Author's Note: Wow, I never knew that so many people liked fluff. I almost didn't post this story, but I am glad I did. To all of you who reviewed, thank you so much. I hope you enjoy this last chapter! :)

Chapter 4

They entered the restaurant, sat at a table in the back, and ordered their food. When it arrived, Tony picked up his chopsticks and looked at Kate. "Alright," he grinned. "Teach me."

"Okay, the first one you hold like a pencil," she said, placing the stick between her thumb and middle finger. Tony copied her action. "Then the second goes on top." She positioned it and held it with her index finger. Tony did the same. "Now, you pick up the noodles like this." She expertly grabbed her noodles with the chopsticks and brought them to her mouth. "See?" she asked before eating them.

"I think I got it." Tony tried to pick up the noodles the way he had been shown, but they kept slipping through the chopsticks. "Maybe I should just get a fork," he muttered after his eighth try.

"It really isn't that difficult, Tony. Here let me help." She reached across the table and positioned the sticks in his hand. Tony couldn't help but grin when she placed her hand over his and maneuvered the sticks so that they grabbed the noodles. "Now you eat it," she said, letting go of his hand.

He quickly brought the noodles into his mouth, not giving them time to slip off. "I did it."

"Congratulations, Tony, let's have a party for you," she teased. "But can you do it by yourself?"

He tried and was successful. She had to smile at the pleased grin on his face, which stayed there for the entire evening.

When they finished eating, Tony paid the bill and they left. As they started the drive to Kate's apartment, Kate flipped through the radio stations. Finding one that she liked, she asked if she could turn it up. "Be my guest," Tony replied. She cranked up the bass, and then turned the volume up high enough so that the car was slightly vibrating with the music. She rolled down her window and stuck her head out, enjoying the cool breeze. When a song came on that she really liked, she started singing along. It ended just as they reached Kate's apartment.

She was about to get out of the car, but stopped for a moment when she had a thought. "Hey, Tony?"


"Do you--" she paused, trying to formulate her words so they wouldn't be taken the wrong way. "Would you like to come inside for a while? Then you can try out your new game-and give me my back massage," she added quickly.

"Sure." He gave her a grin and killed the engine.

They walked up the stairs to her apartment and Kate unlocked the door. Tony looked around as Kate hung up her coat and purse. The apartment had a relaxed feel to it, and he knew the bunny slippers would make a good addition. She sat down on the couch in front of the television and patted the spot next to her. Tony sat down and began opening the plastic package with his knife. Kate slipped her shoes off and put on her new slippers.

"These are absolutely adorable, Tony." She stood up and walked around in them. "And they're so comfy!"

Tony smiled. "I'm glad you like them so much. Aha!" He succeeded in freeing the game from the plastic, turned on the tv, and plugged in his game. As he selected Pac-man, Kate pulled out her ponytail and shook her hair, letting it fall about her shoulders. 'She should wear her hair down more often,' Tony mused as he watched her out of the corner of his eye. "Haha! Look at this, the names of the…things that try to eat you are Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde. Clyde is such a funny name."

Kate rolled her eyes, but was soon impressed with his skill at the game. When he was finally defeated, he'd beaten the high score and set one of his own: 28500. "Can I try it?"

"Sure." He handed the controller to her.

She took it and started a new game. "I haven't played this in a while, so don't laugh when I die." She did fine for a few minutes, but then ran into Blinky.

"No, Kate, you're not invincible unless you eat the big dot, and they turn blue."

"I know, I know. Don't distract me."

Tony got a devilish glint in his eye, and an equally devilish grin spread across his face. He suddenly reached over, grabbed Kate's hand, and began yanking the joystick around. "No, Kate, don't go that way! The other way!"

"Tony, what are you doing? Cut it out!"

"Lookout here they come! Ahh! Kate, you got killed again."

She glared at him, but a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Tony!"

"What?" He pulled his best 'innocent' look.

"You can be so immature sometimes!"

"I know." He grinned.

Kate rolled her eyes, and returned her attention to the game screen. "Okay, so I'm not any good at that game." She pressed the reset button, returning to the game menu. "What's Dig Dug?"

"Oh, man, that game is hard! I could never make it past the fifth level."

"Hmm. I think I'll try it."

"Fine, but it's super hard."

Kate began playing. She died quickly at first, but once she got the hang of the game, she did pretty well. Tony couldn't believe how well she did. Or how much she got into it. She began crying out "Die, monkey! Die!" at intervals. When she was finally defeated, she had beaten the high score and then some, reaching 29930. She sighed, pleased with herself. "I thought you said it was hard?" she said smugly.

Tony muttered something under his breath, then said, "Way to go."

Kate yawned, then said, "I'll be right back, you can keep playing."

He began playing Rally-X, the car game, as Kate disappeared into her bedroom.

After a few minutes, Kate emerged from her room. She had changed into a light blue tank top and some flannel pajama pants; she still had on the slippers. She sat down on the couch and watched him finish his game. When he was through, she turned to him. "Tony, I'm really tired. Could I have that back massage now?"

He grinned. "You bet." He turned off the television, and followed Kate into her bedroom. She turned on the lamp and collapsed on the bed; Tony sat down beside her. "Tell me how hard you like it." He placed his hands on her back and began rubbing her shoulder muscles with his fingers.

"A little bit harder. There, that's good."

"Dang, Kate, you're way tense," he commented, as he massaged her knotted muscles.

"Do I look like the kind of girl who goes to spa every week? Don't answer that. Oh, man, that feels good." She moaned softly as he worked on a particularly sore muscle.

He slowly worked his way from her shoulders all the way down to her lower back. By the time he finished about twenty minutes later, Kate was almost asleep. "There you go. Merry Christmas."

"Thanks…for dinner…and…massage," Kate mumbled.

"You're welcome. Goodnight, Kate."

"'Night, Tony."

Tony turned off the lamp, went back into the living room, and quietly got his game and coat. He turned off all the lights, and left.


Author's Note: Yes, it was fluff, but I hope you found it tobe enjoyable fluff. Please review, guys; I live on your feedback. As I said earlier, my new story should be out in early January as soon as I come upwith a title for it. ;)

