Title: Dirty Little Secret

Author: Jeana

Spoilers: none majorly, but any episode so far is fair game

Pairings: Sheppard/Evie, Michael/Summer, and little teeny bit of Zelenka/Weir, but nothing more than the teasing you might see on the show

Summary: Evie is alright with having a secret relationship with Sheppard, but what will happen when he wants something more? This is a sequel to "Bound and Determined" and takes place about three months after that story.

Warning: Rated T for some mild language, minor adult themes, and sensuality.

Disclaimer: The characters of Elizabeth, Sheppard, Teyla, Ronon, Ford, Rodney, Carson, Lorne, Zelenka, Laura, Kate, Kavanagh, and Caldwell belong to Brad Wright, Robert C. Cooper, MGM, and all that jazz. All other characters are my own and may not be used without permission. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, evil or benign, just might be on purpose.

Author's Note: Sorry that this took longer than I thought it would to get it posted. I'll try to update regularly, but since I'm gonna be gone half the summer there will probably be gaps betweens postings. But don't worry, the story is all done, so it WILL get posted. :D Okay, I promise the "acknowledgements" won't be quite as long as last time.

Big, big, big thank you to Bethany aka Tigger dah muse for being my inspiration, as always. Thanks for supporting me even when other haven't, and for not telling me certain scenes are corny. ;) I luv you so much.

Amelia, Amelia, Amelia, what would I do without you? Thank you for putting up with my misplaced commas, for brainstorming with me, and for making sure that we didn't have any poop-hugging or "lying prostate." :rofl: I promise that I'll write a Rodney pajama scene in the next one. ;)

To my loyal readers: y'all's reviews make my day. Thanks for sticking with me. Rogue1503, you rock my socks off. ;) If the first two chapters seem a little too perky, don't worry, I promise it gets angstier. Much angstier.

"There's a man who leads a life of danger. To everyone he meets he stays a stranger. With every move he makes another chance he takes. Odds are he won't live to see tomorrow. Secret Agent man. Secret Agent man. They've given you a number and taken away your name." - Johnny Rivers, "Secret Agent Man"

Peering through the brush, Evie readied her weapon and began moving cautiously behind the shrub line. Shielding her self behind a tree, she turned to Teyla, who was hidden behind the bushes several yards away. Teyla nodded, acknowledging the other woman, and Evie slowly counted on her fingers. When she reached three, she darted from her position and began running toward the target, firing as she sprinted. At the same time, Teyla jumped up and began laying down cover fire against the man guarding the precious target.

Evie had nearly reached her goal when she felt several sharp stings of pain to her chest. Dropping her weapon, she clutched her chest, gasping and choking. She slowly fell to her knees and then collapsed with a final cry of "Run, Teyla, run!" She closed her eyes and could hear her friend retreating. Then she perceived her enemy approaching. When he fired another round into her foot, she opened her eyes and glared at him. "Dang it, I'm already dead, Ronon!"

"Just checking," he smirked and then began running off after Teyla. With a mischievous grin, Evie rolled over and grabbed her paintball gun, firing a shot that popped Ronon on the rear end as he ran. "No cheating!" he called over his shoulder.

Evie sighed and set down her weapon down, pulling off her mask. Now she just had to wait for the game to end. After a few minutes, she heard a short firefight, then victorious whoops from the guys. Evie groaned; this was the third time in a row that the men had kicked the women's butts. If only she could convince Rodney to play in the place of one of the other men, the women might have a chance. Unfortunately, Rodney was scared to death of being shot by the pellets of paint. One look at the bruises the six of them had sported after their first "capture the flag" tournament had convinced Rodney that it was a sadistic game. Evie grabbed her weapon and began walking in the direction of the women's flag.

She found the other five, Summer, Michael, Ronon, Teyla, and Sheppard, panting and draining their canteens. Michael looked as if a rainbow had been spilled on him; the poor thing had been nailed by both Summer and Teyla simultaneously. But, in the end, Sheppard had managed to snatch the flag while Ronon covered him. Teyla had been pelted at the last second and was sure to have a nasty bruise on her side. "That was a nice try, ladies," Sheppard commented with a smirk as Evie walked up.

"I'd congratulate you, but I don't want to listen to you and Michael break out with 'We are the Champions' again," Evie replied with a wry smile.

"Aww, c'mon, Sheppard and I are a great duo," Michael protested. "Weeee are the champ--Ow!" Michael clutched his shin, which Summer had just shot. "What was that for?"

"Put a sock in it, Rainbow Brite," Summer laughed.

"Well," Sheppard said, glancing at his watch. "We really should be getting back to Atlantis. It's almost dinnertime." He grinned. The six of them grabbed their gear and began walking back to where they had left the jumper. "You wanna drive, Captain?" Sheppard asked Summer as they entered the small ship.

"Fine by me, sir," she said, stowing her equipment and heading for the cockpit. Summer had been one of the few humans who, like Sheppard and Carson, hadn't needed gene therapy and could control Lantean technology naturally.

"Shotgun!" Evie cried, dashing for the passenger seat. Ronon shook his head as he sat in the chair behind her. In a matter of minutes, they were on their way back to Atlantis.

"So, what happened to you out there, Michael?" Summer asked while she navigated. "You can generally outmaneuver us better than that."

"I dunno," he said with a shrug. "I wasn't moving as fast today. I guess all the running for my life aggravated my asthma."

"You don't have asthma, babe."

"Well, it's not technically asthma, but I have a condition," he explained.

"You have a condition?" she asked with obvious skepticism. "I think you're a hypochondriac."

"They told me I do," Michael said in his defense.

"They told him," Evie said turning to Summer, who grinned. "Michael, what did I tell you about listening to the voices?" The others laughed.

Michael rolled his eyes. "Dr. Mitschke told me."

Evie nodded thoughtfully. "And how long have you been hearing the voice of Dr. Mitschke?"

"Ha, ha, ha," Michael retorted, feigning laughter. "You're so funny, Evie."

"I thought it was funny," Sheppard interjected with a shrug.

"You would," Michael muttered.

"What was that?" Sheppard asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Nothing," Michael said innocently.

When they returned from the mainland, they ate a hearty dinner, famished from their five rounds of paintball. After being sated by the heavy meal, they lounged around the table relaxedly trading chitchat and a few jokes.

"If it's true that actions speak louder than words, then why can't you hear mimes?" Michael joked.

Evie laughed. "Nice pun."

"I've got a better one," Sheppard interjected.

"Let's hear it," Michael challenged.

"Have you guys heard the one about the German coastguard?" When all he got were blanks stares, he continued. "Okay, so this guy is really green, right? It's his first day in the radar office and all of a sudden the radio starts crackling. You can barely hear someone calling, 'Mayday! Mayday! We're sinking! Can you hear us?' So the guy presses the button on his mic." Here, Sheppard did an amusing imitation of a German accent. "'Hello? Zis iss ze German Coastguard.' The ship's captain comes over the radio again. 'We are sinking! We are sinking!' The guy stares at the radio, perplexed, then he asks, 'Vat are you…sinking about?'"

There were groans around the table, but Evie just stared at him blankly. "Wait for it," she said, holding her hand up and pondering the pun. "Wait for it…" Still trying to get the joke, she took a sip of her water. Suddenly, the punch line hit her. She literally inhaled the water she had been drinking and began coughing while at the same time laughing hysterically. "Well I'm glad someone enjoyed it," Sheppard commented amusedly as Michael patted Evie on the back.

After a few moments, Evie stopped coughing and attempted to calm her laughter. "'What are you sinking about?'" she repeated with a giggle. "Ahh, that's so great! Colonel, where on earth did you hear that one?" She had another short laughing fit.

"My cousin Amelia," he answered. "She studied abroad Austria." Evie nodded and began giggling again. "Wow. Okay, it's not that funny," he commented, surprised that she was still laughing.

Clapping a hand over her mouth to curtail her giggles, Evie managed, "Yes it is."

Michael chuckled. "Last time someone had her laughing that hard, she sprayed coke out her nose," he said, elbowing the Lieutenant.

"Oh, you had to bring that up," Evie said, shaking her head. Michael just shrugged.


Later that night, much later, Evie sat in her swivel chair in her quarters, spinning around in lazy circles. Zelenka and Rodney, along with a few of the other computer geeks, had finally managed to get internet set up citywide. Evie had asked Sheppard to log onto the chat server that night, if he could. Sighing, she switched directions, causing the room to spin. Suddenly, her computer dinged. She stopped spinning and looked at the screen.

23:45:23 flyboyjes has signed on

23:45:25 jacksgal: squee!

23:45:32 flyboyjes: What is "squee"?

23:45:39 jacksgal: it's my happy noise. giggles

23:45:50 flyboyjes: I see. Man, it's been a long time since I've been in one of these things.

23:46:03 jacksgal: really? they're so much fun, lol

23:46:09 flyboyjes: what's "lol"?

23:46:17 jacksgal: it means laughing out loud. as in, I'm laughing right now.

23:46:24 flyboyjes: ah. thanks.

23:46:28 jacksgal: np

23:46:31 flyboyjes: np?

23:46:44 jacksgal: omw, you weren't kidding when you said it'd been a while, huh?

23:46:52 jacksgal: np is no "problem". and omw is "oh my word."

23:47:01 flyboyjes: ty

23:47:09 jacksgal: see! you're gettin it! ;)

23:48:15 flyboyjes: sort of…

23:48:24 jacksgal: you'll catch on sooner or later.

23:48:43 jacksgal: okay, I give up. what is "jes" supposed to mean?

23:48:50 flyboyjes: It's my initials.

23:48:59 jacksgal: ah. Edward?

23:49:06 flyboyjes: nope.

23:49:19 jacksgal: oh yeah, I always wondered: is your name really Jonathan or is it just John?

23:49:25 flyboyjes: just John.

23:49:38 jacksgal: awesome. now back to the question at hand. Edgar?

23:49:44 flyboyjes: uhh…no.

23:49:52 jacksgal: hehe. umm… Elmer!

23:50:04 flyboyjes: you're not even close. I could just tell you, you know.

23:50:12 jacksgal: tsk. now where's the fun in that?

23:50:17 jacksgal: Elliot?

23:50:19 jacksgal: Earl?

23:50:22 jacksgal: Ethan?

23:50:28 flyboyjes: still no.

23:50:40 jacksgal: hmm…ponder, ponder, ponder Ebeneezer? giggles

23:50:44 jacksgal: Enrique:D

23:50:48 flyboyjes: John Enrique Sheppard?

23:50:56 jacksgal: hey, I'm just going through the E's…

23:51:05 jacksgal: gasp ELMO!

23:51:11 flyboyjes: no, thank God.

23:51:15 jacksgal: Ha! umm…

23:51:32 jacksgal: of course! I should have gotten it sooner! John Egbert!

23:51:34 flyboyjes: …

23:51:37 jacksgal: rofl

23:51:46 flyboyjes: care to translate?

23:51:55 jacksgal: rolling on (the) floor laughing

23:52:07 jacksgal: Ephriam?

23:52:12 flyboyjes: sigh no…

23:52:28 jacksgal: Englebert? Eskimo!

23:52:40 floyboyjes: you have issues. you know that?

23:52:49 jacksgal: hehehe. and you're only just now noticing?

23:52:57 flyboyjes: no, this is just further proof. : )

23:53:08 jacksgal: gah! I'm starting to run out. I can only think of a few more… Ezra?

23:53:14 flyboyjes: there ya go.

23:53:17 jacksgal: really?

23:53:19 flyboyjes: no

23:53:24 jacksgal: ugh. you're such a dork.

23:53:31 flyboyjes: careful, Lieutenant…

23:53:37 jacksgal: oh, what're you gonna do about it? raises eyebrow

23:53:46 jacksgal: I can't actually do that. raise just one eyebrow, I mean. I can only raise them both. it's kinda sad.

23:53:54 jacksgal: anyways…Eric?

23:53:58 flyboyjes: yep.

23:54:03 jacksgal: really?

23:54:06 flyboyjes: yes.

23:54:13 jacksgal: really really?

23:54:19 flyboyjes: really really.

23:54:30 jacksgal: John Eric Sheppard. I like that. it's kinda…rough.

23:54:33 jacksgal: mrawr

23:54:39 flyboyjes: raises eyebrow (I can actually do that :P)

23:54:45 jacksgal: nothing… innocent face

23:54:49 flyboyjes: ooooooooooookay then.

23:55:02 flyboyjes: who's Jack?

23:55:04 jacksgal: huh?

23:55:09 jacksgal: oh! Jack Sparrow. Pirates of the Caribbean.

23:55:13 flyboyjes: rolls eyes

23:55:15 jacksgal: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?

23:55:20 jacksgal: what's that s'posed to mean?

23:55:29 flyboyjes: you're obsessing over a character that's not even real.

23:55:36 jacksgal: gasp but Johnny Depp is real. and he's HAWT!

23:55:42 flyboyjes: rolls eyes isn't he married?

23:55:49 jacksgal: covers ears I can't heeeeeeeeeeeear yoooooooooooooou.

23:55:52 flyboyjes: haha.

23:56:00 jacksgal: you men are no better. Name your favorite actress.

23:56:08 flyboyjes: Audrey Hepburn.

23:56:15 jacksgal: current actress, you goof.

23:56:23 flyboyjes: …

23:56:27 jacksgal: c'mon now

23:56:35 flyboyjes: will you promise not to hit me?

23:56:41 jacksgal: maybe…

23:56:44 flyboyjes: ugh.

23:56:55 flyboyjes: Angelina Jolie

23:56:58 jacksgal: slap

23:57:04 flyboyjes: see! I knew you would!

23:57:17 jacksgal: that's cause she's…she's… she's Angelina! gags I mean, I'm not saying that she can't act…

23:57:25 flyboyjes: yeah, well… she's "hawt", as you so eloquently put it.

23:57:33 jacksgal: mutters unintelligible curses under her breath

23:57:39 flyboyjes: anyways…

23:57:46 jacksgal: yes, yes, moving on…

23:58:04 jacksgal: your turn to start a converstaion

23:58:06 jacksgal: conversation

23:58:10 flyboyjes: why me?

23:58:16 jacksgal: because I'll start randomly singing if you don't

23:58:18 flyboyjes: …

23:58:32 jacksgal: oh, oh,oh, go totally crazy, forget I'm a lady. men's shirts, short skirts. oh, oh, oh…

23:58:36 flyboyjes: beg your pardon?

23:58:43 jacksgal: man! I feel like a woman! dun dun da da da dun dun!

23:58:51 flyboyjes: I suppose that's a good thing?

23:58:55 jacksgal: heck yes it is. :D

23:59:08 jacksgal: the best thing about being a woman is the prerogative to have a little fun!

23:59:17 flyboyjes: that's what I'm talking 'bout. now how do I get a piece of that? ;)

23:59:26 jacksgal: so sorry to disappoint you, Colonel, but rules are rules. "No fraternizing."

23:59:34 flyboyjes: I don't want to "fraternize", I want to grab you an--shutting up.

23:59:40 jacksgal: bad, John, bad:D

23:59:44 flyboyjes: evil grin

23:59:53 jacksgal: I'm having a party. A party for two…

00:00:02 flyboyjes: ooh! ooh! I know this one! ain't inviting nobody. nobody but you.

00:00:08 jacksgal:D you'll be sexy in your socks

00:00:13 flyboyjes: we could polish the floors.

00:00:19 jacksgal: in case anybody knocks

00:00:24 flyboyjes: let's lock all the doors.

00:00:28 jacksgal: oh dear, it's getting late.

00:00:35 flyboyjes: aww, but we were just getting to the good part. grin

00:00:41 jacksgal: but it's past my bedtime. I'll turn into a pumpkin!

00:00:45 flyboyjes: a pumpkin?

00:00:52 jacksgal: oh, for the love of donuts, have you never watched Cinderella?

00:00:59 flyboyjes: oh! right, right. well then, Princess, I guess I should let you get to bed. :D

00:01:03 jacksgal: awww, make me feel special.

00:01:09 jacksgal: ooh! That makes you Prince Charming, doesn't it

00:01:10 jacksgal?

00:01:13 jacksgal: I hate that stupid key…

00:01:20 flyboyjes: if you deem me worthy of that title, Beautiful, then I accept.

00:01:24 jacksgal: awesome possum

00:01:26 flyboyjes: squee.

00:01:28 jacksgal: omw, no.

00:01:32 flyboyjes: what?

00:01:36 jacksgal: no. just no.

00:01:41 flyboyjes: okay…

00:01:44 flyboyjes: goodnight, then.

00:01:52 jacksgal: goodnight. sleep tight. don't let the bedbugs bite.

00:01:56 flyboyjes: haha

00:02:05 jacksgal: you laugh, but I'm serious about those bugs.

00:02:10 flyboyjes: yes, ma'am. sweet dreams

00:02:16 jacksgal: see you in the morning

00:02:19 flyboyjes: it is morning.

00:02:22 jacksgal: …

00:02:26 jacksgal: you know what I mean. g'night.

00:02:29 flyboyjes: 'night

00:02:33 jacksgal has signed off

00:02:41 flyboyjes has signed off