Reviews for A Scrap of Humanity
a chapter 5 . 5/6/2014
I've enjoyed this fic. I'm glad there's a sequel, and I'll go look for it. This is fine as a stand-alone fic though, and should be listed as complete. When I was halfway through reading it, I noticed it did not say complete, and sort of panicked, but it is wrapped up nicely, as is. I hate/fear incomplete stories (works in progress), but this has a satisfying ending and should be listed as complete so people are not discouraged from reading it.
creativesm75 chapter 5 . 12/20/2010
purrfus chapter 5 . 3/3/2010
I'm not sure how I found this story, but I'm glad I did. The current version is sad and sweet, without being burdensomely sentimental.
pikachu chapter 5 . 12/24/2008
I really like this described something bitter .Everyone changled so much but it was real.I'm curious about what happen to Harry.I hope both Harry and Draco can lead a happy life in the end.
Nokas chapter 5 . 2/4/2008
Hope you're still reading reviews for this fic!

Now I finally understand why so many people recommend this fic! I bow to your great skill. The storyline was really interesting as well as captivating and your characterizations were brilliant! Especially Harry, IMO. Truly fantastic work! Congratulations are in order!
dawnraptor chapter 5 . 12/28/2007
So deep & interesting... I loved it. Your Draco is a grey hero. Your Snape is the loudest voice in this fic. You "make" me think.
Mangacat201 chapter 5 . 5/18/2007
Huh.. very interesting! Your style is really good and the storyline was very intellectual (not in a bad way) I'm hopping on to the sequel, but not today *yawns* it's entirely to late for that *g*

cloudydayz chapter 5 . 4/13/2007
I don't know if you are still reading reviews on this fic, but I wanted to say it is wonderful! It was recommended to me and I loved ever word and every sentence of this. Wonderful work!
machaja chapter 1 . 8/4/2006
Needless to say: I love it.

It's so wholly subtle how you blend canon and fiction with particular sensitiveness, just going with it, completely decent in plot, character and writing itself and then how it slowly grows to become something whole and shifts until it just fits.

And I just have to say: I adore your Harry beyond everything.

I never read him like this, it's just splendid.

Now, will be reading the sequel.
zafaran chapter 5 . 8/27/2005
Oh, this is interesting. Any idea when your muse and schedule will allow you to post the next chapter? Keep up the good work. Zafaran

zafaran at fastmail. fm
AncientHistory chapter 5 . 5/2/2005
so deep.
AncientHistory chapter 4 . 5/2/2005
eheeh, poor draco had quite the scare.
AncientHistory chapter 3 . 5/2/2005
AncientHistory chapter 2 . 5/2/2005
your story's so intricate. love it.
AncientHistory chapter 1 . 5/2/2005
Yeah! So good!
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