Author has written 51 stories for Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, X-Men: The Movie, Scrubs, Avatar: Last Airbender, Stargate: Atlantis, Bible, Stargate: SG-1, Redwall, and Harry Potter. The Life And Times of Psalm 136 Hey there, guys. The name's Psalm. Psalm 136. Don't let the name put you off; I rarely write very spiritual things. I only picked the name because it sounded so much cooler than the previous one. I actually don't remember what it was, but it was something like, "Legolasluvah4evahhhh!!1one!". Most likely. I'd like to give my younger self a little bit more credit, though. (By the way, I've been attempting to find my old fanfictions for the longest time -- I switched computers and didn't bring them over onto the new one -- so if anyone remembers my old penname, that'd be sweet.) I've grown in my writing, though. I can write things that are halfway decent! Yay! Anyway, the name's Christina, and I'm eighteen years old. I attend Washington State University in the rockin' city of Pullman, and I'm planning on double-majoring in political science and history. I want to go to law school, too, but so does every other political science major on the planet. I think it'd be cool, though. I'd want to intern for Alternatives to Violence of the Palouse while doing my undergrad degree, and I want to eventually intern for the American Civil Liberties Union and maybe work for them. It would be lots of awesome. I have a crush on Anderson Cooper. If you must know, my favorite TV show is and always will be Stargate: SG-1, though I'm rather partial to Legend of the Seeker, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and Glee. Also: I only eat protein shakes, falcon eggs, and rocks. Not that you really needed to know any of that, but if you found it remotely interesting and if you're happy, I'm happy. I would also appreciate it if you read some of my stories. Some of them are marginally entertaining, some verge on the possibility of being halfway intelligent and almost well written. So, take a look at them and review them, if the mood strikes you. I'd enjoy hearing from you. Cheers! |
ardency (0) ChristineX (14) Chuck's Angels (1) CoalTrain (21) crazyroninchic (8) Ergott (22) Fiery Mango (5) | floorcoaster (29) fogisbeautiful (16) LiesBecomeTruths (0) Minyasta (8) Nea's world (26) Nieriel Raina (68) ryttu3k (0) Sassy Girl (23) | shirebound (114) Shrugs (9) sparklyshimmer2010 (16) The Dork of York (2) Thundera Tiger (53) WCUGirl (0) Zuko's Mistress (2) |