Thanks to everyone who reviewed. And here you are, only one week in between the updates. I'm very proud! (I'm still looking for a Beta, cause I'm lousy in translating from French to English)

06 – Reception

Minerva was leaning against the balcony outside the ballroom. Her eyes were lost in the garden. She didn't even blink when her new husband appeared next to her.

"I'm sorry I kissed you after the vows. I didn't really have a choice," he offered.

"I know."

"I do know our marriage condition and I don't want you to think…"

"I'm not upset because of you."

He stared at her, waiting for the explanation.

"My father's bragging around because he made me marry you."

She didn't have to add anything. He understood her point perfectly.

"Up to what point is you honour dear to you?"

"I beg you pardon?"

She turned at least and looked straight into his eyes.

"I have a way to put your father back to his place. But your honour would be stained… as would my image but I don't really care about that."

"I'm all ears."

"Pretend that we have been seen each other for a while now. And that you only agreed to marry me because you were carrying my child."

She frowned.

"What about the child?"

"You will lose it in a few weeks of time, as will certify a healer friend of mine."

"Come with me then, we have an announcement to make."

She took his hand and led him back to the ballroom, a smile plastered on her face. She swept over the ballroom to look for her father. He was standing, proud among his pure blooded-friends. Vulcan was alone in a quiet corner while her other brothers were scattered in the crowed, some of them mingling with their wives others with their mistresses. The string quartet was playing an Austrian waltz despite of the war still going on against the third Reich. Minerva was keeping her thought to herself but she couldn't shake the feeling that her father was part of the fifth column. She led her partner to the middle of the floor.

"Let's dance."

Albus frowned but accepted the offer and refrained himself from asking question. With the heel she was wearing, the bride could easily reach his ear and start whispering.

"Are you able to carry me?"

"Most certainly…"

"Do you know where our bridal chamber is?"

"Your father showed me when we came here."

"I'll fake a discomfort. You'll carry me toward the bedroom and will accept only my youngest brother presence. I'll handle everything else."

"I am not sure that your father…"

"You said you wanted to pretend being in love with me. Everyone in this room knows the quarrel I have with my father. Your refusal will only help us."

"Very well. But please inform me of your 'discomfort'."

"I shan't be long. Just bring us closer of another couple : we have to be noticed."

The old man increased his pace to get closer of one of his wife's aunt. Minerva knee buckled as soon as she felt Ceres' veil, only her husband's hand on her waist were keeping her from falling. Her father's sister yelped and the small orchestra stopped playing. Albus cradled the young woman in his arms and started to head toward the door when Jove and Vulcan came to his side.

"What is the matter?"

"Your daughter passed out. I'm bringing her in our room."

"Is she sick?" Vulcan asked worriedly.

Albus stopped a few second to think: Minerva had told him she would handle this but it was his idea after all.

"Nothing serious: it is only a small discomfort due to her condition."

He resumed his walking, ignoring – and concealing – his wife's gasp.

"What condition are you talking about?" Jove thundered.

"The one that made her wed me of course."

"What did you do to her, you son of a…" Vulcan shouted before being stunned by his father.

Albus, feeling Minerva ready to jump, tightened his grip on her and move supplely his hand to wake the young man on the floor.

"I didn't hurt her. Come with me, she is fine but she will have to be cautious for the upcoming months. A pregnancy should be taken lightly."

The discussion had brought them into an empty hallway so only Jove and Vulcan stood petrified by the news.

"Minerva is not…" Jove began, finding his tongue back.

"She most certainly is. I was certain that she had told you. Our child is due in seven months."


"Of course! I may love your daughter but I am not stupid. I wouldn't have married her if the child wasn't mine."

While he was talking he had move forward so Vulcan, left behind, could see his sister's face and the wink she addressed him.

"But you only got married today…" Jove was indignant.

Albus' answer was a simple smile.

"I demand compensation."

"Compensation? And what exactly do you suppose I could do? Marry her?"

They had arrived in front of the room, Vulcan rushed to open the door and allow Albus and his charge in. He put her on the bed before turning toward his father-in-law.

"My wife needs rest. Please inform the reception that we won't appear again tonight and that the bride and the baby are both fine."

"Do you really think that I plan to shout from the rooftops that my daughter is expecting a bastard?"

"It is my child you are talking about, and my wife, Mr McGonagall."

He had stretched to his full height. Jove thought more prudent to step back. He got out of the room and at the same time a charm locked the door. Minerva sat on the bed and soundproofed the room.

"I told you I would handle it!"

"Your father has no authority whatsoever upon me and I wanted to make clear that he didn't have any upon you anymore."

"Could somebody explain?" Vulcan interrupted.

The couple looked at each other then Minerva acceded at her brother request.


"You must have been one hell of a student in Beauxbatons."

The newlywed was sitting on a couple of armchair that once was the bed (thanks to Albus), drinking the tea, that Vulcan had brought before leaving, around a coffee table that once was the bedside table (thanks to Minerva). They were getting to know each other.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because of the way you refuse authority."

She quietly put her cup down before answering.

"I refuse injustice. Arranged a marriage for once child is refusing him, or her, a right to his own life. As long as the teachers are fair or are at least trying to be, it is only right to submit to their authority. My father never accepted my repartition in Gryffindor, that's why he sent me to France."

"You were in Gryffindor?"

"Only for one year."

"You have the qualities for it and the defaults too. I presume that your father wanted you to go to Slytherin?"

"Truthfully he'd rather had me in Hufflepuff. My whole family was there… well except for my mother, she was in Ravenclaw."

"What happened to her?"

"She drowned when I was eight."

"I am sorry."

She shrugged.

"There's no need. You aren't responsible. Everyone says that it's dramatic. I don't think so. Of course I was sad when I lost my mother, I loved her very dearly but it happens to everybody. So it is only sad, neither dramatic nor tragic."

He stared for a few second.

"You are very wise."

"I'm only seventeen."

He could only nodd.