![]() Author has written 57 stories for Harry Potter, Sorcerer's Apprentice, 2010, House, M.D., Kushiel's Legacy series, and Glee. /-/ /-/ ABOUT ME /-/ /-/ I am a 21-year-old mother, involved in a very-long-distance relationship. I read occasionally, and write a lot more, in a variety of pairings. I tend to lean towards a lot of fetish content, but I also enjoy pure fluff and romance from time to time. I love all sexualities, although I am especially partial to writing and reading slash. Het and femmeslash both bring up the rear of the list of what I write, but I do love them dearly, and occasionally, a bit of gen never goes awry. I only actively write in the Harry Potter fandom, although I used to poke at others, and from time to time, might come up with a one-shot here or there. In HP, though, I ship a wide variety of pairings, from common and big name pairs to rarepairs. Most of my fics are one-shots from fests, prompts from friends, or random ideas that came into my head, with a few multi-chapter projects that pop up here and there. There are a few old fics that are borderline crack!fic from my early days in fandom, and then there are fics that have seen the love of time, much thought, and a beta. /-/ /-/ OTHER STUFF /-/ /-/ If you like my fics and have a LiveJournal, feel free to add me on there: Some of my Hermione-centric stories are also posted over on Granger Enchanted: |