
I failed? It failed?! No! No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!!!!!!

He solved the puzzle so quickly I wanted to slit my wrists. He looked up at me, watching through the window in his door, and he smiled at me as he slid the last piece into place. He smiled at me and he slid the last piece into place and then the shadows were absolute. They had been darkening since he began to solve it. Since before. Maybe since I tried it. Maybe before that. Maybe forever.

He slid the last piece into place and everything changed. He looked surprised. Maybe afraid. I didn't have time to see that much. Something heavy slammed down over the window, and I could see nothing. I tried to open the door. There was no way in.

I heard Him inside that room, speaking to the patient, making the promises that should have been mine. And the patient denied him. My idiot patient begged to keep his pathetic life. And then he screamed. The screams went on and on while He laughed and made more promises that I wanted for myself.

The patient screamed himself hoarse in a matter of minutes. No one came to help him. No one heard but me.

The screams went silent, and the last thing I heard was His laugh.

There's so much blood in that room. And nothing else. Just his hot red blood coating every surface. So beautiful. It should have been mine.

I will join Him if I have to use every patient I have to call Him to me.

So many to choose from.

The Joker interests me. He must surely have very skilled hands.

And, perhaps, desire. Yes.