A/N: This story is now officially completed. Thank you all who favorited, followed and reviewed. It started angsty, got a little fun, then a little weird but I appreciate you all taking this journey with me.

Also, please note: I have ignored the Binding Magical Contract part of canon.


Now what? Harry thought desperately. If he could be sure Fleur was coming… But still no sign. There was nothing to do except…

He snatched up the stone, which Krum had dropped, but the mermen now closed in around Ron and the little girl, shaking their heads at him. Harry pulled out his wand.

"Get out of the way!"

Only bubbles flew out of his mouth, but he had a distinct impression that the mermen had understood him because they suddenly stopped laughing. Their yellowish eyes were fixed upon Harry's wand, and they looked…

Angry. Harry saw them break their circle around Ron and the little girl and start advancing upon him. Harry weighed his options. Give up on the little girl and peacefully save Ron or fight his way through and save them both. It was an easy choice.

Harry started firing off curses and the mermen dodged out of the way. Harry was able to swim forward and grab Ron and the girl. But the mermen were on their way back and their spears were held in front of them. Harry felt a slight movement and turn to see Ron on his right, eyes open wide. He looked left and the young girl too was starting to come awake. Harry looked at Ron and they both began to kick up towards the surface. Harry continued to shoot Body Bind curses at the mermen below. He looked up and saw the sun shining down through the lake. His gills began to disappear …

He was drawing breath with extreme difficulty. He could feel pain on the sides of his neck again… he was becoming very aware of how wet the water was in his mouth… yet the darkness was thinning now… he could see daylight above him…

The mermen were slowing down, afraid of reaching the surface. They screamed in rage and one of them threw a spear up at the three of them. Harry looked upward, held on harder to his two companions and kicked with all his might towards the surface.

Harry kicked his legs so hard and fast it felt as though his muscles were screaming in protect; his very brain felt waterlogged, he couldn't breathe, he needed oxygen, he had to keep going, he could not stop-

And then the three of them broke the still surface of the lake. Harry gulped down the freshest air of his life and looked down at the girl. She didn't seem to understand where she was and began speaking in rapid French.

"It's OK," Harry said over the roar of the crowd. "You're safe now." He turned to grin at Ron but Ron wasn't smiling back. He was holding a long spear that was protruding from his stomach. His legs stopped kicking and he began to sink below the surface of the lake.

"Oh, God, Ron!" Harry yelled and pulled his friend up. He maneuvered Ron onto his back and began to drag him towards the shore. "Ron, c'mon mate stay with me." Ron could only moan in reply. "HELP!" Harry screamed and tried to wave towards shore. "HELP ME!" But the thunderous applause of the crowd was too much and Harry knew he would never make it alone.

"Harry," Ron whispered, every breath labored as the pool of red around him grew. "Best... mate…" and Harry felt Ron take his last breath. The girl began to cry and the crowd finally started to realize that something was wrong. Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Madam Pomfrey jumped into a nearby boat and came rapidly towards the trio.

"No," Harry muttered, taking his friend in the arms. Oblivious to the world, Harry began to cry. "What have I done? What have I done?" he cried into Ron's shirt. The boat finally reached them and Harry could hear Professor Dumbledore's voice from far away. But he couldn't make out the words. He couldn't breathe. He stopped kicking his legs and let the water engulf him and Ron as they slowly sank before the surface of the water.

They were abruptly yanked out of the water and neatly deposited into the bottom of the boat.

"Oh, Albus," McGonagall cried out as she fell to her knees beside the boys. "What have you done?" Harry had lowered his head to Ron's chest and wouldn't move. McGonagall put her thin arm around him and gently pulled him away.

"I'm so sorry Harry but you have to let go," she said softly, tears running down her face. "Let Madam Pomfrey see to him." She turned him around from Albus and gathered Harry and the small girl into her arms.

Albus Dumbledore was left with nothing to say to the grief-stricken boy. Instead, he slowly turned towards the crowd and amplified his voice.

"Prefects, take your houses back to your common rooms and await further instructions. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, I will ask that you too please return to your dormitories. Miss Delacour, you may wait for your sister. Professors, please wait at the shore." With that Dumbledore turned down to look at Madam Pomfrey who had been examining Ron. She slowly shook her head and began to silently mutter over Ron's body. Dumbledore realized he had made a grave error in allowing a 14-year-old boy to compete in the Triwizard Tournament and would be making amends as soon as they reached the castle.

Harry allowed himself to be set on the ground when they reached the shore. So many things were happening around him but Harry was unable to move. Why would the mermen attack like that? On whose orders? Why were his two best friends allowed to be suspended underwater for who knows how long? Why was Ron dead? Why were his parents dead?

Me, Harry realized with a start. Everyone's dead because of me. Harry shot up off the ground and began to run. He could hear Hagrid yell after him but he didn't care. All he knew was that he needed to run as far away as possible. He raced towards the forbidden forest, ignoring the burning in his legs and the pounding in his chest. He ran away from the tournament, from the death of Ron, from the death of his parents….

When he reached the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Harry stopped and looked up. In the Gryffindor tower looking down at him, was Hermione. She stood tall even though Harry could tell she had been crying. Her hair was frizzy and wild but her eyes were fierce as she stared down at him.

Harry looked over his shoulder in the darkness. That path leads to the unknown, a world without Hogwarts, without the death of everyone he ever knew and loved. Everyone except…

Hermione. He looked up at her. He loved her, of that he was certain. But he couldn't stay at Hogwarts, loving her, knowing that she too would die because of him. He had to keep her safe, for now until he was considered an adult in the wizarding society and could make his own choices.

"Stay with me," Hermione whispered and put her hand on the window. Harry looked so unsure, standing at the edge of what was to be his path forward. She knew he must have an extreme amount of guilt over what happened but she needed him to get through this. He couldn't leave her when she had already lost one best friend today.

Harry knew the most unselfish thing was to leave and never look back. But he hated leaving Hermione like this. He pulled out his wand and pointed it at Hermione. He thought about the day they first met.

"Expecto Patronum!" Harry yelled, tears streaming down his face. A silvery stag leaped from the tip of his wand and galloped up towards the window where Hermione was waiting. She opened the window and held out her hand to the majestic being. He lowered his head into her hand before raising his gaze to meet her eyes.

I'll be back for you, she heard him say in her head. Hermione gasped and the silvery stag was gone. She bent over the window and sought out Harry but he had already disappeared into the forest. Hermione brought her hand to her heart, the same hand that Harry's stag had kissed moments before.