So, a new chapter is up. This is quite obviously just a snippet, and if you're interested in reading the rest, then you can find it on Ao3, under the same name, and my pen-name is the same as well.
I have a note at the end of the chapter over there I'd be glad if you read, and as I'm feeling right now, I won't be posting on this site any more. I wish all of you well, and thank you very much for your kind words to me, and your support.
Hear the Silence
Chapter Seventy One
"Where's nee-san?" Genma-kun asked, peering at her from his seat at the kitchen table.
"She left on one of those missions of hers again," Haname told him, before she added, "and don't speak with your mouth full, Genma-kun."
The little boy dutifully chewed and swallowed, before posing his next question.
"When's she coming back?"
"I don't know," Haname replied, pursing her lips disapprovingly. The war was over; there was absolutely no need for her only granddaughter to risk her life like this now things had calmed down.
It wasn't like Konoha was so desperate one little girl was going to make a difference.
If only Kou had married a proper, sensible woman, none of this would have been an issue, but Haname still did her best with Kyo-chan, trying to instil some sense into that head of hers.
Kyo-chan had always been somewhat peculiar; always with her head in the clouds. Insisting on playing with knives and plants instead of the dolls and toys Haname had tried to supply her with. To no avail.
Haname honestly didn't know what would end up with that girl.
She worried so. How would Kyo-chan find herself a happy future when she refused to do what was best for her?
This kunoichi business wasn't something a girl, soon to be a young woman, should get involved with.
"Can I go play with Souta today?" Genma-kun asked the moment he'd finished his breakfast, and with a pointed look from her, put his chopsticks down tidily like she'd taught him.
"Of course, dear, but make sure to come back home in time for lunch," Haname said with a warm smile.
Genma-kun was growing up to be quite a charming young man! Growing so quickly, too.
She was sure Kou would marvel at how tall his son had gotten since he'd last been in the village.
"Bye, baa-san!" Genma-kun called and ran off and Haname waited to hear the front door slam shut behind him.
Chuckling softly at the enthusiastic boy, Haname set out to clean up after breakfast. She should probably prepare for lunch now, too, which would give her plenty of time to see to other things in the meantime.
She'd planned to get some cleaning done today.
A couple of hours later, Haname was done with the first floor and had moved on to the upstairs.
Opening the door to Kyo-chan's room she sighed at the sparse décor. Maybe she should buy a few things for when her granddaughter came back? That might be nice.
Haname could only hope she wouldn't land herself in hospital again!
Shaking her head to herself, Haname set out to dust and then wipe down the floors.
Kana-chan hadn't been anywhere near this difficult to raise, and she'd turned into a fine woman; was a mother of her own now.
If Kentarou went to the Police station, would he learn something about when they might expect Kou back home? She would like to see her son sometime this year, even though Kou never bothered to come around to his poor old parents much these days.
With a sigh, Haname focused on her task, though part of her mind was already going over what groceries she'd need to pick up for dinner later.