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Author has written 96 stories for Harry Potter, StarTrek: The Original Series, and Epic. SylvaDragon, also known as Silva, or Sylva. Albus and Minerva Shipper Long Time Lord of The Rings Fan Trekker or Trekkie I've written mainly Harry Potter fanfics, particularly ADMM, but now I feel a wish to write for other fandoms as well, so I'll probably be publishing some Lord of The Rings fanfics sometime, almost certainly featuring Elrond. Perhaps even an HP/LoTR crossover. I'll still keep writing HP, and ADMM though, because that ship will never die, even if I'm the only one still writing it. ;) Dumbledore's Woman Through and Through I will never write an Dumbledore bashing story, it's so sad the way there's been such an increase in stories etc that bash Dumbledore. :( I believe it's mainly to do with the comments JKR has made about him years after the books were all finished and published, and as such, I prefer to keep to the image of Dumbledore that was in the books. It's so hard now to find any stories where Dumbledore is not some manipulative old git, and that's a shame. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and so I hold to mine - that he is not manipulative, and tried his best to protect everyone. I think it's also a shame when people review purely to bash Dumbledore, without making any other comment on the story at all - I often disagree with the way characters are portrayed in people's fics, but I would not review purely to tell them that. If I do not like a writer's interpretation of a character, then I go read something else. Winner Nanowrimo November 2012 With an ADMM story, called Bringer of Light, Journey to Redemption. 75,000 words written, still incomplete, probably waiting to complete it before publishing it. The story features Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, and Grindewald! Could be considered an Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings crossover story. Still gathering courage to publish this. Winner Camp Nanowrimo April 2013 All stories written for this have been published. Winner Camp Nanowrimo July 2013 Wrote another 35,000 words for my ADMM medieval set, very AU romance, which is nearly finished now, and will be titled Destiny. Think gloriously handsome Albus on a white horse, and you'll get the idea. ;) Greetings welcome to my profile, I write mainly fluff, humour and romance with occassional forays into angst and other types of story. In the past I've mostly written ADMM for Harry Potter, but now I'm ready to write other things too - LoTR, Star Trek, whatever takes my fancy. If I read a story I will review it, no matter how old it is. Because writers love reviews, well I do. :D Spread the happiness around, and review. I'm very friendly, and love to talk about writing, fanfic, and Harry Potter, so don't be scared to message me, I don't bite ... well only when hungry. I'm an ancient and venerable dragon with a tendancy to barbecue people who annoy me, well OK really I'm a female human who lives and breathes Harry Potter, Dumbledore, and fanfic - kinda dull compared to being a dragon really. I write because I love it, I feel the most incredible sense of achievement from writing. Sometimes when I'm lucky inspiration just flows so fast that I can't keep up, I have the most terrible memory and am always forgetting what I've written, which is annoying ! Other times I must force myself to write, then I'm often less pleased with the result. I have a very mercurial mind and the plot bunnies seem to just adore prancing around in it, I'm often inundated with a glorious multitude of new ideas every day, so many I can't possibly write them all. I find it very hard to resist their pleadings and focus on the stories which need completion, however I do try to complete my stories eventually, reviews help with this, they truly do inspire me and give me so many ideas. I'm from England, land of grey skies, wind, rain, and general all round dampness. In reality I reside in my own little dream world, peopled with elves, magic, unicorns, dragons, and of course wizards. I walk around with my head in the clouds, or I would if I was taller than 5 foot. I'm not the healthiest of people, so if I seem to take ages updating on occasion then it might well be because I'm feeling too crappy to write. I have various health problems that flare up, and then calm down again, sometimes taking weeks or more before I feel good again. I won't give more detail here, but when affected, my mental energy drops and I just can't write. I have a long held dream to write a Harry Albus story, for despite all that JKR says I do believe, as Hermione does, that Dumbledore did love Harry, and utterly reject the concept that he was manipulative in any way. I adore Grandfatherly Albus stories, if you know of any please message me, and if you are seeking any then take a look at my Albus Dumbledore community. :) This is where I put everything that doesn't quite seem to fit on fanfiction net. Many of my old poems are there. A poem inspired by Albus Dumbledore, and Gandalf, but not actually about either of them, if that makes sense. My YouTube Account, so far I've made just one Albus and Minerva Video, it's a Gambon free zone, so quite short. :) Don't really use this much anymore, but it does have my photos up there. Favourite Fandoms Harry Potter Books 1 to 5, for me books 6 and 7, just don't exist in particular book 7. I really hate what Rowling did to Albus Dumbledore in book 7 - the tragic past, the way it is insinuated that he is only using Harry for the greater good, even the scene in Kings Cross just isn't what I would have wanted at all, couldn't he just have given Harry more reassurance ? As for the Prince's Tale, I've read it twice now in depth seeking for some seed of comfort and I still loathe it and just can't make it fit to my image of Dumbledore. Then there are all the other mistakes, errors, and general annoying things in book 7, I could go on forever about it but I won't. Thus I have decided that in my version of the Harry Potter world, books 6 and 7 just do not exist, (my copy of book 7 has been flung in the back of a cupboard there to linger and gather dust for all eternity ). I was vastly inclined to jump up and down on book 7 and pound it into oblivion after first reading it, but I rapidly discovered that this hurt my feet more than it hurt the book. As for book 6, well I really loved some parts of it, other bits really annoyed me, and since she killed off Dumbledore I just can't accept it as what really happened. And as for making him gay, well bah and grrrrrr etc, doesn't she know Albus's heart belongs to Minerva. Doubtless you now realise, if you haven't got bored and gone off to do something more interesting, that I am a massive fan of that kindly, benign, funny, extremely eccentric old mage called Dumbledore. One might say that I am Dumbledore's woman through and through. Let me state it loud and clear, Albus Dumbledore is NOT dead, nor is he gay. He is Minerva's forever. Nothing anyone says can convince me otherwise. :) He may possibly have had a crush on Grindewald, or be bisexual, that's the furthest I will go though. ;) Lord of The Rings, The films were great at portraying the world of Middle Earth, but, goodness they butchered some of the characters! *Glares at Peter Jackson* I read the books long before the films, and they carried me away to an wondrous realm full of heroes. I've always loved Elrond, his wisdom and compassion, and recently I've been reading alot of Elrond fics, which has given me an craving to write my own. I simply need to gather my courage.I've also become fascinated with the relationship between Elrond and his foster son, Estel, and with the idea of writing 'missing scenes' about that, and about Elrond and Celebrian. Star Trek My first ever fandom, and I still dream of having my own Holodeck. I love SToS, STNG, and ST VOY. I abhor those new AU films - I just can't watch them. Favourite Harry Potter Characters Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Sirius Black, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Rolanda Hooch. Least Favourite Characters Ron Weasley, cos he's too sulky, Umbridge cos she's evil. Peter Pettigrew cos he's just so creepy, Fudge because he was too stupid to listen to Dumbledore, Percy Weasley because he allowed ambition to turn him against his family, Ginny because I can't stand her in the films. Favourite Tolkien Characters Elrond, Gandalf, Aragorn, and Glorfindel Favourite Star Trek Characters Spock, Kirk, McCoy, Picard, Q, Troi, Riker, Ships Albus and Minerva, far and away my favourite ship, and one that will never be sunk. Rolanda Hooch and Severus Snape, thanks mainly to a story by Lamenting Quill called The Joy of Healing. Pomona Sprout and Filius Flitwick, I adore Filius he has a hint of Albus about him in the books, and this pairing is very sweet. Harry Potter and Severus Snape, one of my fave slashy ships, and I don't know why. ;) Chakotay and Janeway, From Star Trek Voyager. Troi and Riker, From Star Trek Next Generation. Ronin and Tara from Epic Works In Progress An update for Vulcans, Wizards and Candy. Thinking of updating, or rewriting Albus and Minerva the Early Years. Finally thanks to everyone who reviews my stories, reviews are very wonderful things to have, it gives authors a lift and inspires us to keep going. So please review. Just please stop reviewing my stories purely to bash Dumbledore, when you have no comment at all to make on anything else in the story. There's tons of Dumbldore bashing stories on here, may I politely suggest that you go read those, and let people who still like Dumbledore write what they want. Thank you! French Translations of Maybe Tomorrow, Halloween MMADness and The Castle That Purred have been very kindly done by Rosine, and can be found here Maybe Tomorrow, Halloween MMADness and The Castle That Purred in French |