MGM owns all characters except OCs.

A/N: Thanks for the reviews and following this fluffy story. Thanks Betherdy Babe for beta.

"Hi Sam," Rodney said as he entered his boss' quarters later that evening. He decided he had to tell her that they couldn't have a relationship. The feelings he once had for her had been gone a long time.

"Rodney," Sam said, hobbling to her sofa. "Have a seat."

"Right," Rodney said suddenly feeling very nervous. A sense that he didn't belong there was very strong in his mind. Yup, the spark's gone. Better let her down gently. "You known what, I feel better standing."

"Okay," Sam replied, furrowing her brow. "What's on your mind that couldn't wait until tomorrow morning?"

"You know I'm not so good with subtle, so here goes." Rodney pulled the notes from his jacket and tossed them next to her on the sofa. "It's about these."

Sam picked them up, opened one and started laughing. She laughed for a long time, wiping tears from her eyes and, once she realized Rodney was looking ill, stopped. "S-sorry. Are these real? Do you have a stalker? Should we notify security?"

"You didn't write them?"

"Of course not," Sam said, wiping more tears from her eyes. "You're seriously getting love notes?"

"Yes," Rodney said, crossing his arms. "And I thought they were from you."

"Why would you think that?" Sam continued to chuckle.

"Blue eyes," he said with doubt in his voice.

"What about it?"

"I called you that before and I…"

"Rodney, the note's addressed to Blue Eyes. Don't you think if I sent it and wanted to refer to your old nickname, I would have signed the note that way?" Sam questioned with an incredulous look on her face.

"Uh… Well." Rodney realized it was not Samantha Carter. "You're right, but I thought it was you. I mean my powers of observation brought me straight to you."

"Powers of observation?" Carter started laughing again.

"Hey, I'm observant," Rodney whined. "I realized that whoever it is Jennifer's helping her. Since you're on crutches…"

"Jennifer?" Sam cut him off before he could rant.

"Doctor Keller," Rodney said blushing. "I wanted her advice when I got the first note since she's really good at relationships and stuff like that. And she told me to be more observant."

"Jennifer Keller, our CMO, is really good at relationships?" Sam asked, raising her brows.

"Yes. She knew right away what I did wrong with Katie. Remember?" Rodney said with a smile forming on his lips. He couldn't seem to think about Jennifer without smiling anymore. "Then in the bar that night, she told me how Katie was probably never right for me anyways. We didn't do much together and I sheltered Katie from my more… eccentric habits. Since I couldn't be myself fully with Katie, it never would have worked out."

"Jennifer said all that?" Sam replied. "On your date?"

"Oh no, no, no…" Rodney replied, waving his hands and shaking his head. "It wasn't a date. It was because of that bar trick thing. Remember she said we couldn't figure it out and I needed to buy her a drink? That's all. Just two friends…"

"I remember Rodney." Sam had a smile forming on her lips. "And even I heard how you and Jennifer had a beer that night."

"Yeah," Rodney's mind wandered back to that evening. "I can't tell you how many guys were shooting daggers at me. I was sitting there with the most beautiful, most desirable woman on Atlantis. Who didn't want to be in my shoes?" A grin spread over his face as his eyes glazed over remembering the ease with which he talked and her bare shoulders.

"And you think Jennifer's helping this person?"

"Well, at first I didn't. The first note, the Hero one, was in my pants from the laundry. No idea how it got there. The second one, me being a genius and all, that was in my tac vest, which Jennifer said she refills all the time with medical supplies. The last note was in my computer pack in the infirmary. It all fits. She's helping this person out," Rodney said pleased with himself.

Samantha started laughing again. "Sure, McKay. I can see how you'd figure that out."

"I told you my powers of observation were good," Rodney replied smugly.

"The same powers that led you to me?" Sam needled him.

"The blue eyes thing threw me off," Rodney said. "Guess I better find Jennifer and make her tell me who it is."

Sam laughed and shook her head.

"What's so funny?" Rodney snapped. "I'm getting sick of you laughing at me. You know I just realized you're as bad as my sister."

"I happen to like your sister and take that as a compliment," Sam said. "Go find Jennifer and ask her straight out who it is and why they won't say anything outright."

"That's a great idea," Rodney said, snapping his fingers and turning to go. "Oh, I hope your leg is getting better."

"Thanks, Rodney, that's sweet of you to care about how I'm doing," Sam said with a smile. "There's hope for you yet."

Thirty minutes later Rodney was outside the door of Master Gunnery Sergeant Dwayne Richards terrified of disturbing the Marine, but desperate for help finding Jennifer. He didn't want to have Chuck search for her transponder but after he called her numerous times, stopped by the infirmary, mess hall, gym and broke into her room, she was nowhere to be found.

Rodney chose Richards because the older man watched out for Jennifer like a bodyguard and seemed to have no interest in her romantically unlike the other Marines around the base. McKay was observant enough to recognize only smiles of friendship and respect between them.

"Doctor McKay," Richards' deep voice pulled Rodney out of his thoughts.

"Sorry to bother you, Sergeant, or Gunny or… I'm sorry but I'm not good with ranks and stuff like that. Jennifer's missing… I mean Doctor Keller. Uh, I can't find her. I don't…"

"I think I know a couple of her secret hiding spots," the Marine said, cutting Rodney off. "Give me a minute."

Richards emerged a few minutes later with a black leather jacket and wearing a holster.

"Are you always armed?" Rodney had to ask.

The Master Gunny raised an eyebrow and looked at Rodney.

"Right. This place can get scary. I know when we first got here, I kept my gun…" Rodney stopped and motioned down the corridor. "Lead the way."

Rodney followed the Recon Marine down to the lower level of the South Pier, a platform with a grounding station control panel. In front of them Jennifer was seated on the deck near the railing, leaning against the wall reading a book. She had a lamp for extra light, a backpack with candy and water and sat on a folded up blanket.

The pressure that lifted off Rodney's chest when he saw her quickly returned when he noticed she was crying. "Jennifer!"

Jennifer looked up with tears running down her cheeks and suddenly shouted, "What are you doing here? And with an armed escort?" Her eyes drifted past the physicist to Richards.

"What happened?" Rodney knelt in front of her.

Jennifer lowered the book and swiped her sleeve over her eyes. "It's just the book. It always makes me cry."

"What is it?" Rodney grabbed the book and read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on the spine. "Oh no. Please don't tell me Ginny or Hermione die."

Jennifer's eyes widened and her brows rose. "You're so busted, McKay."

"Well, I, um…" Rodney realized he was caught. As soon as Jennifer said they were her favorite books, he had to read them. Getting sucked in as so many before him, Rodney found time to read whenever there wasn't a disaster, which didn't happen often. He was in the midst of the fifth book at the moment.

"The Great Rodney McKay's reading Harry Potter," Jennifer giggled, looking past him.

"I'll wait by the transporter," Richards said as he nodded and left.

"Wha… Oh, sure," Rodney replied, looking back at the Marine. "Thanks for helping me find her."

"Why did you want to find me?" Jennifer asked, picking up her stuff.

"Sam said I should ask you who's behind the notes." Rodney decided to listen to his boss and ask her straight out.

"I am," she said softly.

"You?" Rodney was shocked. "Why?"

"Because," the physician paused, looked at the floor and then into his eyes, "I like you."

"You like me?" Rodney was certain he was imagining things.

"Yes, Rodney. I left the first note to cheer you up after you broke up with Katie. I never expected anything to come from it," Jennifer's voice was rising as she spoke. The young woman looked away from him and shoved her food and book into her bag roughly. "When you came and asked for my help I thought I could spend time with you if you got more notes. I didn't think you'd ever figure it out," Her brown eyes moved back to his and annoyance flashed through her beautiful features. "But then you did. You observed all the clues in front of you and they led you to me… only you wanted it to be Sam."

"You were playing with me?" Rodney was stunned. Barely any thoughts could form in his head as he tried to digest Jennifer making up notes and then telling him it was other woman.

"No. But after the first note I found a way to be with you, even if it was only as a friend and I didn't want it to stop," Jennifer said, standing up. "After a short time I had a bigger problem though," she paused again and her voice broke, "my crush turned into something else."

Rodney's mouth opened, but no words came out. What?

Jennifer obviously took his silence as a negative response and turned, walking quickly past him.

The physicist didn't move from his position kneeling on the deck. The pain in his knees was forgotten as his brain rushed to catch up with the fact that Jennifer Keller thought he was her hero and was falling for him. Jennifer likes me? How is that possible?

Staring out into the dark ocean beyond the lights of Atlantis, Rodney's mind raced through all his interactions with the physician. Jennifer had always shown him understanding, support and compassion. He really couldn't remember a terrible thing happening to him since her arrival that didn't find them together.

"Doctor McKay?"

Rodney jumped and looked around before he realized Richards was calling him over his earwig.

"Yes, Sergeant," Rodney began. "I mean…"

"I really hope you're going after her," his deep voice advised.

"What? Oh, of course. Where'd she go?" Rodney leaped to his feet and headed back toward the transporter.

"I believe she said she was turning in," Richards replied.

Rodney rushed toward the transporter and the awaiting Marine. "What are you doing here?"

"Scary place," the Marine said without any judgment in his voice as he nodded for the physicist to enter the transporter.

"Can I come in?" Rodney said to the closed door of Jennifer's room. "May I come in? Jennifer…" His voice broke as her door opened to reveal the woman he needed to speak to.

"Yes, you may come in," she said smiling. The smile didn't reach her eyes, but at least she didn't look angry.

Rodney really had no idea what to say. How do you talk to the perfect woman when you find out she's been chasing after you and you had no clue? All his degrees and years of research left him unprepared.

Rodney smiled at Jennifer once the door closed. His hands clenched and unclenched several times as his eyes darted around the room. The nervousness he felt when she pressed him to have a drink with her returned. Looking into her brown eyes, he saw the spark that was there that night was missing. "So…"

"So?" Jennifer responded. The physician closed her eyes and shook her head. "Rodney, I'm not sure what you want me to say. I wish you felt the way I did. I wish you had as good of a time as me at the bar that night." Jennifer began pacing around the room suddenly unable to meet his eyes.

Rodney's mouth dropped and he continued to stare at the beautiful woman before him. She was single-handedly inflating his ego a hundred fold with each comment. Any thoughts he had of not imagining Jennifer as more than a friend disappeared the instant she said that she liked him. Now that he stood in her room and she began to rant in McKay-fashion, his feelings for her crowded everything else out of his mind.

"Do you want to know how much I hated Katie Brown? I found things to hate about one of the sweetest people on Atlantis. I know it's terrible to say, especially since you were in love with her and going to marry her," Jennifer paused and then continued as Rodney stared in disbelief. "Her laugh. It annoyed the hell out of me every time I heard it in the mess hall. And then that stupid plant. I saved your life when that crystal entity tried to kill you. I hope that's worth more than a plant?"

"Hey, that's the Rodney Villa…" His voice tapered off.

"See, you don't give a damn about plants," Jennifer shot at him with her hands on her hips. "You don't even remember the name."

Rodney couldn't help but smile.

Jennifer opened her mouth to speak but stopped. Her angry expression of a moment ago disappeared to be replaced by a softer, but resolute expression. "When you told me you broke up with Katie in that mine, my heart leapt in my chest. I couldn't wait to get back to Atlantis to see if you might be interested in me some day."

Rodney opened his mouth to speak, but she continued because words were too slow to form.

"I knew that you had to be hurting about what happened. You were going to propose to Katie and really didn't realize you broke up with her," Jennifer said, walking over to stand in front of him. "When I begged you to go to the bar with me, I thought it might cheer you up. I didn't really want to be someone you hooked up with on the rebound, but I couldn't stay away so I settled on the notes."

Rodney couldn't believe what he was hearing. This goddess he wanted from afar and, honestly had no idea how to approach, was throwing herself at him. Confessing how she wanted his attention and, perhaps, even more from a foot away. "Jennifer, I, uh, I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything," she said, lowering her eyes and suddenly looking vulnerable.

"But… I…" Rodney wanted to pull her into his arms and confess he felt like a jerk when he was with Katie. His mind often wandered to what the beautiful physician was doing but felt he'd never stand a chance so he stayed with the botanist. Soldiers, Ronon or any number of people who seemed like a better fit than a bitter, cranky old physicist constantly surrounded her.

"Rodney," Jennifer said harshly. Her eyes met his and they glistened. "I'm a big girl. I realize I'm not your type. I'm sorry if you feel bad. I only wanted to make you feel better. I meant it when I said Katie deserved a nice guy like you. I can only hope to find someone half the man you are some day." With that the physician crossed her arms and turned. "I'd appreciate it if you'd go. I don't really have anything else to say."

"Well I do," Rodney said, finally finding his voice.

Jennifer turned and took a deep breath. "I've heard it before and really don't want to hear it again."

"Heard what?" Rodney asked, cocking his head and raising a brow.

"The I'm sure you'll meet someone speech. I've had a long history of liking guys who don't like me," she said.

"They were all idiots," Rodney said. His confidence wasn't that great, but she just laid her heart bare before him and he cared about her too much to not share his own feelings. "Jennifer, how could you think you're not my type?"

Jennifer furrowed her brow, surprised by his comments. "I'm not like Samantha Carter or Katie Brown. I'm not gorgeous and a real female super hero. You and Sam can talk about physics for days. I understand the basics, but that's all. And I'm not sweet like Katie. I tease you unmercilessly sometimes. I tell you what not to do. Tell you when you're whining too much or…"

"Jennifer," Rodney interrupted and took a step closer to her. "You're my dream."

It was Jennifer's turn to stare blankly with her mouth partially open.

"I never imagined I'd have a chance with you so I never considered it," he said, his grin widening along with her eyes. "I've lived long enough to know when to back off from an unachievable goal. Since you arrived you've been surrounded by men far more physically fit than me, better looking, if I'm to believe my sister…"

"Did you think I was that shallow?" Jennifer asked, looking hurt.

"No, no, no, no. This was all stuff before I met you," Rodney said. "When I got to know you, it was even harder to not dream about you. You're perfect."

"Rodney. You're not making sense," Jennifer said. "You were dating Katie and wanted to marry her…"

"I only wanted to marry Katie so I wasn't alone," Rodney confessed. "She was sweet but I was never able to be myself with her. She was horrified when she saw me panic during that fake quarantine. It… it wasn't very pretty."

"But if we didn't have the quarantine, you'd be engaged to Katie Brown right now," Jennifer stated. "And we wouldn't be having this conversation."

"Then I guess we'll owe Atlantis for that one," Rodney smiled. The look of shock on her features only made Jennifer more beautiful in his eyes.

Jennifer looked warily at the physicist.

"Would like to see what's left in the dessert cooler in the mess hall? Maybe grab some coffee? Watch a movie?" Rodney offered. He wanted to spend as much time as he could with her. Knowing how badly he was capable of messing things up, he decided to stop babbling about Jennifer's wealth of positive attributes. I'll reveal those at more strategic moments.

Jennifer began to smile. It started in her creamy brown eyes and spread over her features until her face glowed. "Are you asking me on a date, Doctor McKay?"

"Yes, I am, Doctor Keller," Rodney replied, grinning like a fool. "Our first."

"Not our first," she replied, the pixie grin he adored formed on her face as she stepped so close they were almost touching.

"You practically had to drag me to the bar," Rodney said, his blood pressure increasing due to her proximity. "Do you really want to think of that as our first date?"

"Absolutely," she said as her eyes drifted from his eyes over his face.

"Not very romantic. We could hardly hold the beer bottles with the bandages," Rodney smiled and swallowed because she seemed to be swaying toward him.

"This has to be our second date," she said softly.

"Why is that?" Rodney could smell her shampoo because the space between their bodies was almost nonexistent. A desire to reach out and pull her to him caused his fingers to twitch at his sides.

"Because I'm too good of a girl to kiss on the first date," she said as her hands suddenly reached out to slide along the underside of his forearms. When her hands encountered his, she lifted them up, holding them inches from her face. The physician then turned her head to press a kiss into each palm.

Rodney's eyes widened and his breathing stopped. The feel of her soft lips sliding over his roughened hands make him whimper. "Uh…"

"Thank you, once again, for saving my life," she said as a broad smile lit up her face.

His hands cradled her face as hers dropped to his waist and her skin was as silky smooth as he imagined it would be. Lowering his head, he saw her eyes close. Anticipation filled him as he closed his and finally pressed his lips to hers.

The End

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this little story. Thanks again to Hifield for giving me the idea. I could have kept going but didn't want it to get old.