Reviews for No More Mysteries
stevem1 chapter 16 . 9/8
This story is well written, but it’s not for me. Dumbledore again is sacrificing his friends and allies to save his enemies. Harry is supposedly independent but still marches to Dumbledore’s drum, a few rods of discontent aside.

The best part of the story is H/Hr.

Recommended if you like a well intentioned, but mislead Dumbeldore, supported by an independent but not really Harry.
stevem1 chapter 6 . 9/8
I don’t like this chapter. H/Hr’s position is that if Snape teaches DADA they’ll leave Hogwarts. But they’re still okay with him teaching potions? Heading Slytherin? It seems like a false or empty threat. They’ll leave unless Dumbledore makes a bunch of sky in the pie promises. They gained nothing from their temper tantrum.

Plus Dumbledore is still lying to them by omission, but they wouldn’t know that.

If you think he’s a liar and cheat, leave the darn school.
SumNumb3rs chapter 1 . 6/3
Makes you wonder why if Harry's celebrity meant nothing to her, why did she worship at the feet of Dumbledore? Ever wonder why muggleborns shiver at the name of Voldermort? It's be like a child now being afraid of the name Hitler! They'd have no context for that fear.
jmw03u chapter 16 . 12/5/2019
This has been an interesting story. It is a different take on the independent!Harry stories that I have seen. In this when you see a Dumbledore being manipulative while still being good. Thank you for writing this.
Guest chapter 3 . 6/9/2019
First this thing is dead. It already stink, it has a lot of crap that basically add nothing to the story. Also it still imply the Moron has a lot of dung to add as it seem you are going to keep him so small words waste of ink and time. Crap and simple crap
slytherinsal chapter 6 . 3/7/2018
I note he doesn't mention the horcruxes though, breaking his word already
anjiepotter chapter 12 . 1/18/2018
I loved bill more than ron. its unfortunate he died
ArabellaTepes chapter 16 . 10/1/2017
Why is it always the good stories that aren't finished? It's truly unfortunate.
Amenefis chapter 3 . 7/23/2017
excellent job friend
RisingPhoenix84 chapter 1 . 6/17/2017
Was really enjoying it. Too bad it's not finished :(
ThunderSphinx chapter 13 . 3/21/2017
Oh poor Fleur :(
ThunderSphinx chapter 12 . 3/21/2017
Oh not Bill and the Grangers! How could you!?
joyceblythe chapter 16 . 12/6/2016
Please finish this! It's brilliant!
stacygrrl2002 chapter 14 . 11/8/2016
What's that old saying...he needed killing. There's a whole bunch of them
stacygrrl2002 chapter 12 . 11/8/2016
So much for the vaunted gringotts wards and the prowess of goblin warriors, huh? I can't believe bill froze up like that. His death was a certainty after that. Dumbles is definitely as big a dumbass and asshole as he's ever been. Walk around waving a wand sand make no attempt to extinguish the flames or reassure the kids, just make them leave. Wonder if that portkey will fit up his ass? Always wanting to do things in private, away from witnesses.
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