A Pawn to His Manipulations

By Bsum1

Characters: Albus Dumbledore. Fawks. Harry Potter. ?. ?

Rating: G

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own ideas (some psychologist would say "not even that") Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling

Summary: Albus Dumbledore can play a wicked game of chess.

Albus Dumbledore knew that during this war the Wizarding world would look to him for answers. They'd look to him for a plan and a course of action. This was war. The Order of the Phoenix his soldiers. Albus Dumbledore the General.

But Dumbledore also knew that others were weary of him. Those who feared being in anything less than total control were suspicious of Dumbledore. 'The manipulator' they called him. To them, it was as if Dumbledore was a man who only thought of those under him as pawns in the war, there to be used, there to be exploited. It was all just one strategically devised chess game.

They were almost right, both of them.

Albus chuckled as he moved his bishop. A magically charmed black castle slid down the board in retaliation. Fawkes squawked in disapproval.

This was war, and one could not go into it without a plan. Both teams, after all, had the same objective.

Kill the King.

And as Albus Dumbledore moved a pawn he thought of all the things the public had speculated.

Harry Potter is a pawn.

A great black horse strutted in its L, too pompous for its own good. And Albus saw his opening. He knew it would be there. He had planed it, after all.

Albus Dumbledore moved the queen. The most powerful and often most valuable piece of the set. And the black bishop, who had stood so close to its king all the while, stepped out and in one great stroke brought the queen to rubble at the white king's feet.

Albus smiled sadly and, with a shaky hand, moved the white bishop who had spent its game mirroring its black counterpart. It stood valiantly in front of its king, the great leader it had sworn to protect, and Albus felt a tear roll down his withered cheek.

Check mate.

Harry Potter had never been a pawn to Albus Dumbledore.

The boy had always been King.

Love, Bsum1

10 points if you can guess each character represented!

I've always loved Dumbledore and I'm sick of everyone bashing him. And siriously, how many times has the chess piece/Harry=pawn imagery been used? So I thought I'd take your symbolism and make it my own!