![]() Author has written 17 stories for That '70s Show, O.C., School of Rock, Scrubs, Harry Potter, Brokeback Mountain, Peter Pan, Heroes, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, House, M.D., and Smallville. My name's Michelle. I'm eighteen and live in Australia. I've been writing fanfic for about six years (funny, you think I would've gotten better at it, don't you? Oh well.) but I'm more of a reader than anything. Since it's been awhile, and I've now made my peace with it, I'm not ashamed to say my first fandom was 'Passions' (Ethan/Teresa all the way baby! Except not because then I started liking Kane/Reese. heh), where I wrote numerous 600 word beginnings to badfics. I then moved onto Smallville and latched onto Chloe/Lex (which has been my most long-lasting pairing, as I can still appreciate it) and wrote several fics, including one or two I actually liked. Of course, I was reading Harry Potter since it first came out, and when I first heard about Harry Potter fic I went 'Ooh, a bandwagon! Must jump on it!' And found my first pairing to be Hermione/Draco. But then, as we all know, Rowling took an extended break after 'Goblet of Fire' so my interest waned. It was then I discovered the wonders of Buffy and Angel. Pathetically, I read transcripts of it to begin with, up until season six, and used that as the basis for my Xander/Cordelia obsession. But that also waned, and after actually watching the show my love for Spike was terrible and complete, and so was my love for Willow (who, and not to sound like an arrogant fangirl, was the only character thusfar that I could identify with), and so my love fore Spike/Willow was born. My hetlove for Smallville and Buffy ran side by side, and I attempted many-a archive trying to combine the two, but I knew not many Chlexers who like Spike/Willow as much as they liked Spike/Buffy (never liked Spuffy. Never have, never will). I experimented with many het pairings, Clark/Chloe, Chloe/Lucas, Willow/Angel, Chloe/Whitney, but, fickle being that I am, I was not satisfied for some time. Until I disocovered slash. After being weaned onto it by Willow/Angel/Spike and Clark/Lex/Chloe, I read my first proper slash: Schmoop by Caroline Baker (Clark/Whitney). After that I was hooked, of course. Poor selection forced me to go outside Clark/Whitney (our love could have been epic, were there more fics), and I revisited my old fandoms (because as much as I love Clark and Lex, I can't touch pure Clex with a ten-foot pole). In Buffy and Angel I discovered Angel/Wesley, Angel/Xander, Angel/Spike(/Angelus/William), Andrew/Xander and, my definitive pairing for the fandom, Xander/Spike. While I still love it to pieces, Harry Potter has abducted me as its own, and my number one slash pairing is Harry/Draco, and its the one fandom I still stay true to. I have other fandoms now: O.C (Seth/Ryan), Queer as Folk (Brian/Justin), House M.D (House/Chase), Brokeback Mountain (Jack/Ennis) and X-Men (Bobby/St John). I still dabble in het, though, I'm not a total heterophobe any more. I also like Veronica Mars (Logan/Veronica), That 70's Show (Jackie/Hyde and Eric/Jackie), Pride and Prejudice (Elizabeth/Darcy), X-Men: Evolution (Rogue/Gambit) and am currently immersing myself in Hermione/Tom, specifically anything by Vasilisa23 (see recs below). NOTE: JUST NOTICED LINKS ARE DOWN IN PROFILES, CHECK MY NEW HOMEPAGE FOR LINKS AND FURTHER UPDATES That's my life story, hope you enjoyed. This rec list is dedicated to Maya, because I can't NOT dedicate everything to her, and Vasilisa23, who's awesomeness in writing Hermione/Tom has refreshed my love for het. Also, she's nice to me :D. MY LIST OF RECS -last updated Wednesday, 30th November 2011- please note a lot of these will just have to be removed because they no longer exist. which is sad. i will try find links to the rest, or if i have a .doc i'll send it on request. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series Acid Test - (By Yahtzee) It's rare for me to like these sorts of fic, without much romance and more plot-based than anything, but when I do they're pretty much awesome. It's het too, but the adventure element combined with a magical acid trip makes it bearable. (Anya/Xander, Willow/Xander) All About Spike - What the title says. A Spike-centric archive that filters out all the shit to give us pure Spikey goodness. No badfic here! *corrected*Better Buffy Fiction Archive - BtVS/AtS. Multi-character site. A bit more iffy than All About Spike, as it's a rec page done by people who don't run the site, but it has a greater variety. Well worth a look. (link fixed) *corrected*Big Rock Candy Mountain - (by Bas) Andrew's defining fic for the whole fandom; AU, but he's still Andrew. Epic and brilliant. (Andrew Gen/Multiple) - Biteable used to be the home of Jackson's fiction, but it's no longer running. Her livejournal is still alive but hasn't been updated since 2007, so yes a WIP, but her Spike/Xander trilogy still makes me smile to think about. It truly is a great read, so have a hunt in her lj. BtVS UC Fanfiction Archive - Home to all the unconventional fic you could imagine. It can be annoying to navigate, due to the almost-fanfiction.net-edness of it, but it's worth it once you find the good stuff. BtVS Video Game - I've replaced this link with the wiki link to all the games. Don't ya just love wiki? *corrected*Buffy World - (For some reason I had written this as 'buffworld'. Lol.) The most comprehensive non-fiction Buffy site on the web. Includes transcripts, screen caps, news and like, a billion other things. (exception for the thing because actual show-wise, this is the best place) Bugger This - An awesome collection of slash writers and fics. And as a bonus, they have a very refined rec page worth looking at. Chase's fic is down, which blows. Bulletproof - (by Doyle) Andrew gen. Really, really good. I never once read this and thought something about it was wrong, it's pure Andrew. "We're, like, superheroes," he'd said on their first night as White Hats, and it must have been a million years ago because he can't ever have been so enthusiastic or so bulletproof. Co-Mu-Ni-Ca-Tion - (Spike/Xander) A bit off, I have to say, but I like the taste of angst, a mother-henning Gunn and Xander being in with the AtS crew (it also kinda reminds me of Lt Uhura (see further down); a favourite of mine). *corrected*Conjunctions Series - (by Flaming Muse) A Spike/Xander fic hasn't given me so much excitement since Boglescat!verse by witling. It has everything I love: A Spander relationship that builds up but doesn't seem to take forever, not a moment of OOCness but believable vulnerability on both sides and lovely banter that just sparks. This fic made me grin, tear up and gave me nice heart flutterings. Really, really read this. Two things though: the beginning of the first chapter may make you want to run for cover, but trust me, stick with it. Second thing, sometimes I would just stop and think 'okay, where is everyone else in all of this?', so it's very relationshippy. Still good, though :). Ysssyyy I can't believe I found this, and she's got a HUGE collection on her lj. I love that some old school people are still keeping fic up. *corrected*Essence of Mourning - (by spikess) Gosh. I'd classify this as Xander/Andrew/Anya threesome in weirdest, saddest way. Post-Finale angst. Fanged Four - Centred on Drusilla/Darla/Angel(us)/Spike(William). George - (by ladycat) Casual, cute Spanderness. I like this Xander. He's a together guy, openly gay with his love-life in shambles. Luckily, his cat is a match-maker. She also pretty much nails Xander as he would be in this incarnation: "Another honest-be-to-god Spike smile, this one amused and kinda shy. Freaky. Also, deaky." I Dare Say - This is largely for the BtVS/AtS vanvids (ah yes, vanvids lol) that are awesome, despite the fact that this elegant but practical site appears to have other elements to it that have not been explored by me (including Scrubs/QAF vids and posssibly fic). Anyway, it's Xandra's vids rule. It's Just a Jump to the Left - (by Kemberly A) I love slash (or any fic for that matter) with a mystical edge. Xander's trapped in a pocket of time, doomed to repeat it until he gets it right. This is a nice balance between plot and 'ship (S/X)... my qualm with it is that Spike seems a bit OOC, not too bad but it's noticeable. (I found the fic here. It seems to be a nice little archive but I haven't used it yet). *corrected*JuliatheYounger - HaHA, she did not want to be found. Does a brilliant Spike/Xander (especially in 'We're not gay. We're just friends. Who have sex.' series), as well as some het pairings. In retrospect her fic could use a little beta-tidying. *new*Spanderfiles - a great place for a lot of old fic you thought was gone. You can look by category or author. Last Men Standing - (Kita & M) You know an angst/tragedy fic is really that when all you want to do is go inside the fic and save a character from what's happening. Or hold them. A future where the apocalypse didn't happen, except that it did. S/X/A. Living Dangerously - (by Andraste) This is pretty much canon Andrew with a hint of slash (which very well could be canon, who knows?). I love it because while it's what would be considered a short fic, it packs a punch. No angst, just a sort edgy tenseness that comes with certain revelations about one's self. Charming. Luminosity's Vidworks - Multi-fandom fanvid site, but I've only watched the Angel ones (which are actually the best vids I've ever seen). My particular recs are: There There, Here and So Real. Morbid Much? - Ryan's site which focuses on the visual side of fandom; fanvids/fanart etc. Kind of gorgeous, with some recs too (have you noticed I love recs yet?). Ryan is up there with Luminosity and Xandra on vid-gasms. - Anything and everything one needs to do with our little Nicky. Nothing Like the Sun: S/X - Some Favourite Spander Fics. Yeah, just a Spike/Xander rec page. It's got all the popular fic recs as well as a few hard to find ones on ljs... ...But can I just say how much I don't like 'Chocolatey Goodness' by madpoetess? It's rec'd everywhere, but it's really not that good. Boring and OOC. I don't care if by chance Mad Poetess reads this, because I think i'm the only one who's ever said anything bad about her fic so she probably wouldn't care. Obsessed Much? - A site collective with awesome fic sites to spare. Once in a Lifetime - A subtle Xander/OFC, Spike/Xander story. Long. Lovely. Did I mention lovely? Uses a unique and varied setting, El Dorado, and really goes back to basics, reminding us that fan fiction is just as good as original fiction, if not better. Outside Pride - A charming Spike/Xander human AU. It takes a lot of talent to keep characterisations correct in an AU, and cordelianne does it marvellously. Hasn't gotten too sexy yet (it's a recently updated WIP), but a few moments may turn your crank. Sands of Time - (by Gila and Wolfling) Took me a while but I'm reccing it. Again, it felt off. While I love woobie!Xander and h/c fic, Xander seemed a bit too much of a wuss. I know what he was dealing with was horrible, but sometimes I had to cringe away from the melodrama. The rest is great though, especially the Spike/Xander bits. ShadowKat's Musings - Smart lady. She can, on occasion, over-analyse, but she's so bloody perceptive it makes me go "Huh? Oh... Ohhhhh! I get it! Cool." Shadows & Dust Collective - I haven't used this site to its fullest capability as of yet, but ooh, pretty. Sidelines - Anna S. is an artist. This series details what could have been if Joss had gone with his original idea and made Xander gay, not Willow. The results are so true to the show, it's almost like reading a transcript of last night's episode. Her site. The Sequels 1 2 (I put these up because after months of pining for a sequel to Sidelines, I only recently found out that there WERE sequels that had been there just as long as I'd been pining if not longer. I don't want the same thing to happen to someone just as dumb as I am). Slashing the Angel - Hot Angelslash. I'm usually not one for big, dumb and broody, but when he'd paired with Wesley, there's no fic finer than what you'll find here. Spike/Xander Stories - Many Spike/Xander fics. The creator was not very discerning when he/she made this, as along with some great fic there are plenty of bad ones. Takes a bit of patience to sort through them all, as you are only provided with the title and author. Take Your Time - Carrie's gorgeous timefic. She can even get away with Spike/Willow (which I presently abhor). The Brat Queen - My first dip in Angel/Wesley pool was made all the more pleasant because of this lovely lady. She writes romantically, sadly, humorously, anything you can hope for really. She's one of a kind (link fixed). The BtVS Writer's Guild - A great place for writers, newbies and veterans, slashers and heters, potatoes and tomatoes; it's a ficcers paradise. The Dirt and Dust of Countless Ages - Has the most inadequate summary ever constructed: All of a sudden Andrew has new clothes besides the all-black ensemble he had on when he was taken hostage. How come? There's so much more to it, it's impossible to describe. Even if you're not into Xandrew, go read it now. (link fixed) The Sunnydale Files - A long human!Sunnydale AU. About a million pairings, but mostly focussed on Spike/Xander and William/Oz (trust me, it works). I was very skeptical about this, and this fic has more than a few cliches of the AU genre, but I couldn't stop reading it. Don't be daunted by the 107 chapters, they're short and every once in a while there's a line that just pops. I think it's WIP but I got a bit lost so who the hell knows, eh? The Sunnydale Herald - Apparently it's where all the cool fic are hangin' out these days. Regularly updated fic with a nice variety. And they tell you which stories have which pairings and everything! Two-Beer Queer - (by FireHorse) "Oi, Harris. I'm parched. Bronze?" A plot device that works for me, because I can see it happening. The casual way that Xander identifies... what happens as inevitable makes it even more believable to me. Plus, sex! Sweaty, drunken sex! A Winter's Tale - A fanged four fic with a hint of Spike/Angelus. Up there with Sweet William and Many Loves in the 'Why Spike is the way he is' category in historic fiction. *corrected*Witling - The home of witling's fic. She's pretty much awesome. I like Lt Uhura, Boglescat!verse (you must email her and friend her. She may not respond or take awhile, so do it now) and The Assistant. I have a few of her fic on .docs so if you haven't read her stuff and would love some quality Spike/Xander (plus others) fic email me or pm me. O.C (Seth/Ryan unless indicated otherwise) (A lot of links here are broken, sorry about that) A Bruised Road - Hints of Seth/Ryan. A compelling story that explores the violent part of Ryan's psyche. Different but good. Art Imitates Life - Seth publishes his own comic with oddly familiar characters...Very romantic comedy, but it works. Black Out - (by Candle Beck) He tries to remember what happened yesterday, last night, but can’t. Something about streetlights in ranks like soldiers, standing in grass with no shoes on, an awful chemical taste in his mouth. Some other stuff, too. (its sequel: Swear To God) Try breathe after these two. I dare you. Changes - (by sdlucly) Mmmm, I love it when Ryan pines. Very in-character and sweet. Cocoon Crash - They rec practically every good Seth/Ryan fic out there. Cowardly Acts - A fic that shows how sometimes the worst thing you can do is nothing at all. Ryan and Seth fucking up respectively, perhaps Seth a little more than Ryan. Feeling of Home - Insecurity and slash. A great read. Het-ter Living Through Chemistry - Actually constructs an intricate and believable story before the hot mansex. The only readable Seth/Zach I've ever found. Midnight Ghost - Hottest kiss scene you'll ever read, it's almost like a sex scene it's that good. The angst makes it that much sweeter. No, For Real This Time, Best Chrismukkah Ever - (by lalejandra) A semi-established relationship that still manages to hot my socks off. Anna's presence seals the deal. Obviously Certifiable - O.C RPS (Real Person Slash) zone. Pulling Through - (by snara) A novella-length AU set in a 1930's orphanage. She captures not only the lonliness, fear and repressed desire of that setting and time, but the lonliness, fear and repressed desire of adolescence. Rent - (by Pamela) look left, look right, look anywhere and you'll see this fic recced. Yeah, there's a reason for that. AU!Hooker fic at its best (link broken). Riders on the Storm - Multi-fandom site but with an O.C section. Has a fairly decent O.C/Smallville crossover I rather enjoyed. Also, many of Molly's fics can make one burst into spontaneous orgasm, just so ya know ;). (link broken, but here's her LJ) Screencap Paradise - High quality OC screencaps. Seth and Luke's Big Gay Adventures in Portland - Funny, but laced with a seriousness that makes it sexy. Proof that Seth/Luke isn't entirely hopeless. Sin Awards Archive - A nice little archive, universally recc'd by those at oc_slash. Supersonic - Incredibly, it's exactly what the title makes it out to be. A great Seth/Trey with some Seth/Ryan. (link broken) Telegraph Avenue - Seth/Ryan, Seth/OMC. A really apt college fic. Involves a lot of self-discovery and stupid mistakes; it's one of the most real fics I've ever encountered in the O.C fandom. The Complete Book of Questions - I'm all about old school Seth/Ryan. I haven't even seen past season two, and dammit, I'm glad. This fic is brimming with all kinds of tension, with a nice message about thinking you're growing apart from someone, but it turns out your relationship is just growing into something else. The Distance Between - (by dirty diana) AU's are my crack. Seth and Ryan are meeting anew in uni (or college as the USAers would say), they're still from two different worlds, and there's no reason for them to be together... but they are anyway, because they're made for each other :). The OC Fanfic Vault - A Basic site with fabulous fic. Mostly Seth/Ryan, but there are some het/other slash ones there too. (link broken) The O.C Slash - An O.C Slash livejournal open to anyone.. Has some really great stuff on here, not just limited to Seth/Ryan. But who are we kidding? They're the only ones who work... cough BIASED cough Hey, you're supposed to be on my side! Damn alter-ego. The O.D - MAD parody of our beloved show. Fucking hilarious. (You have to scroll down a little). There is No Before - I've said it before and I'll say it again: Ryan pining is one of the cutest things ever. Unlucky at Pinochle - The fic alone is take-your-breath-away hot, but the video that accompanies it just... helps ;). When Subtext Becomes Text or When Seth Cohen Fulfils His Destiny as a Superhero - (by lalejandra) holy... what... passes out (companion piece: 11pm in the Pool House of Hot and Sexy (Anna/Summer)) Wombats and Superheroes - Best RPS in the fandom. There's just something incredibly right about our Adam Brody and Elijah Wood. You Ever Wonder? - A Benjamin McKenzie/Adam Brody RPS. Enough said (interpret that how you will). Queer as Folk (that boy ain't right) - funniest and best fic ever. International Brian Kinney Day, The Pink Posse & I and I Need a Lover Who Won't Drive Me Crazy are particular favourites of mine. - The Brian/Justin equivalent of fanfiction.net. The good, the bad and the... bad. You need to filter through a lot of badfic, but the good fic is usually worth it. blatant narcissism - A really hard-to-find site. All the fics rock here, Starla doesn't write stuff, she creates stuff, y'know? Anyway, look out for The Ideal Crash (looking to be a permanent WIP). It's Brian/Justin, Brian/Seth and Seth/Ryan, which is orgasmic in itself, but the storyline works too. Also: Juicy, The Triumphant Artiste and White Noise (links fixed). B r i a n L o v e s J u s t i n - I sadly have little to say on this site. It's sort of a home for all the major B/J links, but 3 O'clock Curfew (their board) is quite nice. (link broken) # Colour Series - Brian/Justin. Alternate season three from a diversity of P.O.V's. It's believable, wonderful, if not a bit confusing, but worth it until the very end. Yet another reminder why we need fic to brighten our dreary lives. Dry Series - The best AU!Highschool Fic ever created. Sweet and delicious, eat it all up. Fanfiction by JUST VISITING - Two of the best series known to man. Respectively alternate season two and three/four. Feel the Love - Gale and Randy, Randy and Gale... fucking! Just shove a tube of lube in my hands and point me in the right direction! (You have to fill out a form and stuff to get in though, ha-ha!). Gale-Online - Anything and Everything Gale Harold. A bit hard to navigate because of the colour scheme, but the content is great. Indulgence - Dark, dark, dark with a side of dark. 'Colder in My Skin' burned me. Inspiration - A Randy Harrison Fansite. A great layout and you won't find better content anywhere else. Liberty Avenue - Doesn't take the fact that it nabbed the best name for its site first for granted. Highly comprehensive and cool. Like Incest - Justin/Michael. Ah, ah, ah! Don't run away! Shamed to say I was into this pairing ages ago, like when I was still dwelling on how shit Stuart (the Brit version of Brian (can I hear a resounding 'sif!!'?) was, and how cool it would be if Nate/Vince got together, which kinda bounced onto USQAF. It's good, because this is soundczech we're talking about. Hot, but also not. Give it a try, yeah? Maps and Legends - Rachel and Laura seem to be made for each other. They demonstrate through this road trip fic that will just leave you inspired, breathless and of course, painfully aroused. Mercury Rising - Erin's site for largely Brian/Justin. There is some RPS (real person slash) which I adore, despite the blasphemy. And the layout is just groan (in a good way). Myrna's Fiction - (link dead. I have the fic on word if you want them emailed to you, ask me) I rec this mainly because of her 'If You Needed Me' Series (see the fic cover I made but was too chicken to show her). She does the perfect fic, with dram/angst, sex, romance and an empowered Justin. She seems to believe that Justin did something bad in another life, but baby, it hurts so good! No Domestic Shit - Raging Pixie's Brian/Justin stuff. Love, adore, YUM. And shock upon shocks, it has relationshippy Brian/Justin that doesn't give me a toothache/make me want to punch my own head in. It's sweet, but in character is what I mean. Princess of Babylon - The best site I know of that caters to every musical need a QAFfer could have. Queer Eyes - A veritable feast of Brian/Justin. Also has RPS (drooool), Gale/Randy of course. Queer as Folk Episode Guide - Because tvtome isn't working. Nah, this is okay. It's a quick reference guide from seasons 1-3. Queer as Folk Fanfiction Updates - A handy little guide to tell you when fics are updated. Like a regularly updated rec page for WIPs. Rage is Here... - Not the actual site, but good for non-USA people to take a gander at the comic (as the other site is off limits). Rhiannon Rave - This girl keeps me in RPS and good B/J fic. She also has some pretty good music videos and her layout is superb. Teacher!Fic - A gorgeous role-reversal between Brian and Justin, fucked up and crazy beautiful. The Holy Church of Brian and Justin - Valerie stops me from turning to a life of booze and prostitution, her fic is that good. Vasco's Recs - My recs over at . Some I actually don't like, i just started out liking them and wanted to remember where they were, but then I stopped liking 'em (if you love me at all, got to 'Cross Reference' and beg for its continuation). (link fixed) What I Want - A home for some great Brian/Justin gapfillers and such by Lane Carson. It's what we want too, baby ;). What Loves Means - An extensive archive for everything. There's one for every fandom, and this is QAF's. Lucky for them, it rocks. Work Inside Out - When Brian has yet to experience the future and Justin can't remember the past, the other must look to their present parallel worlds for integration and work inside out to redefine their identity as individuals and as a unit. Wow, oh wow. Incredible concept beautifully written. X-Hale Slowly - A large range of Brian/Justin writings ((includes Gale/Randy RPS), with videos, audio stuff and pics. This was my first ever QAF experience (I went here before even watching the show) and I don't regret it. Pride and Prejudice - The lovely Mr Darcy fic. These people take Jane Austen and make it their own (with smut whenever possible). A Long Road to Happiness - What it sounds like. Epic and wonderful, Lisa is Austen's more daring counterpart. An Unlikely Friendship - Stunning AU that take away all the conflict of Austen's version, but still manages to have plenty of it anyway. By Every Civility in His Power - Darcy reforms, and the readers benefit. Overhearings More to the Purpose - Again, just what it sounds like. Lizzy hears all the nice things said about her by Darcy, rather than the dismissive, and the two are allowed to start their relationship shackle-free. Relative Indiscretions - Another re-telling of the classic tale with a few differences that make for an interesting read. The College Years - A modern view of Pride and Prejudice, chaste but oddly sensual. The Derbyshire Writers' Guild - Another fanfiction collective. This is larger and covers a broader scope, but is rarely (if ever) updated. The Muse *fixed* - Here is the naughty scale of modern P&P adaptations: The College Years, I Thank You, No, then The Muse. It's the best adaptation by far, not only because of the sexiness, but also how similar the two circumstances are despite being completely different. I won't tell you the idea of the modern plot, because it put me off for some time until I read it. Suffice to say it works, and anyone with sense must read it immediately (This is a direct link now, not through firthness, so don't worry about signing up or having an account). I Thank You, No - A sexier modern version of P&P without being obnoxious. Elizabeth Bennet, New Yorker, gallery director at her mother's Chelsea contemporary art gallery, Manhattan. Fitzwilliam Darcy, British, sole patron of the Darcy Trust, a UK charitable trust advancing education and research in the Arts, Heritage, & Education. Stays true to the novel but explores a whole new pack of issues. Excellent. Who's Kissing Who - (by Tracey) All the best modern adaptations seems to fall in my lap. This is a short, 2,000 words I believe, but it's sweet and needs no more explanaition than is given. Harry Potter .acts - Guh... my heart. H/D, but so anti-H/D you will just... Guh. It's just horrible, like torture with words, like... really realistic. A Rare Descent, Passing Through, The Eleventh Doorkeeper, and The Seasonless World - (by the lady of shallot) Very intense, not all about H/D. If you read through all of them, at the end of 'The Seasonless World', you will cry. You will cry and cry. Adelina's Recs - I know it seems like I'm being lazy, but I would KILL for the links to many rec pages. Some people just have different tastes, and I usually if not always find one of these sorts of pages randomly, and then find a beautiful fic I never would have read otherwise. Alternate - (by Sam_Storyteller) Harry/Draco. Quidditch and competitiveness, with sex scenes that just jump out at you. An alarmingly good read. Angels and Devils - Sometimes I'm a little iffy about this fic; it's the whole 'Draco is a Veela and Harry is his mate' shebang, but even as someone who's never liked that concept, I found it highly readable. Maybe because it's sexy as hell? Meh. Harry/Draco. An Obscene Obsession - A dip into Draco's psyche when he has a bit of a, er, problem. Hot and funny. A Quaint Notion - The only Draco/Ron fic I've had the balls to read. It's pretty damn painful, but it's awesome, no matter what pairing you slash. As Sharp as Sunlight - This fic has practically everything I hate in it... and I couldn't stop reading until the end. Not H/D, but there's so much more to it that the pairings don't really matter. You'll get enveloped in Sirius' grief, feel like you should there helping somehow, but if you're anything like me (a giant wuss), you'll pretty much just cry from start to finish. Death Eater Comic - (by Morgan Payne) BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Funniest comic I've ever read. A fan girl (the author/artist I think) goes into HP world, and it's utterly adorable. Drop Dead Gorgeous - Maya is the crushed velvet pillow on the uncomfortable, rickety wooden chair of life. In this one, Harry is the Veela and everyone is his mate :D. Since this is Maya, it's got adorably pompous Draco, terminally confused Harry and enough humour and angst to make your heart implode. She's started writing an interlude of sorts from Draco's POV: The Way We Get By . DDG is a WIP (but Maya's on a bit of writing kick, dear little lamb) and essential reading material for anyone who calls themselves a H/D fan. Emotional Peril - Fanfiction and Recs by dorrie6. She never recs something I don't want to read, which alone is awesome, but she's also one of those really talented fic writers I've read about (keep an eye out for her 'Contingency Series'). Even the Stars Can Be Moved - (by Vasilisa23) I weep for the potential of Tom/Hermione fic, I truly do. As a lover of time travel fic, human Tom and Hermione as a main player (which stopped happening when I was temporarily heterophobic), Tom/Hermione is the perfect het 'ship for me. But there are so damn FEW of them. And my God, the cliches! The way they are handled! Tom/Hermione deserve to be treated exquisitely. 'Even the Stars Can be Moved', however, is almost perfect in that way. The way Hermione just falls into to Tom, like giving up, is just so tragic yet the reader is so drawn to him you encourage it, even though you shouldn't. The whole thing is just fascinating. One minor qualm, I have to say, is tiny but there: Draco becoming a fully-fledged death eater. I can't stand that. Ever. Though he would only be in it a minute if he were redemption!Draco, just like he was only a minute when he was evil!Draco, I would still have liked that. Final Prophecy - A lovely forum. If you're new to the fandom, this is where you should go. You get sorted, a wand, a pet, robe, house pointsquidditchclasses takes a deep breath to calm down Phew, anyway, it's a nice fantasy land, with competitions and places where you can display your art and fic, as well as look for betas and collaborators. In other words, it's got everything you could ever want, and the people are really friendly. Freudian Slip - Laughed my arse off, reading this. Harry and Draco don't know what they want, but everyone else, including a smart-mouthed fridge and an H/D shipping shrink, do. Happiness - (by Abaddon) It's Neville's mother, dude, and so freaking sad :( (suggestion of H/Neville) Harry Potter and the Magical Time Cookies - Not slash... not even finished, but it's the Trio and the Marauders and time travel and pranks and lots of giggles. Could even be canon, only God and J.K know. If You've a Ready Mind - (by Maya) An AU with Draco as a Ravenclaw. Maya is insanely talented, and the stuff she comes up with is pure genius. Makes you laugh, makes you cry, but mostly makes you laugh. Chapters: I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X. Invisible to See - (by Fayjay) Um yeah, sort of a seventh-year fic, but more like sex with an undercurrent of plot (ooh, and a tangible Neville to boot) than anything. Not that I'm complaining :D (H/D, D/Other) Irresistible Poison - I'll just jump on the reccing-this train because I can :D. Look, if you're reading this site, chances are you've read it already and know what I'm talking about, but nevertheless it's a fantastic novella about Harry/Draco and love. Ivy Blossom's Stuff - She's incredible, everything here is good (you need a password and stuff for NC-17, just follow instructions on the main site. In particular I recommend The Cicatrix Cycle (divided into Origins, (there's another bit tacked on to 'Origins' which is awesome: Breathe) Haven and Belong) Just Like This - Made my heart break a little. Angst and sex at its finest. H/D. Lustre - (Calico and Julad) It's interesting, and very sweet, and mmmm... yeah, it's excellent for something old, new, borrowed and blue. Read it. (H/D) Maya's Fanfiction - Underwater Light is the best Harry/Draco fic... ever. I'm afraid it beats Irresistible Poison by the narrowest of margins. I see Underwater Light as the definitive Harry/Draco fic. She just writes Draco so unbelievably well, snide but charming, self-serving but brave, you get the idea. And she gives other characters depth and meaning. Maya is my King (there's a complete version at here) One Night at the Ministry - (by Maeglin Yedi) I usually turn away from fics based in this timeline, post-war and post-Howarts, because I love the war and Hogwarts and watching how they both change people: pushing them together and pulling them apart. But this fic is so damn easy to love, with a drunk Harry and a smitten Draco and a whole lot of booze and mayhem. Potter Slash Archive - What it sounds like. You need a password to get into some of the fic. Readings in Harry Potter - Another rec page that kicks my ass. Everything Harry/Draco here is good, and organised, it's almost too easy to live of this site for months. Take your pick. link fixed Relieving the Tension - Het porn featuring Hermione/Fred in which he gives her flying lessons. I wouldn't classify it as PWP, nor a romance. It's a nice in between where everything is steamy but not vague, involved but not sappy. It feels quite real, and is currently one of the very few het fics in the HP fandom I can still read (obviously since it's you need to be signed in/registered). The Restricted Section - Home of a bounty of great HP fic. All dirty as sin, of course. Scruff - You wouldn't think a random patch of skin on someone else would turn you on, would you? Well, neither would Draco. Heh heh. Selbstmord - Shivery badness. Cold and unforgiving. Some het. Not for the faint of heart (H/D, D/Hr) This is its sequel here. Starts With a Spin - An old plot recycled into something new, shiny and really, incredibly arousing. Uses the old 'Truth or Dare' idea believably as Harry and Draco's relationship is slowly established. Switchknife Recommendations - Yes, another great rec site. It was actually the first site that got me onto Harry/Draco, so it deserves much love. The Goodness of Their Hearts - (by Taratext) Malfoy Security Inc. is hired when Chudley Cannons' star Seeker Harry Potter starts receiving disturbing letters. An alternate universe, post-war. Another Quidditch-centred fic, but oddly it's nothing like 'Alternate' and rocks in a totally different way (H/D) The Kids Are Alright (or Coda to an Epilogue...or Twenty Years Later) - (by Maya) cackles She did it again! Haha! She says this is the last fic she'll ever start, but I don't believe her. James, Lily and Albus Severus Potter are on an exchange program to Durmstrang and... gosh, I'm just gonna gush: Maya is GOD. Only she could come up with an awesome, twisted adventure like this. This really helped my post-HP blues. Tomorrow - (by November Snowflake) For Harry and Draco, the dawn is long in coming. Not quite love, but close. It's sequels are: Tomorrow, Tomorrow and Tomorrow, and Daybreak. Transfigurations - (by resonant) oh my lord, okay, right up there with 'Underwater Light' on the love scale. Harry and Draco are all grown up and teaching at Hogwarts. It's awesome (I also loved it so much that I read a Neville/Snape prequel despite the scariness, that also turned out to be so good: Night-Blooming Heartsease) Viscerate - Dark fic lies within. 'Surface' in particular punched me right in the face. The Reader - (by Topgallant) This fic manages to aptly describe the terror and uncertainty of war, and how people are inclined to cling to anything that will give them hope. Draco is the unlikely and reluctant candidate for this, but he manages it and it's really... quite a thing to visualise. The Weird Sister - Recs and Fic. Mostly Harry/Draco but some other fandoms (including USQAF) and pairings. I enjoyed nearly all the fic on this site, so feel free to just set 'em up and knock 'em down under my recommendation. Waiting For Darkness - Not angsty, despite the title. Really quite lovely. Draco disappears and Harry doesn't much care, and then, one day, a ferret appears out of nowhere... Misc. House, M.D Memorable House MD Entries - has a list of fics/entries to do with house. Predominantly House/Chase. House Fanfiction Archive - The first archive for the fandom, full of great fic. House M.D Guide - Comprehensive guide for the fandom. Still Verdictless Life - (by simmysim) Chase always seems to be drifting aimlessly through life (all three of them) except when he meets a guy named House. Three stories combined into one House/Chase. Really freaking awesome. Summer Vacation - Scroll down, just about to the bottom, to get the chapters to this fic. It's House/Chase and fan-bloody-tastic. It's long, hot, and ultimately sad. Well worth every word. That 70's Show Switched - I got sick of the fandom, then I read this and got right back into it. A good read. (Jackie/Hyde, Jackie/Eric, pseudo-Jackie/Kelso) That 70's Fanfic Archive - The best and most extensive T70S archive out there. Has most pairings and great authors. Smallville Elsewhere - (by bulbus) Incredible. It's a long adventure/action 'What If?' AU, with almost zero romance. Makes for a nice change, and is entertaining 'til the last word. Flying Lessons - (by paperbkryter) Clark/Chloe. Some old school non-canon romantic het for ya. Still a fun fic. - Chloe/Lex heaven. A lovely forum, beautiful layout and fabulous everything else. The authors are great and the content overwhelms. Just go. Schmoop - (by Caroline Baker) Clark/Whitney, NC-17, Smallville Season 4.1 - A new season four of the series, written by the fans for the fans. This site consumed me for a week, and the funny thing is they really are better than the Smallville writers. |