Reviews for The Descent
just1cause2im3amazing chapter 1 . 7/9/2015
Looks like you posted on a /really/ bad day for getting reviews.
Anyway, I like this fic. You write excellently, the plot was good. I kinda want to see what would happen after they got to know one another more, seeing as you said it was all a bit early in their relationship to talk about it. Then there could be Johnlock. The good relationshippy Johnlock that isn't smut cause they're too angst'd out for that.
I like the way you portrayed the characters. (I thought your Sherlock was spot on) you nearly made me watch the first ep again just to make sure this didn't really happen.
Thank you for your lovely fic.
Lulu The Mad Hatter chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
Beautiful, sweetie. You almost broke my heart. Really good story. Hope you keep writting amazing stories like this one :3
Ocaso chapter 1 . 2/5/2013
Beautiful. Well written. Well done.
harryismyhomeboy chapter 1 . 8/8/2012
I really like your style. Interesting and smart language. A nice little story.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/6/2012
Well. First of all, you're awesome. This is exactly why having other people write your ideas is a good thing - I knew I wanted to read this story but had I written it it wouldn't be this particular story and this particular story is pretty close to perfect. Allow me to enumerate all the ways in which it is perfect.

"Appreciate us the soft pillows cooed to him, you're liable to be summoned away from us sooner than you would prefer." -Beautiful, slightly cracky, and exactly correct. I don't know how else this feeling could be expressed.

"the sound of The Who's Tommy accompanied by what sounded like the noise of furniture being violently moved around." -Provoked a violent "HA!" from me. I might write the story of what exactly was happening there.

"But the day he shot the cabbie, his heart knew at least this much: that he and Sherlock were essentially a special operations team on a great and terrible battlefield. If that didn't engender a deep meaningful relationship, what else could?" -If this were on film, the music here would be epic. Like, Sigur Ros' 'Valtari' epic.

"The telly said it was the coldest February experienced in the U.K. since 1991." -I don't know why, but I got a really bleak feeling off this sentence. Maybe the juxtaposition of sentiment and information, but it was good.

"It was his duty to be polite, courteous, and respect the normative values of his culture. Speaking was a part of keeping up The Act." -I love what you've done with John in this story. The best sort of fanfics are the ones that take actual details from the source material and extrapolate brilliantly rather than creating out of whole cloth the attributes the characters will have for the story, and that is what you've done here. The John of the show and the John of this story could actually be the same character, no ignoring inconvenient canon necessary.

"why were there so many trees, that made no sense, it was Afghanistan" -Panic and the complete weirdness of dreams conveyed perfectly.

"Purposefully. Nicotine has a tranquilizing effect. But I'm sure you know that." -My favorite line in the whole thing. It just. I can't even. CtrlV what I said about extrapolating John. Of course Sherlock would just barge ahead even thought he's completely out of his depth, and of course he'd be all 'John you idiot' about it. I have never wanted to hug a fictional character this bad.

"He probably was a master of it. Certainly the doctor got Sherlock to often say more than he intended" -Ooooh, my ship radar is going off. I love how they're both so completely oblivious to it, enough that (again) this scene could totally have been in the show.

"their eyes met like the positively and negatively charged ends of two magnets" -So apt both for their characters as people and for the as-yet-nonexistent Relationship.I can see Sherlock actually saying this and thinking it's romantic.

"A strong dash of self-pity, but not unconsciously so." Ouch. Just, ouch, my heart. The worst kind of self-pity, and again, I don't know how else this could have been said.

"And then the smile that came to his face when Sherlock responded to these signals - oh yes, for once Stamford appeared genuinely grateful when Sherlock, with pretend indifference that he picked up like a chameleon from Stamford, posed the question, 'Afghanistan or Iraq?'" -I'm looking at the whole Stamford interaction completely differently now. Holy crap, I think Stamford might have saved John's life. Because (again) I think this John is very very close to the one we have on-screen, so holy crap.

"Indeed, as his devilish side observed, you have been remarkably patient thus far - you deserve to press a few buttons." -More urges to hug. Because of course he can't just turn off the experimenting part of him but he does such a good job of trying to make it helpful!

""Don't you understand what I'm doing here?" asked Sherlock, maintaining the blend of hurt and anger in his voice that he gauged would bring the best response from his room-mate." -I would never have gone here, but it's perfect. This is exactly how he'd proceed once the smoking and waiting for John to talk got old. It's basically his default tactic.

"The words were infused with a venom that was most delightful, Sherlock the Actor lauded himself, but now that he'd reached the bottom of Hades, he was going to have to perform some music to win John from the god that dwelled there." -More epic music. Probably a violin, in keeping with the theme.

"At least, Sherlock couldn't not try to bring his heart back to the light of day." -Poignant and just Sherlocky. Like he'd be offended by himself if he failed, even though what he's doing is all emotion and feeling and so not his thing. More hugs.

""And...just, god damn it," he added with feeling, "just let yourself grieve, Doctor. It's not that complex. Just because your ship sank doesn't mean you have to follow it to the bottom of the ocean."" -Ow. Again with the heart-stabbings. Completely in-character (can you tell how much I value that?) emotion, which I've rarely actually seen pulled off with this character.

"Perhaps one akin to Hades' allowing Orpheus to take back Eurydice" -Aaaand you've done the equivalent of the volta in a sonnet, because Sherlock's parallel emotions and finding himself more affected than he thought he'd be and now neither of their positions in the whole Hades/Orpheus/Eurydice triangle are completely clear, but in the absolute best way.

So I babbled like a crazy. Thank you for doing this, it was better than I could have hoped.
BLEACH IT WHITE chapter 1 . 8/6/2012
Oh, that was just lovely! I really enjoyed the parallels between John and Sherlock's emotional situations. I hadn't thought of it in that way before. Nice tie in with Orpheus and Eurydice, especially with Sherlock not quite sure which one he is. And I thought the totally non-gay cuddling position was hilarious. And the eyeballs.

Couple of side notes: I'll definitely be checking out "That Woman!", seems like it'd be fun. Also, the mention of Sherlock's mother's dream interpretation has piqued my interest. You mention a couple times somewhere else (I forget where), that in your head cannon she's into philosophy. Any chance you could expand on that? (Or point me to where you have expanded on it? :)

Thanks for writing this. Made my Monday, and definitely inspired a couple of fic ideas.
Paimpont chapter 1 . 8/6/2012
Wow! That was a magnificent story. Very dark, very touching, very real. I loved your portrayal of Sherlock who was acting, but simultaneously being more himself than he realized.

Wonderfully written, as always. You really should publish your own novel some time!