Ch 2

As he reached downstairs, he was again surprised to see McGonagall there slaving over a stove, he'd expected that she would have a house-elf or use magic for it. Shaking his head, he walked over, "Professor, do you need some help? And thankyou so much for letting me stay here."

"First of all Harry, could you stop calling professor, it makes me feel like I'm at school, why don't you call me Minerva and secondly you are more than welcome here. Treat my house like your own, ok? Also I'm alright thanks, I like to cook and I never get to at Hogwarts."

Harry smiled at her, "Ok thankyou Minerva but seeing as you cook tonight, how about I do breakfast for us tomorrow. And I can cook, it was one of the many things that the Dursley's taught me." He had a strange expression on his face and this and feeling pity for the lad Minerva just shrugged at him as if to say forget about it they aren't worth it. Harry felt strangely comforted by this.

Seeing as Minerva didn't want any help in preparing dinner, Harry looked around the kitchen until he found the plates and things and he set the table for the two of them. Just as he finished, Minerva had also finished and was busy serving up. Grabbing a bottle of pumpkin juice he poured them both a glass.

Once the two of the had finished dinner, McGonagall magickly washed things up and Harry headed up to his room to get ready for bed.

The next morning, Harry got up fairly early as he just wasn't use to the bed, it didn't feel the same as a Hogwarts four-poster and therefore he had trouble sleeping well and there was no Ron snoring.

Once Harry was properly up he headed downstairs and was relieved to find that Minerva wasn't up as he wanted to try his hand at cooking. Harry decided that he would make pancakes, so getting out the ingredients he started. Just as Harry had made the last pancake and was starting to wonder if Minerva would get up and what he should do about the pancakes in the meantime, she came stumbling down the stairs. Looking up at Harry was shocked to see her with her hair out. It was the second time he had ever seen her like that and he had to admit it really suited her. Having her hair out and without her glasses she looked at least 20 years younger.

"Minerva, good you are up and I hope you like pancakes."

She just smiled and picking up two glasses filled them with pumpkin juice and headed to the table, seeming to asleep to talk yet.

As they both ate breakfast, they discovered that they had very similar tastes, with pancakes, they would only have them with sugar and lemon among other things.

After breakfast the two of them went there separate ways for the morning and Harry decided that he would explore the mansion for the morning. It was amazing there were so many rooms and the library was huge. Hermione would love it. He smiled, he really did miss Hermione, he always did in the holidays, yer he was incrediably close to Ron and he would probally call Ron his best friend but Hermione she was different. Hermione was always there for him, she always believed him and if anyting went wrong she would be right there by him. Hermione was his constant, she was Hermione, just Hermione there wasn't any other way to describe her, she is basically perfect. Harry then snapped up, he realised he had just been standing there looking around the library with a foolish grin on his face, he had probally looked just like Ron, thank goodness no one was here. Then he heard a lugh and realised that he had had no such luck, Minerva was there watching him.

"Oh, you're hear and just when I thought I was safe from embrassment."

"Yep, I'm here and wow you looked funny actually you looked just like Mr Weasley does sometimes."

"I know, I was pretty sure I did, that was what I was just thinking actually." They both smiled at each other and as a mutual decision walked downstairs to the kitchen to get lunch.

"Harry, I just remembered, as I haven't had a child, well a non-adult staying with me for I don't know how long this just completely spilled my mind but this house is magiked so that underage witches and wizards can do magic." McGonagall suddenly stated in the middle of lunch. "And this means should you wish it I could maybe teach you some new spells."

"Really, wow that would really great. That is one of the things I hate about holidays is not being able to do magic. It just feels so weird."

Minerva laughed, "Surely you can live for the summer holidays without magic I mean you lived half your life without any knowledge of it at all."

"Nop, its horrible, partially the no Quidittich. I love Quidittich and in the holidays I can't play."

Laughing Minerva motioned for Harry to follow her and she led him into a side room on the third floor.

"Ok my boy, we are going to teach you a few new spells today that will come in useful. Firstly, the truth spell, now Harry you need to understand that this isn't as reliable as the potion but it works in a pinch. Also these aren't official spells, they are my personal ones. One good thing about this spell is that the participant doesn't notice that somethings wrong unless it has been used on them before they just feel like they should be helpful and it is also a nonverbal spell so they won't know that you cast it. Ok copy me, without your wand this time and out loud to start off with. Hohnestri ok very good, now get your wand out and copy what I do but please still face the wall."

As Harry did what she told him, she watched and couldn't find one fault in his technique.

"Now Harry seeing as you seem to have this under control. Would you like to try this on me and we can see if you have actually got this under control."

As Harry turned to McGonagall she calmed herself and controlled her natural instinct to cast a shield charm or something. Suddenly Minerva felt different and she knew that Harry had successfully cast the spell on her.

"Ok Harry try it, ask me something."

"OK, but you do realise you are gonna have to tell the truth no matter what," and Minerva nodded, "ok, Minerva do you love anyone." Harry asked "giggling" madly.

Minerva scowled, "I should have known that you would ask this, you are so like your parents. And for your information I do but there you go you have your answer. Now its my turn." As she said this, Minerva picked up wand and easily cast the spell on Harry.

"Ok then my boy, I know I have been wanting an answer to this for quite some time now. Do you like Hermione Granger."

Now it was Harry's turn to scowl at her but knowing that he had to speak he opened his mouth, "Yes……. I……………BUT you have to promise not to tell anyone because I don't want either her or Ron to find out. But seeing as I have had to tell you who I like, you have to tell me the name of the person you love?"

Again Minerva scowled at him, "Ok, but you can't tell anyone, not even Hermione or Ron. But its Albus Dumbledore." Harry looked at her and just gaped at Minerva.

"WHAT, you not serious are you." "Um, yer I am but please don't tell anyone." Minerva was almost begging by this point.

Harry nodded and she looked so relieved, it was hardly possible.

"Ok let's cancel the spells, copy me and say, Flippento in your head." Harry just did exactly what Minerva did and in a moment they both felt different.

"Minerva seeing as there is a few hours before dinner, is it all right if I go and chase the snitch for a while?" She nodded at Harry and he quickly ran to his room and grabbed his broom and leapt on it to fly over to where the Quidittich stuff I kept and released the snitch giving it 5 minutes to fly away before flying after it.

Harry did this for the rest of the afternoon and then headed back to the house for a shower and dinner and then bed. The next week had basically the same and Minerva and Harry started to get really close.

Harry's POV

I was starting to really like it here, it was great, Minerva had a great combination of Muggle and wizard stuff and I was allowed to go anywhere I wanted on the grounds and use basically anything. She was really great and heaps more fun to hang out with than I'd ever thought she would be. But I guess that's just cause she doesn't need to be the teacher here like she does at school.