Author has written 13 stories for Harry Potter. 08-21-2014 So... Instead of the month I was aiming for it's been over a year and still no updates. I feel kind of bad for getting everyone's hope up and then not delivering. My heartfelt apologies. As most of you probably know by now, I've been feeling dissatisfied with my Veela story for quite a while now. At first I thought it was maybe because the relationship between Harry and Draco was developing too fast - but no, each time I read through the story to correct that, I had nothing to correct. I like the interactions those two have and the speed their emotions are developing. So I tried revising, I tried re-writing the story a few times. I've tried... a lot of things actually, but I never could get that vague, unhappy feeling that prevented me from writing to go away. Then a while ago I heard a stray comment on the news. They were interviewing this author who talked about how she was writing her stories for herself. That the public liked them and read them too was simply a happy by-product. She didn't write for her readers, she wrote for her own pleasure, and it was as if a light bulb had gone off above my head. When I started writing my Veela story it was because I had an idea I really liked. Writing it was fun and I came to love my baby. Then I began posting and the feedback was so positive it feed my happiness and I wrote even more. But then something began to change and I wasn't even aware of it. Until I heard that author talking. Slowly, gradually, I stopped writing for me and began writing for you, my loyal readers. I began to feel the need to write the next chapter so that my readers would get that question answered, or so that they could simply find out what happened next. And, apparently, I'm not that sort of an author. I can't write for you, I need to write for me. So... I've started to take my story back. ...And it feels really weird writing that but it is the truth nonetheless. And as I work on writing for me again, the happiness I originally felt is slowly coming back. It will be a while yet before I have anything to post, but at least I'm back to writing again. Thank you all for your understanding and your patience. Until Then... Janara |