Reviews for Risen in Light, Fallen to Shadow
Sable Dawn chapter 7 . 7/23
I like this, though I do kinda hope he does some more studies in druidism or shamanism, shamanism would be the logical progression, though not for standing on ones own, for that and considering they do know of the pandaran, he could learn to be a monk as they have mana too Also digging the Harry/Lunara ship.
thecatleader chapter 7 . 7/9
Hmm interesting you've now inspired me to write a fic where Harry decides that he would rather not live after getting hit with Voldemort's curse where he'll go I'm not quite sure yet.
Ahtu chapter 2 . 6/23
I don't hate druidism/druids(I do however hate Malfurion), and generally Cenarius seems like an okay guy(a bit hasty in his conflict with the orcs, but that was understandable). However, druidism does seem like a subpar path on the overall. It grants easy access to transformation skills, healing and crowd control magic - Which is nice. But in return, it is limited by the nature it is born from(unlike conceptual magic like light magic/arcane), and easily corrupted by fel/shadow(especially the nightmare). It is highly versatile, but also limited. It's very much the jack of all trades, coming at the price of some major drawbacks(just like in vanilla WoW).

In the game this is not expressed in the gameplay, but the lore very much does state it as such(proving that it can't cure the plague of undeath(while the light could), has a hard time dealing with fel corruption, and is easily corrupted by "The Nightmare." Allowing even such as Ysera to fall prey to it).
Ahtu chapter 2 . 6/23
I can sort of look past this Dumbledore bashing, because you've portrayed a version of him, where he says and thinks the "wrong" sort of things. Trying to guilt him into it, instead of helping him understand what he wants. And saying he 'has' to do it for the greater good.

I'd like the idea of a more intelligent, and dilligent Harry. That is less of a push-over, and set in the Warcraft-universe.
Ahtu chapter 1 . 6/23
Okay now Elune... That's pretty fkn cheap... She asked for a newborn innocent child, not a reincarnator with one of the most difficult lives in common literary history.
O'ConnorsGambit chapter 7 . 6/20
Such a great story and I can't wait for more. Stupid question but I have to ask though, is Harry going to be Tyrandes father in this or an older brother.
Speaks with Spirits chapter 7 . 6/11
I just finished chapter 7 and, even though I did notice some minor mistakes, have greatly enjoyed your story so far. So please, post more very, very soon!
Warrior Moon Okiro Zangetsu chapter 7 . 6/8
This is amazing, found one of your stories todaya nd it drew me in like nothing has in quite a time.. And such i am reading just about everything now, it's rare that a treat like this appears and such i cannot help myself. Thank you, so very much.
Dominus1389 chapter 7 . 5/28
Why not physical also doe's also has holes (Kappa) Kidding they do have shapeshifting techniques so why not :P
Guest chapter 7 . 5/25
why even make this a crossover? it has nothing to do with hp.
OllyOllyOxycontin chapter 7 . 5/23
I did not expect to come across something so great when I set out to find a HP crossover story to read. This is so well written, and you have such an amazing way of showing and telling when it comes to the Emerald Dream and the Arcane. I'm also SUPER excited to see where you go with Lunara and Harry. It's such a unique pairing.

UGH, I absolutely LOVE this.
stylo1 chapter 7 . 5/15
i do want to add that so far the story has little to nothing to do with harry potter, so unless it is still coming your crossover isnt really a crossover
stylo1 chapter 4 . 5/13
you are quite the poët but often you cant keep up with your own play of words saying thing that are outright impossible
Knives91 chapter 7 . 5/4
It is a different kind of romance, but it will be magnificent all the same.

I cannot wait to see how this story proceeds! I've loved every bit of it so far!
Jason Vander Vlugt chapter 7 . 5/1
goid story
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