Author has written 28 stories for Redwall, NCIS, Stargate: Atlantis, Misc. Movies, and Stargate: SG-1. Whee... It's September 1st... Time to update the profile again... Okay, lessee here. I'm Jeana a.k.a. the-Bookworm-Princess. I'm 19. I love to write and vid more than anything else. My website is http:///bookwormprincess While the Redwall book series is what originally got me started on fanfiction, my fic "Shyla's Adventure" has unfortunately been abandoned. Now I mainly write for Stargate: Atlantis, but I've got two remaining NCIS bunnies and a Sam/Rodney story in the works as well. NCIS - This was my first major fandom, and the characters are so much fun to write, especially Abby. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at writing Ziva, so I haven't written anything following the season 3 storyline except a post-Twilight fic. Unless the story is labeled as "no ship", I'll be pairing Tony/Kate and Gibbs/Abby. Stargate: Atlantis - Thanks again, Amelia, for getting me hooked. Sheppard and Rodney are easy for me to write, and I adore writing for this fandom. Most of my pairings for this one are show-character/OC, although I did do a John/Teyla fic that I'm pretty happy with. And Weir/Zelenka! I'm sorry, but that's just adorkable. Anyways, I don't really know what possessed me, but my main offering for this fandom is my "shevie" trilogy. Note to self: Amelia, we must come up with a name for this trilogy. Anyways, Bound and Determined, the first one, is only seven chapters and it's not my best as I was really new to the fandom; Dirty Little Secret, the sequel, is twenty chapters and a whole lot better; and I just finished Growing Pains at sixty chapters. I am very happy with the whole series, but I plan to take a nice break from writing SGA when I finish GP. I know it's not the most popular thing, but I have paired up both John and Rodney with OC's, though they are not Mary-Sues. So, if lead-character/OC isn't your thing...I'd say "try it anyway", but that'd be bossy. ;) Stargate SG-1 - Well, as I said, I'm trying to write a Sam/Rodney, which I guess would be an SGA/SG-1 crossover. But there is no way in heck that I could ever write Teal'c, so don't expect any elaborate SG-1 fics from meesa. Lost - Even though I hate Jack's guts, I ship him with Juliet. When I'm not in a Jears mood, that is. :-D My other ships are Sawyer/Kate and Charlie/Claire(SKate and PB&J forever!). Not sure if I'll ever get around to writing a Lost fic, but I'd like to. Firefly - Lovely show, but I've got so many other bunnies in my head I can't even think about writing for this fandom yet. Thoughtcrimes - Really good movie. I did an uber short "Five Things" fic because I couldn't get those few short little scenes out of my head, but I am planning on doing two multi-chapter stories. That's right, Amelia; I don't believe in one-shots. ;) Heck, I've got the idea for the sequel, but still have no idea what the plot is for the first one! Oh yeah, and to all you "lurkers" out there who read and don't review, reviews really do make an author's world go round, and I'd love it if you'd let me know what you thought of my stories. ;) Jeana :);):D PS - Go and check out all of Commodore Norrington's and Corvaisis' stuff. :D |