Reviews for A Patrol Changes Everything
Guest chapter 15 . 1h
Absolutely great chapter.
Guest chapter 13 . 4h
What fun. I like the gentle evolution if the story and of their family relationships.
Guest chapter 8 . 7/26
It feels like the story is just about resolved, so I am vet curious about how there are so many chapters ahead of me. I'm eager to see what you do.
Guest chapter 6 . 7/26
Aww, how sweet.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/26
This is truly an odd couple, with Albus and Severus co-parenting Harry. "My Two Dads" TV shoe also comes to mind.
Guest chapter 4 . 7/26
Charming scene with Dev in the hallway. Thank you for this.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/26
It's so weird to read a story with a really nice Albus, not just a phony , fake-nice one. He's unusually blamed for Harry's rotten childhood and rotten summer's, etc., and all the readers want Albus to suffer.
AgosDelGrosso chapter 48 . 7/11
There's no other way of saying this, I LOVE THIS! I truly love this. It's wonderful, a little piece of heaven. It's absolutely perfect and I thank you so much for creating this and sharing it with us.
Now it's one of my favorites, it has a place in my heart. It's a pity that it's over. I will miss it dearly.
Once again, thank you!
Guest chapter 9 . 5/17
I’m sorry to be that kind of person, and I also realize this fic is pretty old so it might not even matter, but you do know that boys and girls are about the same hight, on average, around the age of 11? Usually boys get a growth spurt around 13 but before that girls and boys are around the same hight. Girls are actually, on average, about 1 cm (a lot right? :P) taller than boys before the boys hit puberty. I’m sorry but I always see this and it bothers me every time.
K chapter 40 . 5/12
Don’t particularly enjoy how you rewrote Albus as not gay (thought it was weird when you mentioned Grindelwald and every other word was ‘friend’).

Other than that it’s a good story but I had to say that that doesn’t sit right with me
nouch chapter 48 . 4/15
thanks a lot for sharing this story ! I loved it !
Bluewolf80 chapter 41 . 4/9
Wow! I honestly don’t know what to say to this. It sounds like the ramblings of a mad person!
WeisseHex chapter 11 . 4/6
Ah, poor little guy! Snap out of it, Harry Potter!
Guest chapter 3 . 2/12
Well, Albus would know if he'd bothered checking in on him even once, so...fuck you, Albus. You suck moldy cock.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/12
Albus: I'm going to save you.
Albus: Hurts the boy.

Albus: He's been beaten!
Albus: Don't act like you've been beaten!

Gaagh. Albus is a sanctimonious, self-important ass.
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