Author has written 150 stories for Veronica Mars, Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew, X-Files, Lois and Clark, Perry Mason, Chuck, Pushing Daisies, Law and Order: CI, Legend of the Seeker, Mad Men, and Community. Many of my stories (Nancy Drew in particular, and the occasional Chuck story, along with some others) are too adult to be posted here. If you're age 18 or older, you can also find my stories at archiveofourown . org / users / ndnickerson . At the site, you can also find the sequential reading order for my various series stories: Red Label, Rain on a Tin Roof, and the Chuck Season 3 AU. I post most of my stories first at my Dreamwidth writing journal: ivory-charmed . dreamwidth . com. I also have a book available on Amazon; my author name is Olivia M. Kelley. |
elfluvr (21) elliereadshere (0) fairy tale echo (15) Fluffy-CSI (44) | Gardener (10) InfinityStar (97) nancy fan (44) nancy nickerson (3) | Q Destinyy (0) TrinityWildcat (20) |