This is...I swear, this isn't my fault. I blame it on my love of any kind of batter and the fact that I myself would probably use it in the same situations Balthazar and Dave are in...if I could actually wait to put it on someone instead of just eating it straight from the bowl. 8D YOU WILL NEVER LOOK AT POUND CAKE THE SAME WAY AGAIN, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!

Disclaimer: Anybody that you recognize is not mine. Everyone else is up for grabs.
Pairing(s): Balthazar/Dave, some Bennett/Pound Cake angst
Summary: Focuses on Bennett, but there's a reason for this. You see, he really wants that pound cake, since it's something that Dave excels at making, and if he sold it, he could definitely make a lot of money. Too bad he'll never be able to actually eat, much less look at, pound cake the same way again.

6. POUND CAKE - The day that Dave decided to make a pound cake for Balthazar's birthday was a day that Bennett wished he could bleach the scene that he saw from his brain.

It had been a normal day, and Bennett was pretty sure that later tonight he'd have the place to himself and the fly honey he'd met at the club the other night (she had wanted to help him celebrate his birthday when she found out it was today, and he knew exactly how he was going to celebrate with her). With Dave and Balthazar spending all that time down in their "Bat Cave" as Bennett had dubbed it, he thought he'd have no problem with keeping the apartment clean and nerd-free for tonight. Unfortunately, Dave was trying his hand at making a cake for Bennett's birthday, and he forgot that Balthazar would not only know Dave was making it, but cake batter was a guilty pleasure for the old sorcerer. Bennett had been ready to eat some of that cake before tonight, since it was one of the very few things that Dave knew how to cook without screwing it up in some way. The whole day, the cake had been the only thing on Bennett's mind, filling his thoughts so much that he almost didn't pay attention to his classes. Still, the way that Bennett reasoned it, the pound cake was worth some scolding from his teachers.

When the day finally ended, he knew exactly what time that Dave should be done with the cake, since he also knew when Dave was going to be starting it, since he had pestered the other man about it. Giggling gleefully to himself, Bennett made his way up to his and Dave's apartment, fully ready for the cake to be going into the oven and him just in time to lick the bowl. Sadly for him, he wouldn't be able to lick the batter that was left in the bowl, and thanks to seeing Dave on the kitchen table with batter on him that Balthazar was licking up, he was pretty sure he would never be able to eat pound cake ever again.


I feel as though I should feel sorry for Bennett...but I can't. I really can't. It's a hot scene, and Bennett just can't understand that. I'll let him mourn the loss of his love alone.


Reviews and criticism are absolutely loved, just FYI. Yep, LOVED. #points to review button# You know you wanna click it. Also, do you guys have any sort of scene you wanna see? Or a word you want used? Maybe some Bal/Fem!Dave with Drake chasing after young Danielle (Fem!Dave)? Perhaps something cracked out? Feel free to put in a request in your review! I'm always up for them!