![]() Author has written 153 stories for Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, CSI: New York, Lord of the Rings, Heroes, Ironman, X-Men: The Movie, King Kong, Harry Potter, Numb3rs, Star Wars, Chuck, Mentalist, Castle, Star Trek: 2009, NCIS, Fantastic 4, Sherlock, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. I've been a member of Fanfiction since June 2008. I can hardly believe that five of those years were spent on one single project: His Greatest Wish. A HUGE thank you to everyone who has read, reviewed, favorited, and followed that story; your support keeps me strong. I'm a writer; reader; cat & succulent mom; organizer & planner; technology geek; auntie; animal lover; space, English, and science nut; and a movie and TV connoisseur. I love writing for Harry Potter, Sherlock, Castle, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), NCIS, Doctor Who, and the Stargate shows. Other fandoms may occasionally pop up. The Disclaimer Everyone Puts Up Despite the Fact that Nobody Owns Anything: Unfortunately, I do not own any of these TV shows or movies...or books - only the plots of my stories... I used to be blonde, but my last name isn't Rowling, and despite how much I wish I did, I don't have a British accent (even though I am quite adept at faking it). Bollocks. To All My Reviewers: Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments! Please keep them coming! I do try to respond to reviews, and if I don't it's because of Real Life butting its head into my business. PROJECTS: Obviously: A Potterlock crossover featuring Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, and occasionally Mycroft, with appearances from Tonks, Harry, the Weasleys, and Severus Snape (among other Hogwartians). Starts during Sherlock's school years and more or less follows his life. Timeline is based on the ages of Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, making Sherlock 21 during the Battle for Hogwarts in 1998, and John 27. Some character crossover with His Greatest Wish, most notably Renly Holmes. Ministerial Corruption (working title): Part of the What If Universe. "What if Sirius raised Harry?" Two junior Aurors caught pranking their colleagues are instructed to reorganize the criminal records room as punishment. They discover a few startling discrepancies, which set in motion events that will change how time would have otherwise progressed. Co-written with Mr. AndromedaMarine. Sixth Time's the Charm: Variation of reptilia28's challenge. Harry keeps dying and his grim reaper isn't too happy with him. UNIVERSES: This Dark Universe: Basic premise: in each story I kill off a main character. Stories will contain darker themes, touching on suicide, drugs/drug abuse, alcohol abuse, violence, murder, aggravated attack, self-hatred, and the perils of society. May or may not have happy endings. Or at least non-sucky endings. 1) These Dark Days, summary listed: Stargate: Atlantis 2) Fear of the Dark, summary listed: Stargate: Atlantis 3) Twisted Black, summary listed: BBC Sherlock The What-If Universe: Each story explores the result of a "what if" question. 1) His Greatest Wish: "What if Snape had gone back to repeat his life?" COMPLETE. Summary listed. 2) Ministerial Corruption: "What if Sirius raised Harry?" IN THE WORKS. Summary above. THE LATIN SERIES: A set of stories based on Latin titles, spanning several categories, genres and ratings. 8 currently posted; titles: Ira, Vir, Miles Militis, Semper Fi, Orbis Terrarum, Pax, Maeror, and Pollicitus. Indefinitely sporadic. TRANSLATED WORKS: His Greatest Wish: Russian. Translated by CarenTheDreamer. Can be found at ficbook (dot) net (/) readfic (/) 3576593. Erised: French. Translated by Fruitoxique. Linked here. SHIPS: Harry/Hermione; Neville/Luna; Severus/Lily; James/Lily; Sirius/Amelia; Remus/Tonks - Harry Potter Amy/Rory; Eleven/River Song; Ten/Rose; Nine/Rose; The Harkness/Anybody - Doctor Who Johnlock friendship and platonic soulmates - Sherlock Belle/Rumplestiltskin; Emma/August; Emma/Neil; Regina/Robin- Once Upon a Time Sparky; McKeller; Ladman - SGA Dala; DanJan; O'Carter; Sam/Cam - SG-1 Hodgins/Angela; Booth/Brennan; Daisy/Lance - Bones Caskett; Lanie/Javier; Kevin/Jenny - CastleI LOVE REVIEWS - they're like a CAFFEINE IV DRIP! And how I love caffeine... Welcome to the mind of Andromeda. Dr. Felger: Bite me, Coombs! At least my heroes exist. If this was a Trek convention you'd be all dressed up like a Klingon. Dr. Coombs: Vulcan, Felger. Vulcan. And I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry! Dr. Felger: (mockingly) Oooh, how we gonna get outta this one, Captain? Oh, I don't know, something to do with a tachyon emitter? - Stargate: SG-1 season 6 episode "The Other Guys." Jack O'Neill: (speaking to Her'ak, Khonsu's angry First Prime) You ended that sentence with a preposition! Bastard! - Stargate: SG-1 season 6 episode "The Other Guys." |