Author has written 48 stories for Star Wars, FX: The Series, Lois and Clark, X-Men, X-overs, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Cartoon X-overs, Love Hina, Ranma, Spider-Man, Hikaru no Go, Negima! Magister Negi Magi/魔法先生ネギま!, Tenchi Muyo, Naruto, Evangelion, Vandread, Harry Potter, Full Metal Panic, Friends, and Kim Possible. 121115 - Evening Hm, I have had an exceedingly active muse over the last couple of days. Did some minor revisions here and there and finished the sixteenth chapter of Black Heir. Or well, brought it to a good stopping point. I'll likely go over it again and do some minor revisions at some point before posting it. Also (re)discovered Harry Potter GTS and it's sequel. I can't recall quite where I first posted HPGTS, but it wasn't here anyway. Did some minor tinkering there as well as working a bit more on the sequel, which I really like. There are quite a few scenes in there which I thoroughly enjoy reading myself, which is rare for my own works. Fiddled a bit with Date Smart, Robinson Tokai, Nymph in Servitude and Married with Princess, but progress still seems slow, not quite sure why. My mind is however still bubbling away with ideas for the vegas vaccation challenge, but so far I have managed to prevent myself from starting yet another new fic. But I am starting to realize, that I probably will start scribbling away on the tale of Harry Potter and Wonder Woman's distressing marriage woes at some point. Going the harem route might be fun, but at the moment, I'm thinking that poor Harry will probably be distressed enough waking up alongside someone who has just ensured that he has a mother-in-law who's the queen of an entire island of very skilled female warriors with man issues. 130225 - Evening I've mostly been fiddling with some old Ranma fics lately, doing some minor revisions and adding a few lines here and there. Not quite sure where the inspiration came for writing in that particular fandom came from, but whenever I've taken a seat and tried to do some writing, I've always wound up there for some oddball reason for the past couple of weeks. Until today, when from out of nowhere I took my Sekirei fic from 92kb's worth of text to 120kb's in one sitting. Weirdness. I really wanted Minato shaken up, so I had him ( sorta ) wing six Sekirei in a single day with more to come. I've been reading a lot of harem fics lately and most of them take quite a while to build up and fill up with people ( with the exception of some HP inheritance fics where he can gain a dozen plus wives in one Gringotts visit ), so I figured I'd fill this harem up pretty darn quickly and only then let them settle down and get to know one another. Speaking of what I've been reading, I've also come across quite a few works where only supreme efforts of will have managed to make me keep reading them, as I've come across an awful lot of fics featuring one or several of my most highly hated pet peeves, which is a sure-fire way to make me stop reading something even if I enjoy the story itself. - Responding to reviews. Do it privately or not at all, don't waste precious lines in what is supposed to be a work of fiction to debate, praise or whatever. If you can't respond privately because some ruddy turd wasn't registered or didn't have the brass balls needed to give a negative review without logging in, then just forget about it and don't respond. Found several examples lately where the responses to reviews took up more space then the actual chapter. What the frack? Drop it! - Overly long disclaimers. Get it over with, get to the story ASAP. We're here to read stories, not to skip over three screens worth of disclaimer with some scripted conversation. - Whoring yourself for reviews or threatening to hold future chapters back until a certain amount of reviews have trickled in. Equally annoying. If you want reviews, start writing original stories and get them published, then you'll have more reviews then what you know what to do with and most of those are actual reviews, not just 'Update soon', 'Where is the next chapter' and the like. - Stories without any characters from the actual cast of the fandom you're supposed to be reading a story for. Perhaps you've borrowed the magic system and world from Harry Potter or the Jusenkyo pools from Ranma or whatever, but otherwise what you have is an actual original story. Please, go the extra mile to create your own way of giving your character a curse, work out your own magic system or make up your own brand of Zombies, instead of cluttering up the Highschool of the Dead category here with something you should try to polish up enough to get a publisher to accept it. - Chapters that aren't chapters. If you absolutely have to let your readers know something, then edit an existing chapter and put your little note at the end of it or just put it on your profile, don't have an entire chapter be an author note. This is fanfiction, we're used to writers taking a long time to update or even stop writing completely, so if you can't post for a while because your dog ate your laptop or whatever, just focus on getting the little four-legged turn cough your laptop up again instead of wasting both our and your own time by posting an author note as a ruddy new chapter. That's not the end of my list of pet peeves by far, but these five I've come across so often in the last two weeks that it bares not only mentioning, but probably also repeating at some point. END OF NOTES I am past my thirthieth year on this planet and will soon enough be closer to fourty years then I am to thirty. A Swedish fanfiction freak who spends a bit of time now and then reading and writing fanfiction. I do have a life outside of fanfiction however, so don't go expecting my stories to be updated with any sort of regularity. If one of my stories has more then one update a year, count yourself lucky! If I have to chose between spending time with my loved ones or sit cooped up in front of my computer writing fanfiction, I'll chose my loved ones nearly every single time. If a story of mine ends with "THE END! ( For now... )" it means that it's not finished yet and that at least one more chapter will be making an appearance, sooner or later... ... Most probably later, much later, considering my erratic updating shedule. :) So don't even bother pleading for rapid updates as I have a life outside of fanfiction and have no desire to put the former aside for the later. If it ends with "THE END!" without the "( For now... )" it means, surprisingly enough, The End. No more to add on this particular story, unless I write a sequel or something somewhere down the line. I have never dropped a story and got no plans on doing so either. It's just that you may have to wait for quite a while before the next chapter shows up. :) |