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Author has written 45 stories for Harry Potter, House, M.D., Twilight, Artemis Fowl, StarTrek: The Next Generation, Sherlock, Downton Abbey, and Robert Langdon series. About me: My name, gender, age, and nationality are completely irrelevant. English is not my first language, but it is one of my favorites. All my stories are for you, M, although you will never read them. But if you did, I'd like to think that you would smile as you recognized a thing or two. After all, my stories are completely true, apart from minor things like characters and events. About my stories: Some of my stories contain slash (descriptions of same-sex relationships); others do not. Please read the summary and the warnings to decide if you want to read a particular story. The following stories are guaranteed slash free: In My Bones Another City; Picking Up the Pieces; The Magic Thief; The Singing of the Crumple-Horned Snorkack; Lucifer in Starlight; A Certain Slant of Light; The Boggart and the Bridge; Those Witching Shades; The Rose and the Yew Tree; Your Tears Don't Fall; Seven Flowers for Lily; Come Slowly, Eden; The Sins of Our Fathers; The Book of Abraham the Mage; My Master's Bride; The Strange Disappearance of Sally-Anne Perks; The Scarlet Line; The Serpent and the Mirror; The Fowl Code. If you want to write a new story based on one of mine, that's wonderful - as long as you let me know about it and acknowledge the source of inspiration in an author's note or in your summary. Plagiarism is unnecessary and annoying. Translations: I am delighted if someone wants to translate my stories, but please ask first and send me a link to the translation when it is posted. Grengras is kindly translating my story The Strange Disappearance of Sally-Anne Perks into Spanish: La Extrana Desaparicion de Sally Anne Perks. Altheda's Slovak translation can be found at fanfiction. potterharry. net/cze/povidka/5566Zahadne-zmiznutie-Sally-Anne-Perksovej. html. vlad000 and her team have completed their translation of The Strange Disappearance of Sally-Anne Perks into Russian. The complete translation, accompanied by stunning artwork and a beautiful video can be found at http:/ www. snapetales. com / index.php?fic_id=22542. Thank you to Poloz for translating The Scarlet Line into Russian (http : // ficbook . net / readfic / 1325809) mari.rets has translated Angel (orklegends.rolka. su/ viewtopic.php?id=775) and The Morning After (orklegends.rolka. su/ viewtopic.php?id=873) into Russian - thank you! Thank you to Fly From Death for translating The Morning After into Spanish and to Sedinette Michaelis for translating it into French. Thank you so much to Lenayuri for translating the following stories into Spanish: Solamen Miseris, The Dance of the Dreoilin, The Gift, The River of Time, First Surrender, Surrender. Thank you to kasssumi for translating To Kill You With A Kiss into Polish and to phinstrael for the beautiful German translation! I Lose my mind is translating the story into Spanish: Para matarte con un beso. Riddle-Snape is translating it into Slovak: fanfiction. potterharry .net /cze /kapitola /22683 Kapitola-1 .html and KrasnayaKrov is translating it into Portuguese. Zimerman1407 is translating Surrender into Polish, and Dagulec is translating In the Time of Roses into Polish - thank you both! Thank you to 100-ki.Yakou.no.Ou for translating The Final Hiding Place, A Twist in Time, Now and Then, and The Dream into Polish, and to NCIS-lonely-soul for translating In the Darkness of My Dreams into Polish. Thank you to Dziewanna for translating To the Waters and the Wild into Polish. The amazing phinstrael also translated Solamen Miseris into German and has begun posting a series of translations of assorted HP/LV and HP/TR one-shots and two-shots here. Thank you to Malphigia who is translating To the Waters and the Wild into Russian. The translation can be found at www. fanfics. ru /read.php?id=50416 (remove spaces from web address). A different translation, by Riss-Tee, can be found at http: // ficbook . net / printfic/ 1129577/ 3370228. Thank you to Lazy Sheep for translating The Gift into Vietnamese: http :/ /lazysheep129. /2012/ 12/31/the-gift/ and to Shizukawa for translating A Twist in Time into Vietnamese: http :/ / shizukawa . /2013/ 02/ 24/a-twist-in-time/ Thank you to Luna Lunatica for translating Seven Flowers for Lily into Spanish. My stories can now also be found on Archive of Our Own: archiveofourown(dot)org/users/Paimpont (Thanks, Krysania!) Check out the lovely fanart by ZesiroCross for To the Waters and the Wild: http: // zesirocross . deviantart . com / # / art / Dementor-s-Kiss-354256141?_sid=50b271c9 Thank you so much to Lexen for the gift of the stunning poem I Will Be By Your Side. Check out the poem and her amazing stories! I now have a tumblr where I will post previews of upcoming stories and chapters as well as outtakes from my fics and sections that are not in accordance with the guidelines for this site. |
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