AN: So firstly thank you to those who reviewed. Not the usual amount I get for chapters of this story, hoping desperately that it's not that everyone hated my final battle but still very happy to have received the ones I have.
This has been literally written since the beginning, it was what helped me shape the way this story went. Not Beta'd
Disclaimer: All recognised characters and situations belong to J K Rowling. I make no money from this, it is purely for fun
It's a BOY
That's right, the boy who lived has a son!
Hermione Granger gave birth to a bouncing baby boy late last night according to sources at St. Mungos Maternity Department.
The biggest shock of the war has finally made an appearance, but so far no one has been in to visit the new Potter. Obviously the other third of the Golden Trio and his family haven't quite forgiven the new parents for their little tryst.
Don't worry Harry, we all forgive you.
No word yet on a name but we'll keep you posted.
"Do you think Rita Skeeter will ever get anything right?" Harry asked Hermione as they sat together on the hospital bed, looking down at their daughter.
"I doubt it" Hermione responded as she smoothed down the shock of jet black hair on the babies head. "Although she does have one point. She's twelve hours old and we still don't have a name"
"Ahh well I've been thinking about that. How about Arianna?" Harry suggested.
"After Dumbledore's sister?" Hemione asked.
"Well we said if the baby was a boy it would be Albus, and she is quite clearly not a boy, so why not still pay tribute to the Dumbledore family? The professor and his brother helped us a lot" Harry reasoned. "Plus such a beautiful baby needs a beautiful name"
"Arianna is certainly a beautiful name" Hermione agreed, unable to take her eyes off her newborn.
"What do you think little angel?" Harry asked his daughter, who promptly grasped his finger with her whole hand.
"See, she likes it, Arianna it is" Harry told Hermione.
Hermione finally looked away from the baby and at Harry, "It's perfect Harry" she leant forward and pecked his lips.
"Knock, knock" Ron whispered quietly as he poked his head through the door.
"Come in mate" Harry quietly called.
"Have you seen this crap?" Ron asked brandishing the Daily Prophet as he took a seat on the chair next to Hermione. "I was here for most of it, I would've stayed for it all if that maternity witch hadn't thrown me out when you were starting to push"
"Come on Ron, you didn't need to see that, I wish I hadn't seen it and I was the one who had to push" Hermione joked.
"So when are you going to give her up and let me have a cuddle?" Ron asked, already holding his arms out.
"Ron, when did you turn into such a sap?" Harry jokingly asked as he got up from the other side of the little bed and walked around to stand next to Ron and take the baby from Hermione.
"Be grateful, I only got to hold her once, Hermione won't let her go for anyone" Harry told Ron in all seriousness.
"Oh hush Harry, you didn't have to carry her for nine months through a war, I get holding privileges all I want" Hermione informed them crossing her arms over her chest.
Harry bent forward and pecked Hermione's lips briefly while Ron was occupied with the baby, the couple still tried to keep their intimacy private around Ron out of respect.
"Oh by the way, a little bit of news came my way, because mum can't stop gushing about it. Neville asked Gin out, like on a date" Ron told them as he cuddled the baby close to his chest.
"That's great. I hope she said yes" Hermione observed quietly. She was itching to take the baby back already. "She did" Ron confirmed.
"What about things with Luna, I'm sorry we interrupted your date last night" Harry said, clapping Ron gently on the shoulder.
"Don't be ridiculous, you know there was no way I wouldn't be here when my goddaughter was being born. I'll propose another night" Ron shrugged.
"I can't believe you're going to propose, it's so soon" Hermione observed, giving in and holding her hands out for the baby.
"I love her, why wait?" Ron shrugged again. He stood up and handed her the baby and pecked her on the cheek, nodding his head to Harry, who reluctantly left the ladies in his life and joined Ron outside the private room.
"Did you ask her yet?" Ron asked.
"No not yet. I know we just had a baby but Arianna and the resulting relationship wasn't exactly planned, I don't want Hermione to think she has to say yes" Harry responded, fiddling with the ring box in his trouser pocket, he had also planned on proposing to Hermione the night before but was cut off when Hermione's water broke on the way to the restaurant.
"Arianna? You finally decided on one? Thank Merlin, all the arguing about it the last couple of months was getting annoying" Ron teased.
"We weren't arguing, I was coming up with every girls' name I could think of and Hermione was vetoing each and every one"
"So you're okay with Ginny and Neville?" Ron enquired.
"Of course, I care about Ginny very much and I want her to be happy. Ron I'm very much in love with Hermione" Harry sincerely told his best friend.
"I know you are, otherwise I never would've forgiven you" Ron deadpanned. "I better go, I have to organise another proposal dinner and I'm pretty sure my mum is going to beat down the hospital doors any second, I barely stopped her at three this morning when I got home and told her you were here"
"Okay mate" Harry held out his hand to shake Ron's, ending in a weird man-hug. Just as Ron turned around to head to the magical lifts Mrs. Weasley came down the corridor with flowers and balloons enough to fill a whole house and tears already streaming down her face.
"Oh Harry a girl, it's wonderful" she cried.
"Good luck" Ron whispered and left as quickly as possible without actually running.
"Are you ready to meet your first grandchild?" Harry asked, taking the ridiculous amount of Balloons from Mrs. Weasley's hand and pushing the door open.
The next day Harry opened the door to Grimmauld Place and Hermione walked in carrying Arianna in her car seat.
"Ron, George, Arthur and Bill came last night and helped me finish the nursery. Do you want to see?" Harry asked.
Hermione nodded and placed the car seat on the floor. Harry bent down and lifted the baby out and led the way upstairs and to Sirius' old room.
"I've put her next door to us and the bassinette is all set up in our room until she's old enough to bring in here" Harry explained as he opened the door.
"It was nice of everyone to help like that, I guess with everything else we had to do to make this place livable and not dangerous we did leave the nursery a little late, it's lucky we had at least bought all the furniture" Hermione conceded, taking a walk around the room.
Harry had chosen very pale purple for one wall and cream for the other three. The window, which had been too dirty to see through, was now spotless and had a set of heavy deep purple curtains hanging over them. A matching pine crib, change table and wardrobe were set up around the room and a nursing chair was sat by the window.
"Molly came by this morning and folded all the baby clothes, they've been put away. As ordered there is not a single terrycloth nappy in the house and the muggle nappy disposal is ready for all the throw away nappies you could ever imagine. The dummies are sterilized along with a couple of bottles in case the whole breast-feeding thing doesn't go well and all the washing's been done" Harry told Hermione puffing his chest out.
"Harry, do you even know how the sterilizer works?" Hermione asked, knowing almost for certain that Molly had done most of what he was taking credit for.
"Spoil sport" Harry muttered. Arianna began to fuss in his arms and Hermione sat down in the nursing chair, "shall we give this thing a whirl?"
Harry handed her the baby and leaned against the wall as Hermione gently rocked back and forth while feeding their little girl.
"Hermione there was something I wanted to ask you the other day, but then the little angel decided it was time to make her appearance and I never got the chance" Harry said, discreetly putting his hand in his trouser pocket and grasping the ring box.
"What is it?" Hermione asked.
Harry immediately bent down on one knee next to the chair, "Will you marry me?" he pulled the ring box out of his pocket and opened it to reveal a 14k Ruby and Diamond Celtic Engagement Ring.
"Oh Harry it's beautiful. Of course I'll marry you" Hermione gushed and pulled Harry up for a kiss. When they broke apart they looked down to see the baby staring up at them.
Harry bent to kiss Arianna on the forehead and sat up, taking the ring out of the box and sliding it onto Hermione's finger.
They kissed again, and Harry took the baby and put her over his shoulder to burp her, "Come on let's go and write a note to Molly and the family"
AN: Short and sweet, but exactly the way I thought it should end. Hope you all enjoyed. Link to Hermione's engagement ring is on my profile