Hey everyone,
I've updated my profile to make you all aware of my plans for my fics. As I've been away from writing for such a long time, I've completely forgotten where I was going with these. Alongside this, I had been speaking to a writer on here about my fics and where I could go with it that I know I can do better. Amongst all of this… I'm just not happy with it. The fic is…. bad and really short. While I still do want to write a Dumbledore raises Harry fic. The way in which I do it, I want to change. Also, longer chapters, more thought and longer chapters. To start. I can't promise a perfect fic, in all honesty I can't promise a fic that's any better.
But I will try. I'm hoping I have a beta to bounce ideas off and if they do then I'll make it clear where I get my creative support from. This is to allow me to make sure that what I bring is something new or at least done in a way that's different and refreshing. I'll also need a grammar and spelling beta. I find it hard to proofread my own work and most of the time end up not bothering because even when I do, I miss things. My potential creative beta may be willing to do that too but feel free to offer your support if you wish, I don't think it hurts having more than one beta. I've know where I want to go with this and I know what I want to achieve. One thing I have decided to do is make my own complete story. Some of the premise may be the same but how we get there and what actually occurs will be different. You'll understand when I get there.
For those that reviewed previously, thank you so much. I really did appreciate them. So hopefully you'll join me as I begin the journey anew into the murky waters of words and magic. I shall, of course, update you when I have posted the first chapter of the rewrite and we can go from there.
If you read my crossover fic on here as well then please be aware that I will not be updating it any time soon as I plan to focus on one fic at a time so it's officially on hiatus. I will get to it eventually but Harry Dumbledore will be taking all of my attention currently. I hope you understand.
For now I bid you adieu!
Jedi Master Albus