Author has written 5 stories for Sherlock, and Wonder Years. Hello! I'm back, after a fairly long hiatus. I reckon this is probably a good time to update my profile page... After an extremely manic year, I managed to get into Queen's University Belfast to study (surprise, surprise) English! How I was accepted onto the course really is a miracle - although I like to think that my creative writing skills have improved a little since posting my first story on here. Anyway, the point is that I have a little more free time on my hands now, so should be able to update more frequently. Yay! To all those who follow me because of my Sherlock fics: I have to apologise - I can't see myself writing any more of them for the forseeable future. But please stick around, and maybe my obsessive feelings will return. I hope so. I really did love Sherlock. Below is a list, detailing the shows and ships/characters that I am the most likely to write about: TV: Sherlock (Sherlock x John/ Mycroft x Lestrade) Anime: Attack on Titan (Auruo x Petra/ Jean x Marco) My favourite genres (for both reading and writing) are Hurt/Comfort, Angst, and Tragedy. And Romance, when it's good ;) I'm also on Tumblr, if anyone wants to follow me. My username is doctor-hamish-watson. Ninety-nine percent of the time, I will follow you back! I don't tumble (?!) very often, but when I do, it'll be to re-blog any of the shows and ships listed above, plus any posts I find funny or interesting. If you want to immerse yourself in an awesome Sherlock story, you MUST check out this author: GirlsInGlassCages Her story, 'Seven Devils', is one of the best fanfics I've ever read and has a really good plot. PLUS Sherlock and John are never OOC, which is a huge bonus. |