Reviews for The Faculty Production
Telain of Lorien chapter 11 . 1/6
This is just so painfully good. I love your characterizations and references and the way you manage to weave quotes into the dialogue. In less capable hands it could’ve sounded stupid but you’ve done it so seamlessly 3 I would absolutely love to read more of this story if you ever decide to add to it
Guest chapter 11 . 8/28/2018
I love this story
Narcissa McGonagall chapter 1 . 7/28/2018
The author wrote very is a perfect you update it?
Guest chapter 11 . 7/2/2018
Are you ever going to finish this story. It's quite brilliant with the way you worked Shakespeare's plays into it - Winter's Tale especially - and there are so few good Sev/Min stories around. I know it's unlikely, but if you ever feel like going back to this story - please do.
silverAbby93 chapter 11 . 3/27/2018
I sincerely hope you haven't abandoned this fanfic of yours. Please, please do update this!
LavernaG chapter 11 . 12/31/2016
This is an amazing story! Thank you so much for writing this. It has a wonderful plot, I had great fun reading it. Also it made me read Shakespeare's "Macbeth" and it's definitely my favourite of his plays. I really love this story. Thank you!
Guest chapter 11 . 9/3/2016
Please, please, please continue! I'm not sure if you are reading this but I just wanted to say how much I love the story. Always thought Snape and Minerva would be a beautiful couple! Please continue...
RedBlackandLights chapter 11 . 10/21/2015
So, I don't want to sound pushy and ungrateful but my limited vocabulary can only use simple words like, "WHERE THE FUCK'S THE REST OF IT?"
I've read it before back when I still didn't have an account and I remembered it recently. It was just as lovely as the first time I've read it. I feel bad that I haven't left a review before. Such a wonderful plot and sublime characterization. I've always loved that you fleshed out the whole faculty. Makes them part of the story instead of just extras. For the love of the story itself, if you're still alive, please update!
DoctorOuatPotter chapter 11 . 8/31/2015
Love this! Please update soon!
Golden Salamander chapter 11 . 2/24/2015
Wow, this story is fantastic! I love the way you are using the characters. I really hope you have the time and inspiration to continue with the story.
SassyKinglet21 chapter 11 . 7/11/2014
This is awesome! Please update soon! Love Love Love it!

Noctuas chapter 1 . 4/29/2014
You have absolutely no idea how incredible happy I am after having found out that you updated this clever, well written story! This is one of those gems that is still unfinished and, even though it's been years since you started, you always hope will be finished one day. I hope you are well and that you know that you truly made my day!
ps: English is not my first language, I apologise for any mistakes x
The Unnamed Avatar chapter 11 . 4/23/2014
This is great! I love how you're really going in deep about Severus and Minerva's character. And I can't wait to see how exciting it's gonna get with Septima and her feelings for Severus!
sammyfish chapter 11 . 4/20/2014
Oh wow. I had forgotten how much I loved your writing! Possibly my favourite part of this chapter is the way in which Minerva, Severus and Remus all turn to Shakespeare to communicate - the way they compare their lives to their characters and work privately through the different metaphors (with differing levels of clarity and understanding between them). It's such an utterly believable use of the play - after all, it is something you tend to become caught up in - and it fits so well with the sections of backstory you have selected. I adore the way life advice and textual analysis is all muddled together!
Of course, there's plenty of conflicts occurring and I look forward to the next chapter, whenever that may be!
Very Small Prophet chapter 11 . 4/19/2014
I’ve long said that Mr Spineless Hypocrite Werewolf needs lessons in moral courage from eleven-year-old Neville Longbottom. Minerva is being far too easy on him, or doesn’t she know that Remus didn’t even speak up to his friends when they were committing sexual assault? Yes, stripping off someone’s underwear in public is sexual assault. I can excuse Remus only because he had just had it demonstrated to him not long before, with the infamous “Werewolf Prank,” how utterly vulnerable he was to the carelessness or the blackmail of his dear friends. Attempting to control them would have been suicidal.

And oh, yes, Remus would do *anything* to protect the students…except remember to take his Wolfsbane Potion on time, because it was too much fun playing passive-aggressive mind games with Snape. God forbid that he should ease Snape’s fears by taking his potion in front of him, just because Snape has to have been living through twelve kinds of post-traumatic hell that entire year. Werewolf, Sirius Black, Dementors—-he didn’t really need the help of an untreated concussion to make him go off his nut at the end of the year.
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