Author has written 4 stories for Love Hina, and El Hazard. I write fiction (fanfiction and original) to cope with stress in my daily life. I am more interested in construction rather than deconstruction. My favorite anime series are Ah! My Goddess, El-Hazard, Tenchi Muyo (OVA 1 and 2), Neon Genesis Evangelion, Love Hina, and a whole lot others, too. I also enjoy Doctor Who (classic and Nu) as well as the films of David Lynch, Stanley Kubrick, David Lean, Peter Jackson, Ridley Scott, John Hughes, and James Cameron. My favorite authors are Frank Herbert, JRR Tolkien, Stephen King, Stuart Hardy (Stubagful on YouTube and FictionPress), Hunter S. Thompson and Umberto Eco. The best way I think I can sum up who I am in my writing is simply to say that with my fiction you don't get what you expect, you get what you deserve. March 19 2020 update... Reforged Chapter 9 is live now. We feel we must continue with Reforged Chapter 10, as the story continues to write itself. "The Sun and the Rainfall" (Keitaro/Tsuruko rated M one-shot unrelated to Reforged) will still happen when the time is right. Same thing with updates to "Kendo Wife" and "Take My Hand.". Thank you all once again for all of your support! |