![]() Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter. Greetings everyone. I got into fanfction because as soon as the Harry Potter series ended, I realised I needed more, a LOT more, Ron and Hermione in my life. I absolutely adore those two. In the world of literary couples, these two are truly meant to be. Some might consider it an obsession, but I really don't care. Kudos to those who delve into other territory with these two, the loveliest of characters, but you won't find any of that with me. I can't stand the idea of Hermione with Draco, and the thought of Hermione with Snape actually makes me ill. I've come across stories that pair Hermione with a Weasley other than Ron, and that actually makes me cry. Hermione and Harry makes me feel as if I'm reading incestuous material. And as for Krum - no thanks. *UPDATE* November 8th, 2011 - it has recently been brought to my attention that besides these incredibly disgusting combinations, Hermione has also been paired with the following - Sirius, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, Voldemort, Lucius, and BELLATRIX! And I have one thing to say to that - ARE YOU PEOPLE EFFING MENTAL?! HERMIONE AND RON BELONG TO EACH OTHER. CUT THE CRAP!!!!!!!!!!! RON. RON. RON. *sigh* I LOVE Ron. I love him most when he's with Hermione. And ONLY Hermione. I don't need to say anymore on this subject. Cheers! Postscript - I don't know where this 'Mione business came from, but I HATE it. I will NEVER use it, and although it doesn't deter me from reading a story, (actually, many of my favourite authors on this site use it), I wish it would go away. Ah, well. I just really had to express my opinion on that. January 10th, 2012 Hi everyone! So I've decided to post the first chapter of the new story I've been working on. Fair warning - I haven't been receiving any notifications of reviews, alerts, or new stories. So if it takes me a while to respond to a review, or review one of your stories, it's because I don't see them right away. The only thing that seems to work fine is private messages. It's kind of nervewracking because I can see that 'Words' has already received some reviews, but whenever I go to look at them, the screen is blank. So I have no idea what any of you are feeling about this story. Do you have any idea what that's like?! I may lose it soon. Anyway, bear with me. I'll respond to your review as soon as the site allows me to see it. *UPDATE* - everything is working again :) December 22nd, 2011 'Game Over' is OVER. It feels weird. But good. Thanks to everyone who read and enjoyed, it's much appreciated. I will be posting my second multi-chapter fic in early 2012. It's a difficult one for me to write because...well, because. When you see it, you may understand what I mean. I want to wish everyone a lovely holiday and a happy new year! Be safe! October 26th, 2011 For those that are interested, I'm currently working on my second R/Hr multi-chapter fic. I wrote, and completed, my first multi-chapter R/Hr fic months ago, but I most likely won't be posting it until the first week of November. I had a reader suggest I post it earlier, but it mentions the Christmas season and while it's not a huge theme, I felt extremely silly about posting it in August. As for the current fic I'm working on - I actually started it in August after having completed the above mentioned fic, and I have four chapters written so far, but there's no telling how long it'll turn out to be. And I've got this problem where I, personally, absolutely cannot post until the story is complete. I worry too much about the possibility that I may have left something out in the beginning that I'll need to go back and correct, and what-not, compromising the whole plot of the story. One last thing - I've been fortunate to not have received any 'flames' in my very short-lived experience as a fanfiction writer. Well, not yet anyway. Now I'm all for reviews, whether they be light OR critical OR a combination, whatever the case may be. However, I recently came across a flame in a story that was so incredibly RUDE that it actually filled me with undiluted rage, and it wasn't even my story! The reviewer insulted the author time and time again, spewing out pure venom. You'd think the reviewer was a bloody senior editor for some posh publishing company, or some multi-award winning author, the way they were carrying on. The best comparison I can think of to give you all an idea of how mean the reviewer was is to ask you to think of the way chef Gordon Ramsay talks to the participants on his many reality shows when they make a mistake. The only difference is GORDON IS ACTUALLY GOOD AT WHAT HE DOES! Seriously. Ill admit it - my curiosity got the best of me, and I checked out the reviewers page and read their stories. AND THEYRE COMPLETE CRAP. I dont claim to be a professional writer, and Ill never say that my work is perfect because Im human and I make mistakes. But if youre going to shit all over somebodys story in regards to their lack of originality, poor grammar skills, improper spelling, etc. etc., then you had best make sure that your story is perfect as well and not write like a fucking child. It irks me, it really does. Its not an easy thing to put your work out there, and expose yourself. And while some need to hone their skills more than others, it doesnt give anybody the right to belittle a fellow author. Were all here for the same thing - to read about and/or write about the characters we love. If you like the story, share the love. If you do like the story, but feel it lacks a certain something, then offer some constructive criticism. If you dont like the story, be critical but kind. And if you cant handle the latter, then keep your fucking mouth shut. |