The Long Road, by DrGemini86 (DrGemini24)

Summary: McKay brings an injured Daniel back to Earth so that he can recover from his injuries, and Sam takes care of him. SGA Lost Tribe tag. SG-1Atlantis Xover. SamDaniel.

Pairing: SamDaniel

Rating: T

Category: Established Relationship

Genres: A/U, Angst, Crossover, Drama, Episode-related, Family-focussed, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, PWP, Relationship-focussed

Spoilers: SG-1 seasons 1-10, Ark of Truth, Continuum, SGA season 4-5, SGA First Contact, SGA Lost Tribe

A/N: Was originally going to do a tremendously A/U rewrite of First Contact and Lost Tribe for the next Jackson Junior installment, but thought I'd do something standalone and somewhat related to canon for now. I'll hopefully start the Jackson Junior version soon.


SG-1, consisting of only Cam, Sam, Teal'c and Vala, descended the gate ramp in desert camouflage BDUs, the wormhole deactivating behind them as they returned from another mission. The two Colonels removed their hats as they approached General Landry, who appeared troubled. Landry said to Cam, exhaling as his eyes moved to Sam for the briefest of moments,

"By the distinct lack of injuries on you and your team, I trust it went well."

Cam cocked his head. "Depends on your definition of 'well', Sir. The locals weren't very receptive to trade with outsiders in..." He made air quotes with his fingers."odd clothes." He shrugged, glancing at Sam. "They didn't beat us up though... so I suggest we return with Jackson when he comes back from his personal Disneyland."

Landry looked grave. "I'm afraid that may take longer than you think, Mitchell."

When Sam looked worried, Teal'c and Vala moving closer to the General with concern for their friend on their faces, Landry said to Sam, "Colonel Jackson, Doctor Jackson was involved in an incident within the Pegasus galaxy. As I understand, he and Doctor McKay were captured by Asgard..."

SG-1 exchanged surprised looks, and Sam said, frowning slightly with worry for her husband's welfare, "With all respect, Sir, the Asgard are dead. You were on board the Odyssey with us."

Landry nodded. "I'm as perplexed as you are, Colonel. From the information that Mr Woolsey has already sent me, Doctors Jackson and McKay discovered an Ancient device in Atlantis that has the power to overload Stargates. An Asgard separatist group captured them and the device, intending to use it to destroy the Wraith. The Daedalus managed to rescue them from the facility that they were being held in before Colonel Sheppard destroyed the device. However..." He paused as he looked at a stunned yet fearful Sam, trying not to upset her. "... Doctor Jackson was struck by high voltage electricity while he and Doctor McKay attempted to remove a control crystal that powered the facility. He's in a stable condition. Mr Woolsey tells me that he's awake and talking, but he has extensive burns, and is in considerable pain."

Sam, shocked, nodded in acknowledgement of what the General had told her. Landry continued as he touched her forearm, drawing her attention back to him, "I have requested that he be brought back to Earth so he can recover in your care."

She nodded again, trying yet failing to remain professional as she said, "Thank you, Sir." She left the gateroom in a daze, thrown by the news of Daniel's injuries. As a concerned Cam followed her out, a worried Vala asked,

"When is Daniel coming back?"

"Doctor McKay should be bringing him home within the hour. The Expedition has had to fit a new Stargate."

Teal'c asked, "For what purpose?"

"Their 'gate was blown up by the device that Doctors Jackson and McKay found." As Vala left, Landry remarked to Teal'c, "Wait 'til Jack finds out."

Teal'c smirked briefly, knowing that Jack and Daniel shared a unique bond. "Do you wish me to place a bet on your behalf again with regard to how long it will take O'Neill to return to the SGC?"

Landry smiled slightly, patting the Jaffa on the shoulder. "We'll talk later."


Four members of SG-1, dressed in blue combat fatigues, stood shoulder-to-shoulder in the gateroom in front of an active Stargate. Sam chewed her lip in worry, hoping that Daniel's injuries weren't permanent or life-threatening. Cam squeezed her shoulder in support. "He'll be fine, Sam. He always is."

Sam spoke quietly, shaking her head slightly, "He also always finds a way to get injured. I swear... that man..."

Vala remarked, looking optimistic, "Well, could be worse."

The rest of the team looked at her with various expressions of bewilderment and bemusement, and she continued with shrug, "He could have been shot by one of the Expedition members by accident..."

Everyone else shook their heads and Cam said, "This is what the boy gets for going anywhere without back-up. Nobody got injured the last time we toured as a band instead of going solo." Their attentions were drawn back to the active event horizon when something finally came through – McKay, a group of medics and a fully-loaded gurney. Sam's heart leapt into her throat on seeing the prone form of her husband and, not noticing McKay, she followed the gurney out of the gateroom as Carolyn led the party to the Infirmary, the CMO reading through a clipboard as she rushed alongside the gurney.

Sam was pushed out of the Infirmary by the bustling medics as they prepared for surgery. Carolyn, on noticing her, approached her and said reassuringly, touching the Colonel's hand, "Sam... he's going to be okay." Noticing Sam's gaze move to where the medics were working, Carolyn said, gesturing towards a doorway, "Go up to the observation room. You can come back in when we've finished."

A scared looking Sam asked as her attention was drawn back to the doctor, "What are you doing to him?"

"It's just finishing what Doctor Keller started in Atlantis – cleaning the wounds, and maybe some skin grafts. We're also going to run some more comprehensive scans on him." Carolyn squeezed Sam's hand. "He's going to be fine, Sam."

Sam nodded slowly, looking upset, and Carolyn said softly, "Go on." The Colonel reluctantly left the Infirmary, glancing back at where she knew her husband was, even if she couldn't see him. She was on her way to the observation room when she heard a voice.


She turned to see McKay fall in step with her as she continued on her way. She replied half-heartedly, "Hey, Rodney."

McKay looked as though he was choosing his words as they made their way to the observation room. On arriving, the two sat down, looking through the glass at the Infirmary below as surgeons worked on Daniel. Finally, McKay spoke, his eyes fixed on the happenings below.

"Daniel really thought he was a goner back there." He looked at Sam, noting how she was trying very hard to hold it together. "It's lucky we were rescued when we were." He paused. "I respect him." Sam turned to look at him, incredulous. He raised his hands briefly. "I know, I know, you're going to end up running tests on me in a minute to make sure I haven't been compromised by an alien with a penchant for Daniel Jackson..." He smiled slightly. "I really appreciated having him along on the ride."

Sam remarked, her voice sounding a little strained as she smiled a little, "You didn't tell him, did you?"

He looked as though he had been caught out, and then he said, "Ah, well... I didn't tell him, per se..."

She smiled again. "Thanks for being there."

He half-shrugged. "Hey, I did nothing." He paused and then reached into his pocket. He pulled out a small black box and held it out to Sam.

The Colonel remarked, annoyed, an eyebrow raised, "You may not have noticed, but I am married."

McKay stared at her. "Uh... it's not mine." He gestured towards the glass. "Indy in there gave it to me to give to you when he thought he wasn't going to make it. Take it."

Now scared at what it could be, Sam took the box from the Physicist and stared at it. As her chest felt as though it was constricting, she opened the box and saw a plain gold ring. Her hand went to her mouth in shock, knowing how much it must have taken for Daniel to believe that he was going to die. "Oh God..."

McKay looked at the ring as she held it in her palm. "What? You don't like it? To tell you the truth, it looks a little big for you."

She shook her head. "It's his wedding band." He immediately clammed up on seeing Sam so upset, and, looking troubled, he looked down into the Infirmary again as Sam tried hard to concentrate on the fact that she still had her husband.