Reviews for Notebooks and Letters
Kira Potter Jackson chapter 40 . 5/13
That Harry lost memories of his family makes me think that he lost anyway.
But having his daughter help me get them back fascinated me.
Of all your stories, I liked the most.
Kira Potter Jackson chapter 34 . 5/13
Until now I liked several things that disgusted me from the canon: 1) Harry witnessed Remus' wedding, 2) Muggle children started to leave, 3) the story of the relics told now and 4) they will not wear the locket on their neck.
I think it's good that Ron is more involved in the mission.
I think there is still hope for Dudley.
Kira Potter Jackson chapter 24 . 5/12
I liked two things unlike the canon: one that the ED is involved and two that Ginny has had its closure.
Having Harry tell the teachers is a good thing.
Kira Potter Jackson chapter 22 . 5/12
I find it interesting how confident they are to talk about "betrayals" (Hermione must listen first)
Harry must have permanently incapacitated Malfoy.
Hermione has a point by hitting Dumby in the face.
Vane must have been expelled from school (Fred and George received what they deserved by being partially guilty of what happened to Ron.)
I loved Harry's gift to Hermione (the one from memory), it is very tender and significant.
Kira Potter Jackson chapter 13 . 5/12
I like the path your story takes.
I agree with you that it is not normal for Harry to have allowed Dumby to decide for him.
Kira Potter Jackson chapter 11 . 5/9
It seems to me that you should have killed another and not Sirius.
I hope Neville destroys the bitch.
Kira Potter Jackson chapter 5 . 5/9
This story has me intrigued.
It seemed right to me that Hermione rejected the position of prefect.
I hope Harry studies Occlumency on his part because it's going to be difficult for him to do it with Snape.
SerpentGlass chapter 10 . 4/29
Love how Susan has a good roll. She's not a very big character in the actual books, but I really like her and I like how you have her in a good part as someone useful.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/28
As I read this I feel like I’m reading “The Princess Bride” which is my all time favorite book. So kudos to you for doing a great job at writing this
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 40 . 4/10
I’ll start off by saying I’m glad I read the reviews first and then read the first chapter and skipped to the last chapter, which were both well-written as always. The reason I chose to skip basically everything was because it seemed like it would be a lot more angst than my emotions would be able to handle. I wear glasses and it is super annoying trying to keep the tears out of my eyes while wearing them. Based on the last chapter, I would have been pissed off by the end of the “story” on top of crying, so I feel this was the better choice for me. I still think you’re a good author, and I did download this story with the intention of actually reading it, but then changed my mind.

Also, I’m not a full-blown Harmony fan, but I can enjoy that pairing if it works with the story, and I prefer the story from Harry’s POV with the occasional other POV. I enjoy other paintings before H/Hr and like to see Hermione in the best friend role the most, unless it’s a bashing story, then I like to see her destroyed. I promise I do try to branch out and read other types of HP fanfics with all kinds of pairings, but if it seems like it’s going to go in a direction my emotions won’t cope with, then I’ll just read parts and skip the drama. Idk if anyone else does this, but there it is.

This review is not meant to be a flame. My purpose is to just be honest about the fact that I didn’t read the whole story, and also a reminder for myself in the future as to why I chose not to read all of it.
Veronica McClure chapter 40 . 3/29
U forgot "Star trek: Deep Space 9" between Next Generation and Voyager.
thepuzzlingcentaur chapter 40 . 2/15
I really enjoyed this story, thank you so much for writing this. It made me think about Harry Potter books (canon books) in different ways than ever before. . I have ranted earlier today after I finished chapter 38 because I couldn't believe what just happened out of nowhere, but I forgave you in the middle of the last chapter.
I still wish the death eater problem hadn't ended so soon, but it's alright, I guess. So, the trick to cure the curse was to fall in love again with the person he loved before the potion kicked in. Of course, Snape KNEW what Harry loved, evil occlumentist bastard that he is.

I already highly suspected that you drew inspiration from your wife when writing Hermione and I first began suspecting that while reading about sunbathing in France.
My suspicions are confirmed then.

It's strange to read this 12 years after it was posted. That's pregnancy to Hogwarts. I don't even want to think...that means that you are around 70? Wow. Well, that is impressive. Do you still work as a professor?
thepuzzlingcentaur chapter 39 . 2/15
Great chapter.
thepuzzlingcentaur chapter 38 . 2/15
I still like this story but I consider it incredibly hypocritical of you for criticizing JKG Rowling forcing tragedy for the sake of tragedy while pulling that potion out of your arse. I am not against the idea and the result, but this is actually worse than most of the grievances you listed. I am trying to recall if JK Rowling has ever done anything similar and I don't think she did. In her typical style, she would probably have a brief, subtle mention of the potion in the beginning of the current book and place this event in the ending.
Also, three (admitebly talented) teenagers taking out all death eaters like it was nothing? Bellatrix being surprised that easily? Taking out all death eaters at once? Did you lost the will to write at this point? This is a serious question.

Deus ex machina. And such a terrible deus ex machina it is. If I didn't like the rest of the story so much (very much!), I would have regretted reading this. I do not. But this left a bad taste in my mouth.

Again, let me elaborate:
I do not mind the memory loss, I love when there is some tragedy in my story (and this is a horrible tragedy indeed), I just hate how the potion came out of nowhere.
And while Snape was a bad person in books, he never was truly evil and this right here is pure evil, IMHO a fate worse than death.
I liked the escape, I liked Death Eaters being surprised and wrecked by trio, but I hate the result. Every Death Eater just suddenly gone, defeated by trio and finished off by evil Snape?

I actually facepalmed in real life.
thepuzzlingcentaur chapter 37 . 2/15
Damn it, you managed to surprise us and tear our insides :( boooo

(Well done)
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