Reviews for Twenty One Nights of Paradise
Spectrer chapter 8 . 8/14/2019
This is going interesting places. If I had to wager a guess, you left Cissy and Bella young so they can join the coven easier?
ChaoticInscriber chapter 3 . 7/22/2019
I am amused by Luna's new birthdate, because as far as I recall, Hermione's is the 19th and she did indeed miss the cutoff for being a year above Harry instead of his yearmate. They're a bit of a mirror there! XD
brendan chapter 8 . 12/11/2018
It's very good only too bad it doesn't continue, the way the story goes is interesting also.
The only thing that really to bad and disappointing, you give al lot of time to the other witches. And alsmost skip Hermione just parts of it while that's big for the both of them, not even mentioning her later and almost nothing about her mother?
I like the couple so that they don't even get good writing time is so strange.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/28/2018
You do realize that poor ol' Tommy-boy is now gonna have an extremely hard time setting up and completing his ritual. Wormtail's likely not gonna survive and Tommy-boy's snake's no longer around to provide venom for this homunculus. There's also the fact that he very likely doesn't have any MAGICAL followers anymore. Or they could be just above squib level magically. He did suck one hell of a lot of magic out of them after all! Now we all know the ritual calls for the homunculus has to be in the caldron at the start and it really doesn't have the strength nor eye hand coordination to hit a moving target, not to mention someone to give the flesh of the servant nor dig up the bones of his father never mind somehow getting the blood of the enemy forcefully taken, I think his ritual's a bust. I'd love to see him in his tiny little homunculus body get that big caldron to the cemetery all on his own! Ya know, I've always loved the idea that Harry defeated Tommy-boy on 10/31/'81 by hitting him with a dirty nappy. Talking about being embarrassing! That was snark by Harry in some other story I read.
Guest chapter 8 . 10/7/2018
This is my favourite fan fiction of all time for any story ever. The plot is just so intriguing and well written and it’s just so so beautiful. I really hope you can continue to write this story until the completion and we all get to see how it goes. Keep up the great work.
Guest chapter 8 . 9/21/2018
Good stuff. Hopefully you can keep updating and continue the story! It’s aweskme so far and I hope we can see it through to its conclusion!
CasperShot chapter 1 . 9/18/2018
I'm most definitely not the first person to his out but, Dumbledore is the only person who refers to Voldemort by his first name. With the exception of Harry during the Battle of Hogwarts, in which he used his first name to try and rattle him.
major wallace chapter 8 . 6/11/2018
Nice work
aidansidhe chapter 8 . 5/10/2018
My only qualm is you have yet to show anything with Hermione. Each time has been "time passed and they are done." Even her first and of all of them, I think that one deserved a full scene.
tacitblue1973 chapter 3 . 3/28/2018
Got some odd formatting issues with bold text in places. Volcanic levels of heat though so far.
huntjd1 chapter 1 . 3/26/2018
So far I haven't started reading the story. I read the author's notes about underage sex and just had to jump ahead and leave a comment. Hormones! Puberty! Since the beginning of humanity hormones and puberty have driven us (Humans) to have sex as young as our pre teen years. Even though modern society frowns on so called under aged sex and evan attempts to make it illegal. It happens to such an extent that such laws are unenforceable. I am 43 when I was a teen the age of consent was 18 it has since been lowered to 15 if both parties is under 18. Such laws are still pretty much ignored because they are still broken far to frequently. Puberty drives us into a procreation frenzy that such laws ignore no matter how many examples they make of pore hormone addled individuals. Now here is a fact I do find disgusting. In recorded history the youngest mother gave birth to a child at the age of 5. Now teenagers 13 years of age and up I say give them the implant and let them have at it. Once they have reached so called adulthood and can prove they have an income capable of supporting children let them then allow them to have children. That seems a much more sensible approach than trying to outlaw people's instincts. Now as far as fictional stories go there are not any real legal issues that I am aware of regarding the age of the characters. So I find it funny that you have altered the age of your fictional characters so you can feel better about yourself. Personally I will be Imagining the characters of your story at their original age when I read this tail because I will find it more realistic.
dragonknight1400 chapter 8 . 3/7/2018
love this story and can't wait for Bella and Cissy to join. hope you update soon
TyrVidarrus chapter 8 . 2/28/2018
Just a clarification, there were 17 women in the south wing who were in the coven when they woke up in the morning, they were: Fleur, Appoline, Gabrielle, Hermione, Parvati, Lavender, Pansy, Daphne, Tracy, Luna, Cho, Padma, Susan, Hannah, Jane, Sira, and Lin. I really like this story and want to see it continue, the next prime number is 19 so it will still be viable to add the 2 Black sisters to the coven at this time, just a few changes to the dialogue are needed.

Sincerely glad you are still writing and continuing this story in particular,
lordblink chapter 1 . 2/27/2018
another story that I've looked forward to seeing continue to develop. I hope that you manage to restart development on your Golden Rule story as well. Keep up the great work!
Tersios chapter 8 . 2/19/2018
I’d like to see more.
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