![]() Author has written 79 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who, Smallville, Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries, Veronica Mars, and Community. My avatar is from the first drabble in Missing Moments... it's a thing. Hello! I'm mostly a writer of Doctor Who--New Who--and Smallville, with some Buffy the Vampire Slayer thrown in, and, more recently, Community. I write Rose/Ten, Rose/10.2, Spike/Willow, and Chloe/Lex exclusively... though I'm not ruling out a little Chloe/Oliver, and Jeff/Annie. FINISHED BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: Harvest All Your Mocking - I Know What They Parodied Last Summer - I Still Know What They Parodied Last Summer - Realizing Love - Revenge, Vampire Style - Revenge, Wiccan Style - Together at Last in the Same Black Hole - Urban Legends Are Parodies Too - Welcome to the Hellmouth With a Twist - FINISHED DOCTOR WHO: 5 Clichés That Didn't Work, and 1 That Did - 5 Ways Rose Tyler Nearly Left Him and 1 Way She Did - Abandoned - And Old Chinese Merchants - Be All My Sins Remembered (on-going Priest!D series) - Better Man - Better Woman - Burn - Chasing the Rain - Circumnavigating Home - Countdown - Discordant - Forced Retaliation - Inciting Arousal - La Petite Mort - Lead Us Not Into Temptation (on-going Priest!D series) - Leather and Trainers - Muse - Oh, Snap! - On Being Human - On the Run - Pavlovian (on-going Priest!D series) - Pink Silk - Porn Battle Drabbles (on-going series) - Roe Styla - She Likes Watching - She Stopped Walking Away - Show 'n Tell - Sparks - Sub Rosa - Sufficiently Obtainable - Wetting Boughs - What He Remembered - When Everything Went Pear-Shaped - FINISHED SMALLVILLE: 5 Ways Lex Observed Chloe, and 1 Way She Observed Him - A Sketch of Happiness - Distant Dark Places - Life's Lessons Learned - Look At Her Past - On the Surface - See How She Runs - Such A Dirty Word - Such A Dirty Mouth (sequel to Such A Dirty Word) - Twisted Betrayal Mine - BIG PLANS IN BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER Finishing all of my WiP fics. I'm working on TSY; so far, I'm plugging away, and pleased that I'm sticking with it. It may be slow going, but I am still working on it. Some chapters are being a bitch, and giving me problems, but I have most of it plotted through to the end and have had for years. It just has to be written. *crosses fingers* BIG PLANS IN DOCTOR WHO: Blind and Bound - (Discordant, the first part of the series, is finished and posted) Rose Tyler traveled through universes to get back to the Doctor. What did she see in those universes, and how did they affect her? Fractured. A Dark!Ten fic. I'm still working out the kinks in this one with my beta, so it may be a while before I start posting it. Set the Story Straight - A monster mutli-chapter fic that needs some direction before it gets any further. Second Verse - Another monster multi-chapter fic that I mostly have plotted out, but has been pushed to the back burner while I work on Fractured. Aftermath - Another partially plotted fic with Dark!Ten that's on the back burner. And many more... that I'm not going to share with you, because that's just teasing. But believe me, there are many more. Because when I get ideas, I get ideas. And I write them all down. Eventually they grow and become big-girl fics. Sometimes, they don't, and that's just sad. PLANS FOR: A sequel to She Stopped Walking Away. And so many more... headdesk BIG PLANS IN SMALLVILLE Such A Dirty... - The third, and final, part of the Dirty series. WBB - A huge, multi-chaptered fic in which Chloe and Lex are constantly thrown together in intimate situations and forced to live out their lives together. Man in Black - Chloe is attacked by an informant, and runs to Lex for help. They're forced to go on the run to survive. Times They Are A'changin' - Chloe and Lex spend a night together and then she leaves for Gotham. The world ends a little after that. Freaky Friday - Title pretty much says it all, but in an angsty way, not humorous. Fit To Be Tied - Chloe wakes up tied to a bed. And Lex is there. Animalistic - Lex is infected with some form of Kryptonite and it turns him a little... moody. Don't Panic - Another huge, multi-chaptered fic in which Chloe and Lex are embroiled in intrigue and murder. Holding Pattern - In the caves during the second meteor shower, Chloe and Lex are affected in a strange, and odd, way. Play Misty For Me - Late one night, a green fog comes rolling in. The people of Smallville will be forced to live through times of past. And so many more... headdesk Also, I have an account here called shake-n-shiver. It's a joint venture with JennyLD. We started a series of fics there called the Glimpses series, which are a bunch of unconnected glimpses into the lives of Ten/Rose. Some smutty, (that's why she says I'm shiver) and some angsty (that makes her shake). We do both though, and switch it up sometimes. So, there's angst and smut galore over there. I'd like to thank everyone for all the reviews and feedback! I appreciate it like nothing else! Really, I get giddy every time I get one. :) |