![]() Author has written 236 stories for Stargate: Atlantis, Lone Gunmen, Smallville, Stargate: SG-1, Batman, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Batman the Animated Series, Evil Dead/Army of Darkness, Reservoir Dogs, Kevin Smith, Batman, Twilight Zone, Edgar Allan Poe, City of Heroes, Burn Notice, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Teen Titans, Misc. Comics, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Justice League, Superman, Batman/Superman Adventures, Hellboy, and Wizard of Oz. I've become a very busy lady over the past few years or so, to the point where I barely have time to write much of anything anymore. I do what I can, when I can, but it seems like a couple of bursts of activity a few times a year are all I can muster. For that, I'm sorry. I'm still slowly plugging away at revising old stories as I find time, but it's going even more s l o w l y than I anticipated. (UPDATE: For however long it lasts, revisions have started to pick up! Old chapters are going down! New ones are coming...uh...up! Someday. Maybe even this decade.) I'm also picking at in-progress stories at a snail's pace, including those that have seemingly been abandoned for years. I beg you to be patient! I know how much waiting sucks, but I'm doing my best. Are you wondering where the CATverse site went? It still exists, and you can find it at freewebs dot com slash catverse On reviews/faves/alerts/PMs etc.: While I try to answer as many reviews and PMs as I possibly can and send thank you notes to everyone who favorites or adds me or my stories to their alert lists, sometimes they just get away from me. I often only have time to glance at my e-mail, grin and then get eaten by real life again. I try to set aside a day once every six months or so to catch up, but I am perpetually behind. Please don't be discouraged if I don't get the chance to respond to you right away or if I completely space and forget to answer entirely: I read and cherish every review, favorite and alert and greatly appreciate you taking the time to tell me what you think of my writing, whether it's through a critical review, a gushing "More please!" or just clicking the little add-to-favorites button. :) PLEASE NOTE: Currently, all of my stories are undergoing an overhaul. I'm taking the opportunity to edit out problematic things along the way that I didn't realize were there. Language that is even remotely misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic, whorephobic, ableist, racist, victim blaming, slut shaming, rape culture-y, or otherwise offensive is slated to be edited out as I find the time to tackle stories one by one. These attitudes are so casual and pervasive that I didn't realize that I was parroting and re-enforcing them (though that's certainly no excuse), and I don't want them to be there because not only can they hurt people, but they're flat out wrong. I'm very sorry for having ever written anything of the sort, even without meaning to. Additionally, trigger warnings will be added where appropriate, because some problematic content may remain for story/characterization based reasons, though I'm doing my best to cut out as much as I possibly can. Due to the sheer size of my body of work, please be patient during the revision process, especially in the CATverse. Troublesome things may be there currently, but they won't be forever, you have my solemn oath. If you notice something I may have missed in an edited/revised story, please don't hesitate to point it out. This trigger warning stands for the whole CATverse series at least until such time as editing is complete: The CATverse is not a series about nice people, and it is not about good people. These characters all, to some degree, lack what would be considered normal empathy. There will be violence, some of it done to people who do not deserve it and/or can't fight back. There may, very rarely, be harm to children. There is very little sex; most of that happens off-screen, and none of it is graphic, but kinky themes may occasionally be mentioned. There is absolutely no rape, but there will be actions and attitudes that approach it. (Once again, I apologize for not providing better context for such scenes.) There are some discussions of mental illness and abuse, often drawn from the authors' personal experience, which may be triggering but which we hope at least will be accurate. And everybody's favorite misanthrope will display some misogynistic/slut shaming attitudes, more so toward the beginning of the series. Besides that, the CATverse is a comedy series, but it's black comedy more often than not. Please be warned. |
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