Author has written 24 stories for Harry Potter. What can I say about me? I'm the mom of 4 boys (ages 12 through 2 years), so I am obviously slightly touched in the head. I was once officially a lawyer, with my own practice, an office, a secretary and everything. Now I do laundry, grocery shop, and mediate arguments over whose turn it is to play on the wii - and I'm loving every minute of it! My oldest son was a TOTAL Harry Potter fanatic and I started reading the books with him - needless to say his obsession was contagious. I think the series and its fans are amazing! I started reading fan fiction for Harry Potter but stayed for the Ron Weasley! I am a total 100 Ron/Hermione shipper! I can hardly read, forget about writing, either character with another partner. Harry/Hermione makes me say "Ewww!" and Draco/Hermione makes me say "Huh?" I started writing as an outlet to get some 'me' time away from the boys and re-discover some things I enjoy about life and myself outside of motherhood and being a wife. It's just for fun but any help to make me a better writer would be greatly appreciated! Happy Reading! Oh, and if you've come to view my profile after reading a story but didn't review I would so appreciate it if you'd take the time to let me know what you thought. Make mama happy, leave a review! Find more of my writing on LiveJournal at: Musings_By_Mama For some great Harry Potter Canon compliant art and fiction check out the Live Journal community I co-moderate: HP Canon Fest I'm honored to have received several 2009 Ron and Hermione Awards. My winning stories include "Watching Love", "It's Not Easy Being Green" and "Five Dresses in Hermione Granger's Closet". I'm humbled to have been recognized as the 2009 Outstanding Author as well. Illustration for "Now What?" Chapter Two can be found here: http:///#/d31zxl9 Illustration for "Now What?" Chapter Three can be found here: http:///#/d3456l7 CHECK OUT THE NEW FANFICTION/FANART WEBSITE I CO-MOD: DEDICATED TO SPREADING THE RON AND HERMIONE LOVE! ALSO ON TUMBLR AND TWITTER @rhrlove |
BlackHawk13 (17) ErinFabu (0) | little0bird (34) pacifickay (4) | Pinky Brown (10) TMBlue (119) |