Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter, and Ender's Game series. I'm an engineer, so most of the writing I've done (both academically and professionally) has been of a technical nature. I figured that writing fanfiction might be an entertaining exercise in creative writing. Here's to hoping I don't suck at it! Anyway, feel free to comment on or review anything I post, both for the creative content/plot and for the mechanical form (general writing conventions, style, etc.). I'm always interested in constructive criticism; in fact, that's one of the main reasons I'm doing this in the first place. I'm probably going to stick with Harry Potter, at least for now, as it's familiar enough that it might hopefully serve as a gentle introduction into this type of writing. I'll do my best to avoid the major cliches (for example, Harry won't be using "Merlin," "Merlin's beard," or any other magical colloquialisms fifteen seconds after he learns he's a wizard, there won't be five chapters of Harry's shopping details, and the day I write the words "marriage contract" with a straight face will be the day I give up on fanfiction entirely), so if you notice one, odds are pretty good that I'm making fun of it. Note: I'm an American, so try not to be too harsh with the Britpicking (though I will always appreciate constructive PM's about how things are said differently across the pond). If you see a pun, know this: it was fully intended, and I probably giggled like a schoolgirl as I wrote it. I'm going to try to make updates to whatever story I'm working on at least once per week. The response to Harry Potter and the Lightning Scar has been great, and it was a blast to write. I've written and posted Harry Potter and the Unforgivable Tournament, mostly because my hard drive crashed and I lost chapters 4 and 5 of Harry Potter and the Labyrinth, and I was much too frustrated to sit down and try to recreate what was lost. I did post chapter 4, but have fallen into a sort of...blah-ness about the story in general. I dunno, maybe I'll come back to it eventually. The responses to my one-shots, Harry Potter and the Unforgivable Tournament, Always Read the Fine Print, and If Looks Could Kill have been very encouraging. The Dementor and the Mind Game remains a WIP. I will continue to update this story, but updates will likely be somewhat unpredictable. It's slow-going, and it's somewhat frustrating that I'm only 19K words into it; in that time, I could have written HPatLS, a much longer story, twice. I'm also planning a somewhat more compact (~40K words) Doctor Who-ish HP story, which has been rattling around in my head for quite a while; it's likely that I will work on it alongside TDatMG. |