Author has written 37 stories for Lone Gunmen, and Supernatural. I've realized i don't have anything on my profile. What to say? Well, I'm a wandering soul searchng for her place in the world.I'm not married; no kids but I'm an Aunt. I work in a childrens clothing store and recenly my co-wrkers have banned me from buying any more clothes for my neice and nephew. What can I say? My neice was going around telling people her Aunt bought all her cute clothes. :) I was and still am a huge Lone Gunmen fan and am still nursing my crushed heart over it's cancellation and the boys' er...alleged 's not denial.I swear. Thankfully, while Byers, Frohike, Langly, Jimmy and Yves remain in hiding, I have Supernatural to help fill the void left by them. And we come to Supernatural. My new focus. Yes, thats right. Focus. Can't get enough of Sam and Dean. I love them and they consume my thoughts. Especially Sam. I love that boy and his ... well everything. I can often be found in his dimples writing, thinking about or reading fanfic. Or having really weird dreams. Ask me someday about the one with the Winchester boys, Godzilla and weiner dogs. And searching out spoilers for Season 2 which isn't far way. And I didn't forget Dean. Its impossible to forget that boy. Sam and Dean. Yin and Yang. if you haven't seen Supernatural yet, I suggest you check them out. Thursdays at 9 (after Smallville) on the WB soon to be CW. And season one comes out on DVD on September 5. Bloopers baby! Bloopers! (The boys are notorious pranksters on set) And other goodies. And the new season begins Sept. 28.Thursdays. 9PM. The CW. Oh. And you haven't read "ENTITY" by Carikube (SN FIC) you really should. See? I even provide a link. If I wasn't so lazy, I'd start a fanclub for her. Other writers I'll reccomend by name alone are Ridley C. James and Faye Dartmouth. Ridley's got a facinating whole AU world going on. And Faye is exceptional writer.Really gets inside the boys. And my friend and very talented writer A-Blackwinged-Bird. She's awesome at humor ad the boys' bantor; excells at Sam Whomping. I know I shouldn't forget LGM Read Magrose and her wonderful "A little Frohike' Series.Fiffiolle is a wonderful new voice in the LGM verse. she comes from the Stargate universe. And DresdonTori wrote The Tango; Epitomised. Terrific story. Yeah, I know. Silent for 4 years and then WAM! Can't shut me up. Amy glances up to see the reader still here and paraphrases Ferris Bueller What? You're still here?The rambling is over. Go. Read some fic. :) Amy |