand presumably to grab his glass for a toast, but Rebekah was far too curious to let that comment sit aside.

"I'm sorry, forgive me if I misheard you, but are you suggesting that you have drank blood?"

Suzanne smiled widely, interestingly - without a hint of disdain or malice - before she continued, "Yeah, I'm a klutz regularly, so when Damon and I moved in together he got kind of momma-bird and insisted I drink his blood every morning on the off chance that I kill myself when I pull on my shoes or try to get leashes on my dogs. I usually throw back a few teaspoons in the morning immediately followed by coffee. I'm not too partial to the taste, but I know I'm not the majority at this table with that opinion."

Rebekah was honestly taken aback for a moment - she hadn't often spent time with humans over a long term who are in a relationship with her brothers - i.e., never - but it was very strange to know that this human had a back up plan, so to speak.

"So you are planning on becoming a vampire? What, Nik will turn you at his fancy?"

Her older brother immediately let out an angry growl, however, Suzanne took a slow sip of wine before carefully putting her glass back on the table and responding.

"My best friend is immortal. I knew when he became the most important person to me that I didn't want him to be alone. And living forever and getting to see the progress everyone in my generation will see sounds really amazing. Meeting Nik wasn't the tipping point or anything, but yeah, I've kind of planned on eventually becoming a vampire for a while now. Maybe in a few years, because as nimble - shut the hell up, Nik - I am, I still look young. I got carded for an R-rated movie last weekend by some Cheeto-fingered 15 year old asshole. I'd like to at least grow up enough that I don't look like jailbait."

Before Rebekah could ask what that meant, Nik cut her off with an obviously clearing of his throat and beckoned the waiter over for another bottle of wine.