Reviews for Sherlock Holmes and the Ravenclaw Codex
Kat chapter 2 . 7/14
purrfus chapter 14 . 6/10
Guest chapter 14 . 8/19/2019
Wow this is totally Sherlock Holmes.
Guest chapter 14 . 11/29/2018
Brilliant. You really captured the style of Conan Doyle.
SMantis chapter 14 . 9/20/2018
I have to echo an earlier review about this being the first Harry Potter/Sherlock Holmes crossover that I liked. What was particularly well done was the recreation of the original style and tone of the Sherlock Holmes books.
Pottergirlfreva chapter 14 . 7/20/2018
This was so very well written !
Guest chapter 14 . 5/8/2018
Good job with the prose and props for even attempting Doyle's style. The misdirection on the whodunit was not that strong (Black should be keeping his mouth shut about his "suspicions") but I liked the idea of a Goyle aiding a muggleborn who was being framed. I wasn't expecting that.

A bit unrealistic to think that the last spell on Black's wand would be the one to incriminate him after several days. If he had the elves clean up the crime scene, he would have thought to remove the most obvious of traces that lead to him.

Sherlock and Holmes were done well; both believable. Nice job having the kid hold the book for ransom in order to protect himself from Black.

Overall, I rate it as the only good Holmes/HP crossover I've read to date.
Meester Lee chapter 14 . 6/13/2017
I didn't discover this story until years after it was written. I thought it was well-written and a delight to read.

Bravo! Bravo!
magdilen chapter 1 . 10/8/2015
Great job with this story. I loved how you captured the writing style of the original stories. And I can well imagine different factions of wizards having the motivations and attitudes that you portrayed.
FireBatVillain chapter 14 . 7/15/2015
Well written! I enjoyed this thoroughly from start to finish. Different than your typical Holmes story, but similar enough to tug at the heartstrings. The depiction of Hogwarts, of Weaselby and Binn in particular, are great!
Animekitty47 chapter 14 . 9/4/2014
The plot is a tad obvious, but I suppose it was meant to be, and the rest of it more than makes up for it! The characterizations, the tone, the more proper and exacting word choices, ah, its all so well done! Marvellous job!
Blackgenius chapter 14 . 12/9/2013
Immaculate! An absolute pleasure to read! I can't say I've actually read much actual Sherlock Holmes, but I know enough about the literary period to appreciate the style. And the way you seamlessly integrated the world of Hogwarts into a Holmes' mystery was one of the most enjoyable reading experiences I've encountered within fanfiction. Congratulations on an outstanding story!
sakura candy chapter 11 . 9/12/2013
Ah, messed up again, it's Prior Incantato, while Prior Incantatem is the stuff that's triggered when 2 brother wands try to fight.
sakura candy chapter 13 . 9/12/2013
Opps, Priori Incantatem, don't know what made me write that :p
sakura candy chapter 14 . 9/12/2013
Good read, only thing improbable in this is the fact that Black never used his wand for anything else after Imperio. He might not be savvy enough to clear the Infinite Incantanum cache with a simple Lumos, but it's highly unlikely he didn't use any spells for 3 entire days.
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