Author has written 65 stories for Harry Potter. Hello and welcome, my husband and I have a few stories already posted around the different sites, we have now decided to post most of them here on this site, I am known as broomstick flyer and my hubby uses the name merlinsaprentice or the same name with a one added at the end, we both hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as we have enjoyed writing them. We live in a very small village in North Wales, where we have a small but comfy little bungalow. both of us find we love living the country life, merlin loves to pop off to the river for a spot of fishing when he is able. We both also enjoy writing Harry Potter stories helping and encouraging each other. Now that we have decided to combine our stories we will first be posting previously written and posted material along side some of our new work. please enoy, we do this simply for fun and to give our grandchildren something to read when they visit. Here if it is allowed I would like to add part of an article from the Daily Mail. JKR speaking to Emma Watson has finally admitted what all H/Hr shippers have known since book one. Its a little late in the day but our veiws are finally vindicated. This is the Article: 'Did she cast the wrong spell? JK Rowling admits that Hermione should have married Harry Potter instead of Ron By Caroline Prosser JK Rowling has revealed that she wishes that Harry Potter and Hermione had got together at the end of the book series. She told Wonderland magazine that she put Hermione and Ron together as a whim rather than necessarily believing in them as a couple. The 48-year-old author was interviewed by Emma Watson, 23, who played the film role of Hermione Granger. Emma was guest-editing a special edition of the magazine, with excerpts printed in the Sunday Times. The actress was told how JK Rowling saw her decision to have Ron and Hermione marry and have children in the seventh and final book as ‘wish fulfillment’. The author said: ‘That’s how it was conceived, really. For reasons that have very little to do with literature and far more to do with me clinging to the plot as I first imagined it, Hermione ended up with Ron.’ She added, ‘I know, I’m sorry. I can hear the rage and fury it might cause some fans, but if I’m absolutely honest, distance has given me perspective on that. It was a choice I made for very personal reasons, not for reasons of credibility. Am I breaking people’s hearts by saying this? I hope not.’ And it seems that Emma agreed, saying: ‘I think there are fans out there who know that too and who wonder whether Ron would have really been able to make her happy.’ When Ron and Hermione get married, the books see Harry himself wed Ron's sister Ginny Weasley. Daniel Radcliffe played the part of Harry in the eight Harry Potter films; Ron and Ginny were played by Rupert Grint and Bonnie Wright.' Today 22nd of March 2015 at ten am broomstick flyer, who was a wonderful woman who was loved by so many people, passed away peacefully surrounded by her family. My wonderful wife lost her battle with pnemoniau after having a tripple bypass operation. She will be truly sorely missed, as a sign of the respect I had for her writing talent I intend to open a new folder in which I will post the several stories she was working on. Anyone who wishes to take up her ideas is welcome to do so, just be sure to refer to Broomstick flyer in an A/Note. 30 Oct 2017 Hi all, I was just on Pottermore and noticed a page that said 29 ways that prove that Hermione liked Ron from the very start. After looking through them I was even more convinced that Hermione could in no way stand Ron. If they had some easy way to point out their errors I would have been happy to tell them that listing 29 of Ron's faults and stupidity is no way to show Hermione likes him. The fact that whoever wrote the list thinks that old married people constantly bicker and argue must have had a very poor upbringing to actually put that as one of the reasons. Just want to point out to all the writers who keep writing that Harry did not know how to love, they are so very wrong. Do they really think that all the people who were brought up in orphanages never felt love. Love starts with a chemical reaction in the body, knowing it is love is a built in bit of knowledge. |
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