Reviews for Falling
Guest chapter 41 . 7/25/2019
I really liked the first 25ish chapters, but now it actually pisses me off. What’s deal with Draco suddenly becoming this demanding, over-emotinal and emo bottom-boy? What Draco is doing is horrible and it’s not okay how it’s attempted to be justified, and the way we’re supposed to feel sorry for him all the time. Also no matter what Draco does or says, HARRY always ends up being the one chasing after DRACO and then Harry does or say something that makes Draco throw a fit and HARRY ends up being the one to actually appologize. I mean, I get Harry’s in love, but Draco DID have a hand in people potentially dying, including Harry’s best friend’s SISTER! I mean this is such a toxic and unhealthy relationship it actually made me cry.
Guest chapter 44 . 6/21/2017
The most useless story ever:(... Completely illogical in concept. If this was so driven by logic as implied persistently in the last few chapters with Draco's reasonings- there were many better logical routes. The choices were so defeatist, uncommunicative and overall a useless attempt in making a martyr plot that did not make sense at all!
fawkesnan chapter 44 . 1/8/2016
I really, really like your story! And lucky me the sequel is already finished
I know it's almost four years since you wrote this story but I do have one question I really hope you'll answer; who gave Snape the bonny slippers?
gaap237 chapter 43 . 6/24/2015
Just so you know, I've pretty much read this entire story in less than 24 hours. You had me utterly captivated from beginning to end. I loved everything about it, and am rushing to finish this review just so I can get started on the sequel. You are fantastic.
masonsmith chapter 1 . 7/8/2014
Arg When I saw there was sequel that was unfinished and unupdated I must admit I despaired but you know what this was an amazing story and I hope that you find the time or ability to finish the sequel. This was an amaing story an you are a very good writer.
Dimplz chapter 43 . 6/7/2014
Good story. Bittersweet ending. I'm glad that Harry wasn't left hating Draco's guts in the end but understood Draco's dilemma. Thanks for writing.
oblivion9032 chapter 44 . 12/30/2013
Excellent story!
alliexxx chapter 43 . 11/15/2013
I really really loved it! please, please, please write a sequel
rosehipjam chapter 43 . 5/14/2013
ugh, I love this story so much. it makes my heart drop sadly thinking about all the angst. it was worth it though. hopefully you can draw inspiration to write more with 'impact'.
Ralaj chapter 44 . 4/15/2013
Fuck. Amazing story. I feel like I just experienced a literary orgasm if there ever was such a thing to be had.
Ralaj chapter 5 . 4/15/2013
melted brain. no worky ... guh... so hot
flaming rose chapter 24 . 2/10/2013
Ahhhh, I just love Ron!
flaming rose chapter 23 . 2/10/2013
(Chuckles.) Yay! Duh, smexyness!
flaming rose chapter 22 . 2/10/2013
Whew! Hell yeah, bitches!
flaming rose chapter 20 . 2/10/2013
Whew! Yeeeee-ah, bitches!
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