Day 1

Being able to open his eyes confused the ever-loving hell out of him. Why wouldn't it? The last thing he remembered was watching the others turn to dust and following their example moments later after Thanos went through with his plan to wipe out all life using the singularities in the form of six stones.

Somehow he, Peter Benjamin Parker, was alive when he should not be. He remembered the all-consuming pain of being disintegrating from the inside out, it was even worse because his enhanced healing tried to fight it. His face became hot from the memories of his embarrassing last words to Mr. Stark. His head snatched up he looked frantically around for Mr. Stark. The effort to do the once before simple action was astronomical. The little energy he had acquired was quickly zapped away and he sank down in exhaustion. He was so very sleepy.

Day 6

The last few days have been mentally exhausting. First, he had discovered he wasn't in his body now he was just a very small, red blob that had a vaguely humanoid shape. He had learned from the elderly red blob thing that he was reborn as an Imp. He didn't even want to think of the specifics of reincarnation. When the elderly Imp was about to give me a name everything froze and a screen appeared.

Welcome to the character creation screen!


Ah, so this was like one of those 'My life has turned into a Game' things He had read about. It was also very likely the reason for his, eh, changes. Curiosity consuming him he had selected next.

The screen went blank before text appeared and the screen widened and lengthened.

-Basic Stats-

Lvl: 1

-Strength: 1 +/-

Related to physical might.

-Agility: 4 +/-

Related to movement speed.

-Dexterity: 4 +/-

Related to reflexes and flexibility.

-Endurance: 2 +/-

Related to the ability to resist anything.

-Intelligence: 480 +/-

Related to learning, problem-solving, and magic damage.

-Wisdom: 237 +/-

Related to the ability to make connections.

-Charisma: 4 +/-

Related to persuasion and attraction.

-Magic: 10 +/-

Related to the total amount of mana possessed.

These are your character status screen which shows your current stats. You have ten points to spend but you do not have to spend them now.


He understood why his physical stats were so low, he no longer had his spider powers. He was proud of his Intelligence and Wisdom. He wasn't going to use the ten points he had because he wanted to be aware of everything before he changed something. Also while he didn't play video games that much he knew that saving the points for later in case he needed them was a good idea. He selected next.

-Advanced Stats-

This is your advance character sheet. Here you will choose your traits and focus. The total amount of trait points must be between 10 and -10.


Quick: -20

Slow: +20

Weak: +15

Strong: -15

Cynical: +5

Genius: -50

Depressed: +25

Shy: +2

Brave: -9

Deceitful: +5

Proud: +20


-Taken Traits:



Trait Points: 0

*Traits cannot be removed once taken unless certain actions are performed.*

There were at least 100 traits all good and bad.

"What does Genius do?"


+1 to all stat gains.

Trait increases every 10 levels.

He didn't really want any of the traits so he skipped past them and moved on to the next section.


Focus determines the types of quests that you receive.






It was a fight between Learning, Exploring, and Growing. After a minute and a fierce mental debate came to a close he chose growing as his focus. Learning and exploring things were fun and all but he wanted more than an ever-evolving adventure. He wanted stability in this new life. He felt that choosing the growing focus would help him find what he was looking for. Once he chose his focus the screens disappeared and time started again.

The old Imp gave me my name which was apparently 'Imp Ter' pronounce as tier. The Imp continued to explain everything, the elderly Imp was a teacher and caretaker of sorts to us younger Imps. The old Imp talked on and on about the dangers of the outside world, while he was annoying to listen to Peter learned things about the new world he was in. He learned about the surrounding landscape, he learned about the various races that called this world their home such as the Elves, the Orcs, the Fairies, the Demons, the Humans, etc. He learned that Imps were a part of a group called "sentients" which was basically anything with a higher thought process. The old Imp also imparted some wisdom.

"Anything that can use magic, can think."

The elderly Imp then went on to the races that should be avoided at all cost which was anything bigger than us. He went on about the goodness of the Elves and the evilness of the Orcs but Peter didn't think anyone species could be singularly good or evil.

If possible Peter listened even more attentively when the Imp explained about the "growth system". It was a law of nature that allows a strong enough being to evolve into something else, something usually stronger. For example, an Imp like myself had various paths he could choose to evolve into. He could abandon his demon roots to become a pure fairy or he could rid himself of his fairy roots and become a Veshta Nerada. He could become an Incubus or a devil. He had a feeling there were other evolutions but he didn't want to send the old Imp off into another long-winded lecture.

Feeling like he had heard enough from the other Imp he was about to go explore the cave he was in when another Imp approached the old Imp and started asking questions. The old Imp told the new Imp all he had told Peter. Peter, quickly getting bored with the repetitive information, left to do his own thing. Which involved getting food that wasn't worms. Luckily in the old Imps lectures, he had learned that there were berry bushes not too far North from the cave colony.

Finding the bushes themselves was harder than he thought it would be, the trek was worth it though. The berries were juicy and delicious but not filling. By the time he was done with the entire bush he was still hungry. It's at this point that a quest showed up.

Quest Contracted!

Hunger Sated.


Acquire meat of any kind.


+1 Lvl up.


Death from starvation.

The meat of any kind. Hmm, well most anything is bigger than him right now and the best chance he had was to hunt a rabbit. The only thing that's really going for him in terms of stats is his Intelligence, Wisdom, and magic. He had no idea how to use his magic, therefore, he would have to use his wits for this. He couldn't kill a rabbit with his pitiful strength so a trap would have to do. But what kind of trap? He could immobilize a rabbit and bludgeon it to death with a rock but again his strength was a limitation here. Hmm, didn't the old Imp say we had fairy roots? Fairies could fly. Maybe he could too. He thought very hard about flying, moments later a warmth spread throughout his being and suddenly he was wobbling unsurely in the air.

New Skill!

Fairy Flight. Lv-1

Your fairy roots allow you to fly with the help of some mana.

Cost: 1 Mp per meter.

*Max Load: 2 Kilograms x 1/2 Intelligence.

Peter grinned his Intelligence was already doing wonders for him in this new world. He flew around a bit before he actually found a rabbit to hunt. He would have gone after it if someone else hadn't beaten him to it. The same Imp from yesterday just killed a rabbit by dropping a rock from the air where he was flying. Peter watched from the air as the Imp took apart the rabbit and eat it.

The Imp seemed to perk up and whirled around to face a bush.

"Who's there?" The Imp growled at the bush. A tinier Imp crawled out of the bushes and started to fearfully ask if he could have some of the rabbit's meat only for his stomach to rumble and finish the question for him. The bigger one laughed and invited him to it. Seeing as the rabbit come easily feed all three of them Peter flew down to ask as well. He was accepted as the bigger Imp walked back to the colony cackling like a madman. How odd.

Quest: Sated Hunger.


+1 Lvl

Your actions determine what stats you gain upon leveling up!

+2 Magic

+1 Charisma

He could feel his magic grow by 40%. It was an interesting experience feeling something almost tangible growing inside you. He looked at his character status as he ate the raw meat noting that the meat didn't taste disgusting but didn't taste all that good either.

Peter [Imp Ter]

Lvl 2

The Gamer

Hp: 9 (+1.5 Hp per day until a month old.)

Hp Regen: 1% Per Hour.

Mana: 140

Mana Regen: 1% Per Minute.

Str: 1

Agi: 4

Dex: 4

End: 2

Int: 480

Wis: 237

Cha: 5

Mag: 14

Unused Points: 15

Day 7

Today he decided to hunt for his own rabbits. So he used his thoughts from yesterday and with some trouble and a lot of time he trapped one in a crudely made spike trap he had created. The sun had long since fallen before the rabbit broke the spikes at the bottom of the pit and died before it could escape. He would have celebrated his first catch to if not for the sound of crashes that were rapidly making its way towards him so with little thought he flew up to the higher reaches of a tree. The crashes finally revealed themselves to be a pack of wolves chasing the bigger Imp from yesterday. The wolves dissolved back into the sound of crashes as they faded out of his sight.

Choosing to ignore the possible demise of the Imp he went back to his catch before he dismantles the trap and set it back up to use it tomorrow.

Day 14

It had been an exhausting last week. Someone had taught the other Imps how to fly. That was good and all. It was just that the other Imp was just ... stupid. To get away from the sheer stupidity he spent as much time as he wanted away from the colony until they calmed down.

Day 25

Peter had found a group of fairies about three or so miles from the colonies. He didn't approach them at first but the leader sensed him and invited him to join them. He learned the leader's name was Helbram and that their nest was destroyed by humans a few days ago so they were looking for another home. He expressed his condolences and introduced himself as Imp Ter.

Peter found the fairies interesting so he came by every day and talked to them. He got to know them better and they got to know him better. One day he saw Helbram using his magic to grow plants. When he expressed his interest in learning how to use his magic they taught him the basics of using magic. He learned that the thing he felt growing inside him each time he got a point in his magic stat was a magic core. Magic cores were both a physical and a spiritual thing. The bulk of the core resided in the soul while a small portion resided in the body which allowed us to connect with it and use magic.

Manifesting magic on the physical plane was just a force of will. All you had to do was will it to happen and if you had enough mana it will happen. He explained that people had a certain affinity for certain things. For example, fairies had an affinity for nature which means that anything plant related was easier for them to do. It also means that if you had an affinity for something the opposite of that affinity was more difficult to perform. For example, if a fire elemental tried to use water magic they would find it next to impossible because they were so closely tied to the element of fire. It was also noted that as creatures evolve their affinities might change.

An important step in the use of magic was finding out what your affinity was.

He then went on to explain about magical traits. Magical Traits were something that only your magic could do. For example, Freya, one of the other fairies, had the magical trait she named 'Charmspeak'. It allows her to infuse her voice with her magic and all who heard her speak found themselves wanting to do want she tells them to do. Those of strong enough will could resist her but the more magic she used the harder it got to resist.

Family members were known to have similar magical traits and affinities. When asked what his affinity and trait was Helbram smiled and answered.

"Nature and Disaster."

When asked what Disaster did he told him that Disaster allowed him to elevate or diminish the natural state of something. A slight scratch can become a gaping wound. A mild poison can become a lethal toxin. A frightening power.

Peter asked how he could find his own affinity and trait. The answer: experimentation.

So that's what he did between hunting and sleeping. As he got more proficient in magic he made bigger and better traps and littered them throughout the forest. He put the spoils of his efforts into his inventory.

Day 40

He had hit level 19 earlier today so he thought it would be a good idea to go back to the colony as he assumed enough time had passed for the others Imps to calm down. So he bid farewell to the fairies and flew the three or so miles back to the colony.

A sense of dread filled him as he saw several dead bodies of what he could only assume were orcs from Helbram's descriptions. He flew even faster. When he finally reached his destination he found an empty cave. While he didn't really care about his nestmates he still wanted to know their fates so he looked around the area. Near an hour later he had found a trail that leads to the mountains.

The trail ended at a cliff and seeing as there wasn't a trail going around they must have gone up. The tracks have steadily become fresher and fresher. Just a few minutes earlier he had found a cliff splattered with fresh blood. An examination of the area revealed that there was dear recently here.

By mid-day he had come across a, what he assumes is a troll, training his nestmates. When they were done with the training and started heading back to their camp he discreetly flew behind them and integrated himself into their company.

The next day trained and hunted with them. It pushed him over the edge and into level 20 which was finally when he got the prompt for evolution.

Day 42

He woke up the next morning and after some surprise from everyone including himself.

Congratulations! You have Ranked Up!

Status Update:

+25 Hp

+5 Str

+5 Agi

+8 Dex

+5 End

+24 Int

+12 Wis

+5 Cha

+33 Mag

Species changed to Fairy!

Racial Traits:

Fairy Blood (Passive): +25% to Regen

ForestBorn (Passive): +10% to all stats when in a forest.

*Due to Genius Trait all stat gains are doubled!*

Peter's eyes widened. The stat increases! He went to his character status to see the changes in their entirety.

Peter [Imp Ter] [Fairy Ter]

Lvl 20

The Gamer

Hp: 70 (+1.5 Hp per day until a month old.)

Hp Regen: 1.25% Per Hour.

Mana: 1840

Mana Regen: 1.25% Per Minute.

Str: 11

Agi: 14

Dex: 20

End: 12

Int: 528

Wis: 261

Cha: 23

Mag: 184

Unused Points: 105

As a fairy, he had gained a human look except he was about the size of a large rabbit. He didn't have wings but he could still fly with his fairy flight. He had long red hair and his magic solidified into a pair of poofy of long pants to cover his privates. He had an androgynous and youthful appearance. If you could only see his head you could easily mistake him as a young woman. He also had silver-blue eyes. (Look up 'Gloxinia of Repose'.)

The Troll and Oni were at a loss on where to assign him so he volunteered to look after the gardens. Having other things to do they quickly agreed.

Day 44

With his new duty of taking care of the garden, he took his job seriously and planted some of the plants he had collected from his time with the fairies. He planted Tomatoes, Strawberries, Carrots, Potatoes an unknown fruit that tasted delicious, and some grape vines. Then there were the trees, he had apples and oranges. He worked on them all throughout the night. He used the tricks the fairies taught him and encouraged the plants and trees to grow using his magic. Overnight the pitiful would-be garden changed from those pitiful but efficient berry bushes into a thriving and diverse full-fledged garden. There was, of course, the problem of gathering the water needed for the garden and that was brought up by the Oni but Peter shut him up quickly by drawing the water from the air to water the plants. Of course, drawing a lot amount of water from the air too much too quickly would damage the ecosystem he admitted so to the Oni. But based on the humidity that wouldn't be a problem for a while if Peter is careful and the garden doesn't grow too quickly.

The only other exciting things that happen today was that the Oni and the second Troll got into a spat about where to build a fort. The Troll wanted it at the peak and the Oni wanted it on a cliff. Of course, they were primarily thinking about the martial advantages of each location. They weren't thinking of food sources, they weren't thinking of water sources, they weren't thinking about the trouble the workers would have to go through to get to resources. They weren't thinking of the temperatures of being so high up. They weren't thinking of the weather. They also weren't thinking of expansion and a multitude of other issues. In the end, the first Troll came back carrying a giant snake of all things and settled the issue. It was decided that they would build the fort on a higher cliff along with a few other desirable details such as soil quality.

Peter sighed, at least the elder Troll thinks more than the other two.

Day 47

After a day of scouting, they found a place to settle, they named it 'Twin Peaks Pass'. It was aptly named he admitted. Peter approved theirs chose. The air and soil was very rich in mana, it had natural caves for mining, there was a good-sized river flowing through the pass, there was a natural way down from the cliff they've chosen, the trees were thick, straight, and strong, and finally, there was an abundance of wildlife in the surrounding valleys.

Right away, Peter, had an even bigger garden growing in the new location.

Day 49

*Peter will now be known as 'Ter' now.*

The wall was complete. Ter had to move the garden around a bit but not too much. Ter had the logs to grow roots so that the logs wouldn't slip out of place. He had also noticed that the newly evolved Oni, who's name was Dori he believed, was getting interested in the garden so he taught her how to take care of it.

Day 53

Over breakfast, the lead Troll, whose name he learned was Ruto, declared we were going to make a map. The Oni, Shirou, called the East. Ter grabbed the North. There were surprised looks that he volunteered as he usually kept to himself but he shrugged them off and got ready. He had taken a Cartography course in school as an extracurricular even if it was mostly useless in the time he lived in. It proved useful in this life. Several hours later he returned with his part of the area carved into a piece of flat bark.

Day 60 (this will be in first-person to make the dialog easier on myself)

"Ruto!" I called to the tall Troll. He stopped walking and turned to me. I greeted him with a half-smile.

"What is it?" He asked gruffly like he just woke up.

"I have sensed multiple presences observing us in the last hour. Whether they are friend or foe has yet to be determined." I told the red-skinned Troll. His face became serious. But before he could start issuing orders I continued.

"I was going to deal with them but I thought I would inform before I took definite action. I still could deal with them if you wish." I informed. Ruto seemed to think for a bit before he nodded his assent.

Finding them was no problem, they were huddled together likely reporting their findings to each other.

[Thorn Bind Hostage]

I activated the skill and thick, thorny vines emerged from the earth and wrapped around the seven frog-like people. They struggled only to hurt themselves. The thorn dug deeply into their flesh causing rivers of blood to flow from their wounds. The thorns picked them up and threw them based on his calculations. Ter flew after them as he commanded the thorns to return to the earth. The Bullywugs landed near the central fire pit just where he had calculated. They were taken away to be interrogated and he himself went back to check to see if he had missed any.

Day 61

As Lady Luck would have it we were about to be invaded by Bullywugs. The ones he had captured yesterday were scouts for the main army.

[Cursed Tree]

Three trees became animated and attacked the attacking Bullywugs as archers from the fort shot arrows at them as well. The trees took down quite a bit before they were overwhelmed by the ill-prepared Bullywugs.

[Thorn Bind Hostage][Fireball]

The two spells worked great with each other. The first wrapped the invaders in thorny vines while the second set the vines on fire which burned the victims. This combination seemed to work the best for thinning out there numbers. He only switched when they wisen up and tried dodging instead of just blindly rushing.

[Earthen Spikes][Thorn Bind Hostage][Fireball][Cursed Tree]

He back up behind the fort walls to let his mana regen. While the spells weren't expensive they sure weren't cheap either. He felt fine retreating there wasn't many Bullywugs left maybe 30 or so. And he was right, the others made short work of the remaining enemies.

Once the battle was over Ter helped clean up and burned the bodies so diseases didn't develop. He was busy with so he didn't notice when Shirou left and came back he did, however, notice when Shirou made his way over to him with 12 fairies. Apparently, they saw us win against the Bullywugs and sought our protection and seeing as Ter was the only fairy here they were naturally handed over to him. He had stared blankly for a minute before he snapped out of it and took command of his fellow fairies. He asked them to help him expand his garden and he was pleasantly surprised when the fairies gave him corn, watermelons, and an assortment of other berries. They were to be gifted to our clan so that we'd be more likely to accept them.

Day 75

Hmm, it seems the Chief had evolved again. Seeing as he had nothing else going on as the other fairies and Dori were doing great jobs attending to the gardens he decided he was going to hunt some Bullywugs.

Arriving at their rebuilt village he could see why the Chief was getting so frustrated with the buggers. Ruto had just decimated the village yesterday and already they were repopulated and had rebuilt a fair amount. Time to change that.

[Thorn Bind Hostage][Fireball][Cursed Tree]

Ter decimated the village with just those three spells. He canceled the spells and flew back to the fort to try something else. The fight, if it could be called that, was just too easy. The only good thing it did was push him to level 45.

He sighed and figured he would explore the area.

His idea kind of paid off. He came across a cave that practically dripped with magic. So naturally... he went in. And found a sickly goat man that radiated magic. He had the bottom half of a goat and the upper half of a very handsome man with thick curled ram horns. He seemed to be dying from a wound and before he could do anything the Satyr dissolve into golden sand that swirled before forming into a golden spear with a semicircle at the top that ended in a point. (Look up Basquias)

What the hell just happen?