Author's note: I own nothing but the workings of my own imagination. I like this story so far. Right now it's just sort of plotless porn, but bear with me. The plot will be arriving next chapter! If you don't trust that I can write PWP, check out my other story 'Slide'. And to anyone who's read that, and is reading this: sorry about the delay in updates. This idea has been swimming around in my head and I had to get it started before I could get back to Draco and Harry's little drama. Anyway, enough chatter. Just read, my children….

Hermione was squirming around in her wet panties. That was not a feeling she'd ever have thought she would have enjoyed. She personally thought that all bodily fluids were disgusting.

She knew that not everyone felt this way about such things. In many of the Muggle romance novels she'd secretly read over the summer in the Muggle bookshop where she'd worked over the summer, the characters were quite excited about each others…er…juices. They'd rub it all over themselves in such a way that made Hermione want to gag and quake in enjoyment at the same time. That was basically her reaction to sex in general. She found it disgusting and fascinating at the same time. Not that she'd ever had it.


Her name was spoken in a long, tired drawl. She nearly shivered. But she kept her composer, sitting up straight and turned her head. She mustered up her 'impassive Hermione' face, and flashed it at Malfoy.

He was grinning malevolently at her. Damn him. Hermione knew he must have known what that look did to people of her gender preference.

She shook her head. What in hell was wrong with her tonight? She was not acting like herself at all. The real Hermione would not be gazing lustfully at anyone, let alone MALFOY.

She blamed her sudden hormone attack on her lack of sleep over the past few days. With the school year pulling to an end, she needed to study like mad for her N.E.W.T.S. She hadn't got much sleep as a result.

And it wasn't just studying that kept her up at night. Her dorm-mate Lavender and her knew beau Neville were equally to blame. They'd been noisy to start with, but now that they'd been dating (well, fucking anyway) for a month, things had started to get bizarre. Apparently Neville had become comfortable enough with Lavender to reveal his fetish with the Muggle movie series 'Star Wars'. So now, on top of the moaning and groaning, Hermione also had to listen to the theatrics. It was hard to sleep when your roommate was traipsing around with two buns over her ears and a white sheet, spouting off things like "But Luke, I'm your sister! Isn't this wrong?" and "Oh my Gawd, Luke, that's the longest light saber I've EVER seen!"

Hermione nearly groaned at the memory.

"Granger, would you please come back to earth so we can get started," Malfoy snorted.

Hermione scowled up at him, "I'll take as long as I want, thanks. If I remember correctly, I'm doing you a favor by helping you study. If you want my help, I'd suggest you shut it."

Malfoy waved his hands in the air, "My sincerest apologies, Granger! I didn't mean to set you off."

"You didn't," Hermione snapped, "Now sit down and lets get started."

Malfoy slipped into the seat across from her obediently. He pulled his book in front of him and folded his hands across it, and stared at her expectantly.

Hermione looked down at her own book, her eyes dashing up to look at him a again. She really didn't know why he was insisting on her assistance in studying. Up until today he'd merely ignored her existence all together. They hadn't really talked since they were forth years. He still badgered Harry a lot, but he'd apparently lost interest in her. Not that she cared.

She chewed her lip thoughtfully, looking away from the blonde boy in front of her.

"Any time now. I have somewhere to be tonight, you know," Malfoy whined. His good looks were starting to have less of an effect on her. His bitch attitude over shadowed them.

"No, I didn't know. But I should have guessed you'd be going out to victimize some poor girl tonight."

Malfoy smiled again, wickedly, "They're hardly victims, Granger. For you information, by the time I'm done with them, they're BEGGING me to fuck the-"

"I really don't need to hear that, Malfoy," Hermione cut him off. She squirmed in her seat again and prayed to the gods that she wasn't blushing.

Malfoy fake gasped, "Is that color I see in your cheeks, Granger? Could it be that our dearest Hermione is a VIRGIN?"

He said the word virgin like a nun would say the word 'masturbate'. Hermione gulped.

"I don't see how thats relevant," she tossed out, fumbling around with her papers and trying to look distracted.

"Of course it is. No wonder you're so uptight all the time. You're not getting any sexual release!"

She really wanted to smack him. Right in his pretty face. She'd wanted to see the red hand print glowing over that perfect, pale skin.

She bit her lip instead, and looked down.

She heard Malfoy's chair scrap across the library floor.

"Isn't our little Hermione getting any…" he leaned in close, so she could smell his musky scent, "Satisfaction?"

Her head tilted up and she caught his stormy silver gaze. His eyes were twinkling. "Look, Malfoy, you don't know what you're talking about, so why don't you shut up?"

He didn't back up. Instead he lifted one hand and ran one of his long fingers along her jaw line.

"I just want to help you, Granger," he purred.

What in hell was he saying? Was he really offering to…?

She jumped back.

"I don't need your help, Malfoy. Back off," she said firmly. She hoped her face was reflection her disgust with his conduct.

Well, not pure disgust. Disgust tinged with interest.

Malfoy frowned at her for a minute, them looked up at her, "Fine," he said with a pout, "Then lets get to work. But don't say I didn't offer."

Hermione shifted under his gaze. He couldn't have been serious. She knew he couldn't be. He would never…do that. Not with her. He was the most gorgeous boy in the school. And she was just herself. Sure, she was never lax for male attention, but she was no model. Her hair was dark brown instead of sparkling blonde and her breasts were a size B at best. She did have rather long legs, and she'd grown into the teeth that had been her calling card when she was younger. She wasn't bad looking, at least she didn't think so. But the girls Malfoy was with were…amazing. She wasn't his type at all.

She straightened her back, unconsciously throwing out her chest and lowered her brows over her eyes. She pulled her book in front of her, and glanced down.

"What are the three elements needed for a cold cure potion?" she asked him.

He sighed, as if some how disappointed in her. Then, tossing back his veil of white hair he rattled off the ingredients.

"Impressive," she said shortly, "Ok, what rare ingredient found at the top of the Gremlin mountains is-"

"Purple clover leaves," he answered, cutting her short, "They're commonly used in cure-all potions and minor wound healers."

Hermione cocked her head to the side, "It doesn't really seem like you need my help with any of this, Malfoy."

He looked at her, "Look, the real reason I'm here is to see you."

He said it, just like that. Emotionless. Left open to any interpretation. Hermione's mouth dropped for a second before she snapped it shut.

"What? Why?" she sputtered.

Malfoy rolled his eyes, "Stop being so dense, Granger. Have you seen yourself? You've grown into one hot little number. Everyone's been talking about you all year. How much you've changed. At first I didn't care, but the more I see you, the more I want you. The years almost over. I couldn't go home without giving it a try."

Hermione wasn't sure she'd heard right. Her? A hot little number? Had he REALLY just said that?

"You expect me to believe that?" she asked him, scooting away a little.

"Why else would I say it? Do you think I run around making an ass out of myself for fun?" he asked quite seriously. Hermione took that into consideration. It was true, Malfoy had too much pride to do something like that without a damn good reason. But was SHE a good reason?

Before she had time to ask, Malfoy rose up out of his seat, robes draping down around his long body. Hermione gulped.

He moved around the table and knelt down before her. Hermione didn't miss the symbolism there. Malfoy was on his knees before her.

His eyes were on fire. When his hand brushed over hers, she felt her organs turn to ashes. She felt like she was under a boiling waterfall. He leaned over slowly, letting his full lips brush over her knuckles like a feather. His tongue darted out, wetting her fingers and he straightened them and drew her index in between his lips.

She had to fight her body not to collapse right there. She forced her hormones in line and jerked her hand away.

"Malfoy, what do you think you're doing?" she snapped, but her voice came out too husky for the effect she wanted. Damn it. Damn it to hell!

Her inside were dancing. Her heart was pounding. And something was happening between her thighs that she'd never felt before.

"I'm LICKING you, Granger," Malfoy growled. His pink tongue stabbed out of his mouth and he turned her hand over and touched it to her pulsing wrist. His lips closed over it and he started to suck her skin.

A tingle ran over her body and at that moment, the naughty part of her personality surfaced. This part of her was unhindered by good morals and values, and was motivated by pure carnal instincts. This part of her scampered out wearing all leather and chains, shouting "GO FOR IT GRANGER!' like some kind of perverted cheerleader. Give me an O! R! G! A! S! M!

"No," she said out loud to that part of herself, but she knew it didn't sound very convincing. Maybe her inner slut had the right idea.

Malfoy was now suckling his way up her arm to the inside of her elbow. Her breath came ragged as her reached the sensitive area. She pressed her lips together, hard, trying not to make a sound. She could not give Malfoy the satisfaction of hearing her enjoyment.

"You taste good," Malfoy said against her arm. Did she? Her body shivered in excitement. Maybe she did taste good. Wouldn't that be something?

Then something in her snapped, and she grabbed Malfoy's chin and slammed her lips into his. She parted his lips with her tongue and ran it all around his mouth, licked everywhere and then pulled away as quickly as she had started the kiss.

"So do you," she purred, smiling.

Malfoy simply glowered at her, sneering like a demon. Then his arms curled around her back and he yanked her to the floor.

Hermione's last ounce of common sense drained out of her at that moment and a second later she found herself in a tangle of body parts, having her mouth invaded by Malfoy's enemy tongue. They battled together, sucking and biting and stabbing. Finally, Hermione had to give in and come up for air. While she was gasping madly for breath, Mafloy's lips suctioned onto her neck. His saliva made a sensitive line down her throat. The air assaulted her there, nipping frostily at her skin.

There was a grunting noise that she later realized had come from her. She liked it. It sounded sexy. She wasn't used to sounding sexy.

She let out a few more moans and gasps as Malfoy's hands explored her back and ass. She squealed when he pinched her skin, and watched as his face responded gratefully. She'd always heard that men like a noisy women to confirm that they were doing it right. And Malfoy certainly was.

Suddenly feeling very fearless, Hermione grabbed her shirt and yanked it over head. Malfoy's gray eyes grew wide, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. His lips were half parted and he was panting. PANTING! The Draco Malfoy was panting at the sight of her breasts! Oh gods.

His hands left her back and cupped her breasts through the black fabric of her bra. He kissed in between them, letting his eyes close. She could feel his lashes fluttering against her.

"Oh God, Granger, I'm sorry," he moaned quietly.



He didn't answer, just started tugging down the straps of her bra, trying madly to get at her nipples. But she was too distracted to enjoy it. What had he meant, he was sorry? Sorry about what?

"Malfoy," she said, "Malfoy, what did you just say."

"Nothing," he said against her chest. She tried to pull away but at that moment he yanked her bra down her devoured her breast. His lips, teeth and tongue were working madly to turn her on. And it was working. Her nipples stood up like she were skinny dipping naked in Alaska.

When he moved to the other breast, leaving the first to be bathed in cool air, she forgot all about his strange comment. She closed her eyes and just let her self go. She just wanted to enjoy this.

She wasn't at first aware of his fingers at her skirt. But when she felt the breeze rush up to meet her hot sex, she jerked up.

"Malfoy, what are-"

His finger over her lips shushed her, as his other hand circled around between her thighs. Her eyes fell closed heavily, like she were drugged. She was helpless against his caresses. For the first time since this started, she wondered how she'd gotten herself into this.

He pushed her legs apart with his hand and ran his fingers over the lips of her vagina through the thin cotton of her soaked panties. As he started to stroke her there, she kissed the finger that still covered her lips.

"Hermione," she heard him mutter. Her eyes opened and she saw what he was staring at. She immediately tried to close her legs but her jerked his hand away from her lips and stopped her.

"No, please, don't" he pleaded. He looked at her with eyes like saucers. She nodded slowly, which caused his face to contort in anguish. What was going on in that pretty head? Malfoy seemed to be in the middle of a fierce internal battle.

He was gnawing on his bottom lip like it was a chew toy and Hermione was starting to get the proverbial ants in her pants. Time to pick up some speed.

She slowly began to slide her knees apart, letting them fall to the sides and she dropped her head back. Her mouth fell open and she arched up so that Malfoy's fingers, abandoned and still resting mid-stroke, pressed against her mound again. She let a long, low moan rush out from between her lips.

That caught his attention. He snapped to attention, and pressed into the cotton panties, pressing his fingers up into her through the cotton. Hermione moaned for real now, and struggles against the presser. She wanted those long, perfect fingers up inside her, and the fabric restricting them was fats becoming her new enemy. She rubbed up and down, trying to get them in further.

Malfoy was grinning at her, looking sort of evil. Hermione noticed that his perfect, baby thin blonde hair was looking a bit mussed up. It was falling over one eye in a very appealing way. She could defiantly see why girls were so eager to jump in bed with him.

He was still rubbing her down there when she'd had enough.

"Malfoy, you idiot," she spat gruffly, "Take them off!"

He flashed a lopsided smile, "I was just waiting for permission," he said. Hermione cats him a puzzle look. What the hell was with him tonight?

His fingers curled around the straps of her knickers and he yanked them down. Hermione pushed herself away from them, wanting them off as fast as possible. In the process, she slide across the shiny floor. Malfoy balled up the panties and shoved them aside, then dropped to his hands and sat up on his knees. He crawled over to her.

His hands slide up her legs and he leaned in, as if to kiss her. Hermione dropped her head back a little, and he came closer. She moved back more and he moved closer still. Finally, when her head was only an inch or so above the floor, he licked her bottom lip and jerked away. His head disappeared between her thighs.

She didn't know quite what happened next. She was suddenly in the tight grasp of ecstasy. Malfoy's wet, slippery tongue was filling the void in her body. It was roaming, and tasting and licking up to her womb. She was panting and sweating. Her body began to quake. When he pulled it out and licked the lips of her vagina she started mumbling his name. And when he stabbed it back in again and began to thrust it in madly as if he wanted to eat her from the inside out she began to scream it. Malfoy! Malfoy! Malfoy!

And then she was somewhere else. Her body was shaking and she felt feverish. Waves of molten lava rolled over her, over and over. She felt her whole world go move into the steady rhythm of her climax.

She was vaguely aware of Malfoy sitting up and licking his lips like he'd been eating candy, instead of her. She was still coming when he pulled her up and kissed her slowly. He seemed to want to be a part of it, and she couldn't blame him. This was pure pleasure. Satisfaction. Complete and total satisfaction.

She sighed as it ended and looked at Malfoy.

"How do you feel, Granger?" he asked, smirking.

She shrugged nonchalantly, "Alright, I suppose."

He stared at her like he was going to kill her for a minute, before breaking out into a smile that stretched ear to ear. "You really are something else, you know that? That wasn't…"

He trailed off as the color suddenly disappeared from his face.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked. Had she done something wrong?

But she realized he was looking behind her. He stood up suddenly and turned away from her. Something fell heavy into the pit of her stomach. She heard noises behind her and she turned ever so slowly, fearing what she would see.

"RIGHT ON, MALFOY!" an excited grunt came.

"You really did it! Oh man, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't heard it. 'Malfoy! Oh gods, Malfoy!'"

"You really ARE the stud of the year, boy!"

Hermione was suddenly faced with a crowd of Slytherin boys, all red faced from excitement. They all looked down at her at once and she quickly tugged her skirt down and slapped her hands over her chest.

"So how was it, Granger?" A dark haired boy asked.

"Yeah, was that your first time?" said another.

She couldn't believe this was happening. She was too shocked to even blush. She just felt heavy and drugged. This was unreal. This wasn't happening. It couldn't really be happening. Oh, please god, don't let it be real.

One boy grabbed at her breast as she stood up and she slapped him away. But not before she felt her clammy palm over her skin. So this was real. It wasn't just some horrible, horrible dream. It was real and it was happening right now.

She should have seen it coming.

Malfoy. How could she have trusted him for a moment. How could she had left her guard down? How could she, practical, no-nonsense Hermione Granger fallen for Draco Malfoy's charms? How could she have really believed that he'd come there to see her tonight?

That was the worst blow of all. She'd let it happen. It was all her fault.

She snapped her head back towards Malfoy. He was facing her now with his arms held strangely out to his sides with his palms up, like her were offering something. His eyes were huge and pale. They held no more sparkle. His entire body had gone white.

"Hermione…"he started. His voice was quiet and horse. She almost couldn't hear it over the cheers and hollers of the other boys.

"Don't say anything, Malfoy," she growled, "Because one more word, and I may kill you."

His body sagged and he shut his mouth. Hermione spun on her heal and grabbed her sweater. She pulled it over her head before strutting in through the mass of boys. They all yelled obscene things and grabbed at her ass and tits as she passed, but she couldn't feel or hear them. She was numb.

Her entire body and mind were numb.